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Low-key office launches high-profile inquiry — The Office of Special Counsel will investigate U.S. attorney firings and other political activities led by Karl Rove. — WASHINGTON — Most of the time, an obscure federal investigative unit known as the Office of Special Counsel confines itself …
TPMmuckraker, The Carpetbagger Report, TIME: Swampland, On Deadline, Prairie Weather and The Agonist

Suicide blast kills 9 U.S. soldiers — Attack in Diyala province comes same day 5 other explosions kill 46 — Demonstrators in Baghdad's Adhamiya district protest Monday against the construction of concrete walls in the area. — NBC video — Walling off neighborhoods

I did it all for the nookie...and some sweet sweet Soros cash — Ian at Hot Air (he's the Baby Huey-looking one on the right, next to that chick and the bad-ass mofo in the disco shirt) breathlessly relays what Bill O'Reilly said on TV about that Jew bastard George Soros:

George Soros rules the world! Bill O'Reilly loses it...

Remarks of Senator Barack Obama to the Chicago Council on Global Affairs — Good morning. We all know that these are not the best of times for America's reputation in the world. We know what the war in Iraq has cost us in lives and treasure, in influence and respect.

OBAMA'S SPEECH....Barack Obama gave his big foreign policy speech today.

David Halberstam, 73, War Reporter and Author, Is Killed in a Car Crash — David Halberstam, a Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist and tireless author of books on topics as varied as America's military failings in Vietnam, the deaths of firefighters at the World Trade Center and the high-pressure world …
Associated Press, The Moderate Voice, Gawker, The Swamp, On Deadline, Scott Rosenberg's Wordyard, Kiko's House, Gothamist and WorkingForChange

Obama's Rise Strains Loyalty on Clinton Turf — Only a few months ago, the vast majority of black elected officials in New York were expected to support the presidential candidacy of Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton. But no longer. — In a series of interviews, a significant number …

Gingrich hires pollster — Newt Gingrich has hired a pollster and a fundraiser, but not for a presidential campaign - at least not yet. — Gingrich, the former speaker of the House and leader of the 1994 Republican revolution, has not discouraged speculation he'll add his name to the list …

Crow calls for limit on loo paper — Singer Sheryl Crow has said a ban on using too much toilet paper should be introduced to help the environment. — Crow has suggested using "only one square per restroom visit, except, of course, on those pesky occasions where two to three could be required".

The Manhattan Project. — Carmela returns: — Meet Ann Altmouse: — Special thanks to dan at A Blog Named Sue for his camera and editing. You rule, Dan.

Bees Vanish, and Scientists Race for Reasons — What is happening to the bees? — More than a quarter of the country's 2.4 million bee colonies have been lost — tens of billions of bees, according to an estimate from the Apiary Inspectors of America, a national group that tracks beekeeping.

An island made by global warming — The map of Greenland will have to be redrawn. A new island has appeared off its coast, suddenly separated from the mainland by the melting of Greenland's enormous ice sheet, a development that is being seen as the most alarming sign of global warming.
Riehl World View

U.S. Command Shortens Life of 'Long War' as a Reference — When the Bush administration has sought to explain its strategy for fighting terrorism, it has often said the United States is involved in a "long war" against Islamic extremists. — The phrase was coined by Gen. John P. Abizaid …

Wolfowitz Hires Prominent Lawyer in Fight to Stay at World Bank — Paul D. Wolfowitz, signaling anew that he will fight for his job as World Bank president, has enlisted a prominent lawyer who defended President Bill Clinton against accusations of sexual misconduct to help convince …