Top Items:

Deputy A.G. McNulty Announces Resignation — Deputy Attorney General Paul J. McNulty announced his resignation today, saying he is leaving the Justice Department later this summer to enter the private sector, officials said. — McNulty announced his plans to leave in a letter …

McNulty, Justice Dept. No. 2, resigning — WASHINGTON - Deputy Attorney General Paul McNulty said Monday he will resign, the highest-ranking Bush administration casualty in the furor over the firing of U.S. attorneys. — McNulty, who has served 18 months as the Justice Department's second-in-command …

BREAKING: Deputy Attorney General Paul McNulty To Resign — The AP reports: … UPDATE: Last week, the New York Times suggested that McNulty was considering resigning, possibly over a growing divide between his supporters and those of Gonzales: … UPDATE II: Gonzales releases a statement …

Bloomberg mulls a $1 billion run — New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg is prepared to spend an unprecedented $1 billion of his own $5.8 billion personal fortune for a third-party presidential campaign, Ralph Z. Hallow will report Tuesday in The Washington Times.

The Matt Drudge primary — How professional political operatives secretly control the news you read about the 2008 campaign. Hint: It involves the Drudge Report. — Photo composite of Matt Drudge. — WASHINGTON — John McCain's "Bomb Iran" scandal almost never happened.
Discussion:, Comments From Left Field, CJR Daily, TIME: Swampland, MSNBC and Prairie Weather

Teachers fake gunman attack on sixth graders … MURFREESBORO, Tennessee (AP) — Staff members of an elementary school staged a fictitious gun attack on students during a class trip, telling them it was not a drill as the children cried and hid under tables.

Pentagon limits troops' Web access — WASHINGTON - Lt. Daniel Zimmerman, an infantry platoon leader in Iraq, puts a blog on the Internet every now and then "to basically keep my friends and family up to date" back home. — It just got tougher to do that for Zimmerman and a lot of other U.S. soldiers.

Atomic Agency Concludes Iran Is Stepping Up Nuclear Work — Inspectors for the International Atomic Energy Agency have concluded that Iran appears to have solved most of its technological problems and is now beginning to enrich uranium on a far larger scale than before, according to the agency's top officials.

Defense Skirts State in Reviving Iraqi Industry — Paul Brinkley, a deputy undersecretary of defense, has been called a Stalinist by U.S. diplomats in Iraq. One has accused him of helping insurgents build better bombs. The State Department has even taken the unusual step of enlisting …

Gingrich Says There Is a 'Great Possibility' He Will Run for President — The Former Speaker of the House Warns GOP Hillary Clinton Has a Good Chance of Becoming President — Newt Gingrich for president? It could happen. — In an interview with Diane Sawyer on "Good Morning America …
Washington Times,, Right Wing Nut House, Weekly Standard, The Carpetbagger Report and Iowa Voice

Rosie Advances WTC 7 Conspiracy Theory Again — I guess Rosie missed the tanker accident near the Bay Bridge two weeks ago. The tanker was carrying 8600 gallons of unleaded gasoline. In that accident. … Impossible according to Rosie. Yet the roadway was gone. Go figure. Rosie went on to bluster:

Lieberman Helps Collect Cash for Collins — Sen. Joe Lieberman (D-Conn.) is never going to win any popularity contests among his party's liberal base — a fact he seems decidedly unconcerned about despite his 2006 Democratic primary loss to Ned Lamont. — Not only has Lieberman endorsed Sen. Susan Collins (R-Maine.)

Sunshine for the Virtual Town Hall — These days we want "transparency" in all institutions, even private ones. There's one massive exception — the Internet. It is, we are told, a giant town hall. Indeed, it has millions of people speaking out in millions of online forums.
Discussion:, TalkLeft, Obsidian Wings, The Next Hurrah, Hullabaloo, The Atlantic Online, Crooks and Liars, Balloon Juice, HorsesAss.Org, Outside The Beltway, Daily Kos, Eschaton, The Gun Toting Liberal™, Captain's Quarters, CorrenteWire, Mercury Rising, Cliff Schecter and Middle Earth Journal

Values Message — One of the reasons I trust General Petraeus is he just comes right out and says what needs to be said. The letter which he sent to our forces serving in Iraq (posted below) is a case in point. The letter is more important than it might appear on first glance.

Illinois Tax Implosion — The political limits of "universal" health care. — "Universal" government health care has once again returned as a political cause, with many Democrats believing it's the key to White House victory in 2008. They might want to study last week's news from Illinois …

Hagel Continues Flirtation With Independent Bid — For The Fix, watching Sen. Chuck Hagel's (R-Neb.) political hand-wringing is like looking at the sun — you know it's bad for you but you just can't resist. — During a remarkably politics-free weekend in Alabama, this blogger happened to tune into …
Outside The Beltway, The American Mind, The Atlantic Online, Eunomia, Macsmind and AMERICAblog

U.S. Air Marshals Flooding German, British Flights — Richard Esposito and Rhonda Schwartz Report: — As many as five or six U.S. air marshals are now assigned to each U.S.-bound flight from airports in Frankfurt, London and Manchester, England, because of fears terrorists might attempt …

To InstaPundit: No, they won't — I get the warning and humor of this line, but frankly I'm tired of it. Prof. Reynolds needs to hit the books. … He's right that the credible threat of violence drives people all over the world to bow to unreasonable Muslim demands …

Introducing ... Lew Koch! — A few months ago, FDL friend Rick Perlstein (now blogging at The Big Con ) asked me to join him and a friend for lunch. The friend turned out to be Lew Koch, an award winning investigative reporter. As we chatted, I learned that Lew has been following …

Reid To Allow Vote On Feingold Measure To End Iraq War — Good news for war foes: Harry Reid just spoke on the Senate floor, revealing that he'll allow a vote this week on the Feingold-Reid amendment, which would cut off funding for the war by March 31, 2008.