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Exclusive: O'Donnell Leaving 'The View' — Rosie O'Donnell Is Set to Announce Today Her Departure From 'The View' — Rosie O'Donnell is leaving "The View." ABC has been unable to come to a contractual agreement with "The View" co-host. As a result, her duties on the show will come to an end mid-June.
Don Surber, Daily Intelligencer, Redstate, The Right Angle,, Another Rovian Conspiracy and Gothamist

It's True — Rosie Will Leave "View!!" — TMZ has now confirmed the buzz that we exclusively reported last night: Rosie O'Donnell will announce on today's show that she is leaving "The View." And TMZ has confirmed that "View" honchos are already searching for her replacement. — Stay tuned!

TMZ: Rosie to announce tomorrow that she's leaving "The View;" Update: ABC confirms — 75% of my content, up in smoke. I'm a wreck. — Assuming it's true, what do you think — did she jump or was she pushed? And if the latter, why did Barbara push her? — Update: Life has no meaning anymore.
Sister Toldjah,,, Ace of Spades HQ, Media Blog and Outside The Beltway

George McGovern: Cheney is wrong about me, wrong about war — The 1972 presidential nominee strikes back at the vice president for comparing today's Democrats to the McGovern platform. — VICE PRESIDENT Dick Cheney recently attacked my 1972 presidential platform and contended …
Associated Press, The Huffington Post, Firedoglake, Angry Bear, The Moderate Voice, Economist's View and

Bush and Cheney Chide Democrats on Iraq Deadline — President Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney aggressively challenged the motives of Congressional Democrats on Tuesday, as the House and Senate prepared to consider a war spending bill that would order troops to be withdrawn from Iraq beginning later this year.

Kucinich's Battle Against Cheney Not So (Im)Peachy Keen — "I do not stand alone," Dennis Kucinich said as he stood, alone, in front of a cluster of microphones yesterday evening. — The Ohio congressman, a Democratic presidential candidate, was holding a news conference outside the Capitol …

House Committee Authorizes Subpoena for Goodling — The House Judiciary Committee, by a vote of 32-6, just authorized a subpoena for Monica Goodling's testimony and an offer of immunity. — As former U.S. Attorney for New Mexico David Iglesias pointed out yesterday, Goodling should prove …

Delays in Renzi Case Raise More Gonzales Questions — WASHINGTON — As midterm elections approached last November, federal investigators in Arizona faced unexpected obstacles in getting needed Justice Department approvals to advance a corruption investigation of Republican Rep. Rick Renzi, people close to the case said.

Video: O'Reilly catches Bill Moyers telling whoppers, Michelle comments — This is good stuff: Bill O'Reilly nails, and perhaps goes as far as to pwn, leftwing documentarian and commentator Bill Moyers. Marvin Kalb and our own Michelle weigh in, Kalb for the defense and MM for the prosecution.
protein wisdom

The Pat Tillman and Jessica Lynch frauds — It is difficult to watch these clips from yesterday's House hearings investigating the absolute, deliberate lies regarding Pat Tillman and Jessica Lynch fed to the American public by the U.S. military — with an eager and accommodating assist …
protein wisdom, Firedoglake, The Mahablog, The ACRU Blog, Power Line, The American Street and PoliBlog (TM)

Laura Bush wants you to know that when it comes to Iraq, no one is suffering more than the First Couple. No one. — Listen, you Americans, Laura Bush wants you to know the President is suffering over Iraq. In fact, Laura told Anne Curry on the Today Show, that the American people need to know that …

Bombshell Cripples Case Against Haditha Marines — Convincing evidence that corroborates's accounts of the Haditha insurgent ambush has compelled the prosecution to take extraordinary steps to bolster their crumbling case. — The stunning announcement that all charges …
Maggie's Farm

Anzac Day — April 25 is Anzac Day in Australia and New Zealand, marking the landings at Gallipoli in 1915 and the disastrous campaign there. Churchill's idea for a second front went badly wrong, and he ended up resigning as First Lord of the Admiralty. The deaths of thousands of diggers …

FRONTLINE [series home] — What do you think most Americans think when they hear the term "global warming"? — I think Americans now believe that something has happened to the climate; that they think that the weather patterns are not the same as they were 20 years ago …
The Huffington Post

The Oval Office Bunker — The disconnect that is destroying what's left of the Bush presidency was clear in an image from the Oval Office this week. President Bush was sitting warily in his chair, pursing his lips as if he had just eaten a bad radish, as a reporter asked about the performance …

Univ. rescinds stage weapons ban — Stage weapons will again be allowed in University theatrical productions, in a reversal of last week's ban, Yale spokeswoman Helaine Klasky said Tuesday morning. — Administrators decided Monday afternoon to require that audiences instead be informed …