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Chavez wins re-election by wide margin — CARACAS, Venezuela - President Hugo Chavez won re-election by a wide margin Sunday, giving the firebrand leftist six more years to redistribute Venezuela's vast oil wealth to the poor and press his campaign to counter U.S. influence in Latin America and beyond.
Blue Crab Boulevard

Venezuelans Vote on Chavez & 6 More Years of Marxist Idiocy — Update: VENEZUELA CHOOSES MARXISM! — More Below — Venezuelans go to the polls today to choose Marxism and more Hugo Chavez... Or, to turn back to freedom and capitalism with Opposition candidate Manuel Rosales.

VENEZUELA VOTES -PHOTOS — Voting around Caracas on Sunday. These photos were taken by a pool of 38 citizen journalists who documented the electoral process. Their fascinating slideshow can be found at this Flickr site, here. Hat tip: Venezuela Today — Venezuelans went to the polls today …

Why Military Calls to Raise Iraq Effort Grow — Rumsfeld Exit Revives Push to Boost Troops, — Money in One Last Effort to Stabilize Baghdad — WASHINGTON — As demands mount to pull U.S. troops out of Iraq, a growing number of senior military officials are arguing that the only way to salvage …

Nine U.S. troops killed in Iraq … BAGHDAD, Iraq (CNN) — Nine U.S. troops died in Iraq during the weekend, including five killed by roadside bombs, the U.S. military reported Sunday. — Two soldiers were killed and two wounded Sunday when a roadside bomb exploded near their vehicle in northern Iraq …

'Fear took over' in Baghdad raid — U.S. advisors lament Iraqi troops' conduct. America's exit strategy hangs in the balance. — BURSTS of AK-47 fire hissed past them from several directions at once, showering the U.S. and Iraqi soldiers with pulverized cement and slapping spider-web fractures …
Political Animal

Aide Says Bush Plans Changes in Approach to Iraq — President Bush plans "significant changes" in his approach to Iraq after he reviews options drafted by an outside panel of experts and suggestions from others in the administration and Congress, Stephen J. Hadley, the national security adviser, said today.
Sister Toldjah

Separating Hyperbole From Horror in Iraq — Over the course of last week, an Associated Press article — one subsequently challenged by the military — in which six Sunni worshipers were reportedly doused in kerosene and burned alive by Shiite attackers, became the worst kind of totem.

Say no to AP's shoddy work
Flopping Aces, Don Surber, small dead animals, Wake up America, Austin Bay Blog, Clayton Cramer's BLOG and Atlas Shrugs

Videotape Offers a Window Into a Terror Suspect's Isolation — One spring day during his three and a half years as an enemy combatant, Jose Padilla experienced a break from the monotony of his solitary confinement in a bare cell in the brig at the Naval Weapons Station in Charleston, S.C.
Hullabaloo, TalkLeft, Larisa Alexandrovna's …, jules crittenden and Lawyers, Guns and Money

On Tape: An 'Enemy' Interrogation — Stressed: Lawyers allege that Padilla is too 'traumatized' to help his defense — Lawyers for "enemy combatant" Jose Padilla claim he is so disoriented from three years of isolation and aggressive interrogations that he is now mentally ill. In new court filings …

Clinton's Talks With Democrats May Signal Bid for President — Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton has begun a calculated series of meetings with top New York Democratic officials to signal that she is likely to run for the presidency in 2008 and to ask for their support if she does …
PoliBlog (TM)

Early 'Maybe' From Obama Jolts '08 Field — Senator Barack Obama's announcement that he might run for president is altering the early dynamics of the 2008 Democratic nominating contest. The move has created complications for Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton as she steps up her own preparations …

Syria and Hizbullah to intensify offensive — The Hizbullah supporter that was shot dead on Sunday may or may not have been shot by the Sunni residents of Qasqas. The area is infested with pro-Assad Ahbash Islamists, and I would not put it past one of them or some Syrian intelligence operative …

Sectarian clashes in West Beirut kill 1
From Beirut to the Beltway, Gateway Pundit, A Blog For All, Right Wing Nut House and Riehl World View

Ethics in journalism: Taking the Columbia J-School challenge — It seems that one or more students at the Columbia University School of Journalism cheated on the final exam of a course in ethics. Glenn Reynolds wrote that "you can't make this stuff up... Sadly, you don't have to."

Open-Source Spying — When Matthew Burton arrived at the Defense Intelligence Agency in January 2003, he was excited about getting to his computer. Burton, who was then 22, had long been interested in international relations: he had studied Russian politics and interned at the U.S. consulate in Ukraine …

Hush, Mama, Don't You Cry, a New Yellow Wiggle Will Sing — The millions of families with preschool-age children around the world who have bought CDs and DVDs featuring the Wiggles, the Australian foursome known as much for their cheery color-coded jerseys as their catchy tunes …