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Iraq Panel to Urge Pullout Of Combat Troops by '08 — The bipartisan Iraq Study Group plans to recommend withdrawing nearly all U.S. combat units from Iraq by early 2008 while leaving behind troops to train, advise and support the Iraqis, setting the first goal for a major drawdown of U.S. forces …
CBS News, QandO, The Carpetbagger Report, Macsmind, Sadly, No!, Iowa Voice, AMERICAblog, The American Street, Gun Toting Liberal and The News Blog

U.S. Considers Ending Outreach to Insurgents — The Bush administration is deliberating whether to abandon U.S. reconciliation efforts with Sunni insurgents and instead give priority to Shiites and Kurds, who won elections and now dominate the government, according to U.S. officials.
Matthew Yglesias, Political Animal, PoliBlog (TM), Daily Kos, Think Progress, PrairiePundit and The American Street

This Is Realism? — Iran and Syria Won't Be Riding to Our Rescue — Now that the "realists" have ridden into town gleefully consigning the Bush doctrine to the ash heap of history, everyone has discovered the notion of interests, as if it were some new idea thought up by James Baker and the Iraq Study Group.

Idea of Rapid Withdrawal From Iraq Seems to Fade — In the cacophony of competing plans about how to deal with Iraq, one reality now appears clear: despite the Democrats' victory this month in an election viewed as a referendum on the war, the idea of a rapid American troop withdrawal is fast receding as a viable option.

Get the Memo — A readers' guide to Stephen Hadley's reflections on Iraq. — This Wednesday, the day that President Bush was to meet with Iraqi prime minister Nouri Al Maliki in Jordan, The New York Times published a classified memo prepared by National Security advisor Stephen Hadley and his staff …
Prairie Weather

Bush, Maliki and That Memo — President Bush's news conference yesterday with Prime Minister Nuri Kamal al-Maliki of Iraq had an even greater than usual sense of unreality about it, with Mr. Bush insisting that Mr. Maliki is "the right guy for Iraq" and that American troops will stay …

Radiation Hits Second Man — An Italian academic who met a former Russian spy on the day he was allegedly poisoned has tested positive for radiation. — Mario Scaramella was found to have isotope Polonium-210 in his body. — He had lunch with ex-security agent Alexander Litvinenko …
Hot Air

Litvinenko was victim of 'Russian rogue agents' — British intelligence sources increasingly suspect that Alexander Litvinenko, the former spy killed with a radioactive poison, was the victim of a plot involving "rogue elements" within the Russian state, the Guardian has learned.
Independent, Atlantic Free Press, Hot Air, The Moderate Voice, The Strata-Sphere and Decision '08

McCain Courts Crucial Support of Governors — Last anyone checked, Senator John McCain of Arizona is not — and has never been — a governor. — But no matter. Mr. McCain turned up on Thursday morning at the Doral Golf Resort and Spa here for a guerrillalike visit to the annual meeting of the Republican Governors Association.
Captain's Quarters

GOP Must Correct Its Mistakes, Mehlman Says
Blue Crab Boulevard

TSA's revealing X-ray screening raises privacy concerns — WASHINGTON — The federal government plans this month to launch the nation's first airport screening system that takes potentially revealing X-ray photos of travelers in an effort to find bombs and other weapons.

U.S. warns of possible Qaeda financial cyber attack — WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. government warned American private financial services on Thursday of an al Qaeda call for a cyber attack against online stock trading and banking Web sites beginning on Friday, a source said.
Daily Pundit

It's losing we hate, not war — Those who compare the lengths of WWII and Iraq ignore the real thing we don't like in far-flung wars. — ONE THOUSAND three hundred and forty seven days. — That's how long the United States was involved in combat in World War II, and Monday …

'Fair Trade' Foolishness — We may be about to shoot ourselves in the foot — or maybe the chest — on trade. In the name of "fair trade," we may punish our own exporters. In 2005 worldwide exports exceeded $10 trillion. Since 1980 they've more than tripled while the overall global economy doubled.

Illegal immigrants toiled for governor — Guatemalans say firm hired them — This story was reported by Jonathan Saltzman and Maria Cramer of the Globe staff and by Globe correspondent Connie Paige and was written by Saltzman. — SUCHITEPEQUEZ, Guatemala — Outside his aqua-colored concrete house here …

Iraq ministry forms unit to monitor news — BAGHDAD, Iraq - Iraq's Interior Ministry said Thursday it had formed a special unit to monitor news coverage and vowed to take legal action against journalists who failed to correct stories the ministry deemed to be incorrect.
Hot Air, BizzyBlog, Riehl World View, ¡No Pasarán!, Gateway Pundit, The American Street and Patterico's Pontifications

Dollar slides as US business slows — The dollar suffered sharp falls on Thursday, hit by reports of weak US business activity and a benign inflation picture. — The euro rose .7 per cent against the dollar to $1.3247 by late afternoon in New York after data from Chicago purchasing managers indicated …