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Pelosi rejects Hastings bid to head committee —Text+WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Democratic Rep. Alcee Hastings of Florida, impeached as a federal judge in 1989 on corruption charges, dropped his bid under pressure on Tuesday to chair a congressional panel designed to help protect America's security, a party aide said.
Roger L. Simon, Outside The Beltway, Wake up America, Don Surber, Media Lies and Blogs for Bush

PELOSI-HASTINGS MEETING COULD SIGNAL END OF CHAIRMANSHIP BID — WASHINGTON — House Speaker-designate Nancy Pelosi will meet Tuesday with Florida Rep. Alcee Hastings, and those with knowledge of Pelosi's thinking told FOX News that Hastings will be told he is not going to be the next chairman …
Blue Crab Boulevard, Hotline On Call, On Deadline, Decision '08, Bill's Bites and Pajamas Media

Hastings not likely to lead House Intelligence Committee — WASHINGTON — Rep. Alcee Hastings, D-Fla., will not be the next chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, a Democratic aide confirmed Tuesday as Hastings left a private meeting with Speaker-designate Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif.

Pelosi passes Hastings for Intel chair
Blue Crab Boulevard

Bush Blames Al Qaeda for Wave of Iraq Violence — President Bush today said Al Qaeda was to blame for the rising wave of sectarian violence in Iraq, which he refused to label a civil war. Mr. Bush said he would press Iraq's prime minister, Nuri Kamal al-Maliki, during meetings in Jordan later …

'Civil' Disobedience Spreads — 'NYT' Adjusts Language on Iraq — NEW YORK In the wake of the highly-publicized NBC and MSNBC decision to start referring to the conflict in Iraq as a "civil war," other media outlets, which have long used phrases such as "sectarian violence," are re-considering their language in this regard.
MSNBC, Hot Air, The Horse's Mouth, Flopping Aces, jules crittenden, and Ace of Spades HQ

Bush Asking Arab Friends for Iraq Help — As President Bush and his top diplomats try to halt the downward spiral in Iraq and Lebanon, they seem intent on their strategy of talking only to Arab friends, despite increasing calls inside and outside the administration for them to reach out to Iran and Syria as well.
TAPPED, SyriaComment, Informed Comment, American Footprints, The Road to Surfdom, Needlenose, War and Piece and Foreign Policy Watch

After Atlanta raid tragedy, new scrutiny of police tactics — Police are reviewing their use of 'no-knock' warrants after an octogenarian was killed after officers burst into her home. — ATLANTA - Kathryn Johnston, neighbors say, was scared. — Drug activity had moved down from the seedy …

SWAT Overkill: The Danger of a Paramilitary Police Force — In a guest editorial, law professor and blogger Glenn Reynolds argues that overagressive tactics and surplus military gear have turned some police units into a dangerous menace. — SOLDIERS AND POLICE are supposed to be different.

Iran: US exit key to Iraq peace — US troops must leave Iraq if security is to be restored, Iranian supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei has said during talks with the Iraqi president. — He said the US was powerless to stop the unrest in Iraq, which was also bad for other countries in the region.

Centrism — Just adding on to Ezra, I have hostility to the concept of "centrism" for a variety of reasons. First, except on a few mostly social issues there really isn't all that much which can be neatly fit into a left-center-right-axis. Mostly centrism is used be elite opinionmakers …
Firedoglake, The American Street, Seeing the Forest, Booman Tribune, The Huffington Post and Hullabaloo

Congressman calls Miami a `Third World country' — WASHINGTON - Rep. Tom Tancredo, the leader of the anti-illegal immigration faction in the U.S. House, spent a recent weekend at The Breakers in Palm Beach. — Ninety miles to the south, he found a symbol to bolster his belief …
Reason Magazine, The American Street, Oliver Willis, The Political Pit Bull and Right Wing News

America, Not Keith Ellison, decides what book a congressman takes his oath on — Keith Ellison, D-Minn., the first Muslim elected to the United States Congress, has announced that he will not take his oath of office on the Bible, but on the bible of Islam, the Koran.

EXCLUSIVE: Pentagon Considers Moving Troops From al-Anbar Province to Baghdad — Major Strategic Shift Considered to Secure Iraqi Capital — ABC News has learned that Pentagon officials are considering a major strategic shift in Iraq, to move U.S. forces out of the dangerous Sunni-dominated …

Like I Care — The first person I knew who had a Web site of his own was a fellow Washington journalist. This was when many journalists were still just getting into e-mail, but the URL for this Web site quickly circulated around town and around the world. Why? Well, we were all impressed by the technological savvy.
GINA COBB, Jackie Danicki, Michelle Malkin, Blue Crab Boulevard and Alabama Liberation Front

Court Clears Way for Prosecutor to Review Records in Times Case — The United States Supreme Court refused yesterday to stop a federal prosecutor from reviewing the telephone records of two reporters for The New York Times. The records, the newspaper said, include information about many of the reporters' confidential sources.

Electronic vote distrusted in Venezuela — CARACAS, Venezuela - Under pressure from opponents of President Hugo Chavez, Venezuela's elections council has adopted safeguards for the country's electronic voting machines to prevent tampering in Sunday's election — conditions so strict that experts …

French police the target in urban guerrilla war — PARIS (Reuters) - Stoned, beaten and insulted, their vehicles torched by crowds of hostile youths, French police say they face an urban guerrilla war when they enter the run-down neighborhoods that ring the major cities.
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Cheerleading for the Terrorists — The media, in all of its glory, wholeheartedly participating in the celebration of a new weapon designed to kill Jews: — More details will follow shortly, as soon as I have the time. I hope to track down the news articles attached to this event …

Castro's 80th birthday bash kicks off without him — HAVANA (Reuters) - Fidel Castro's 80th birthday celebration kicked off on Tuesday with the ailing Cuban leader nowhere in sight but hundreds of admirers from around the world were on hand to pay homage. — The opening of an art exhibit …

JUDGE ORDERS TREASURY DEPARTMENT TO MAKE PAPER MONEY RECOGNIZABLE TO BLIND PEOPLE — WASHINGTON — American paper money represents an unfair impediment to the blind, and the Treasury Department must come up with new U.S. currency to help the visually impaired use cash, a federal judge ruled Tuesday.