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POLL SHOWS OPPOSITION TO IRAQ WAR AT ALL TIME HIGH — Americans now view the war in Iraq more negatively than at any time since the war began, according to the latest New York Times/CBS News poll. — Six in 10 Americans say the United States should have stayed out of Iraq and more than three …
The Newshoggers, DownWithTyranny!, WorkingForChange, Sirotablog, Prairie Weather, Taylor Marsh and

Dem Leadership: If We'd Confronted Bush On Iraq, White House Would Have Criticized Us — With the House set to vote on the no-timelines Iraq War funding bill later today, The New York Times provides a glimpse into the thinking among top Dems that led to the current proposal: … Oooooooooooooo, scary!

The Capitulation Bill: "Obviously it's a good move" — The crazy thing about the fight is that Democratic insiders are convinced that capitulation is the right strategy. They actually believe that this will put pressure on the Republicans in the fall, and that standing up to Bush is a bad idea.
Firedoglake, The Huffington Post, Daily Kos, Balloon Juice, Brilliant at Breakfast, Taylor Marsh, Shakesville and Left in the West

News Analysis: On War Funds, Democrats Saw No Option but to Cede Ground to Bush — Congressional contortions over the Iraq spending bill could end up with most House Democrats momentarily occupying the position they were so desperate to vacate: the minority.
JustOneMinute, MyDD, The Politico, Shakesville, Jules Crittenden, MSNBC and Republic of Sestakastan

CBS Poll: 76% Say War's Going Badly — Record Number In CBS/NYT Survey Say Getting Involved In Iraq Was A Mistake — (CBS) As President Bush and Congress hammer out an Iraq war funding bill, a CBS News/New York Times poll shows the number of Americans who say the war is going badly has reached a new high …

Democrats Set Stage for Next War Debate — Before deciding to blink in the long standoff over war spending and troop withdrawal, House Democrats convinced themselves President Bush is scoring only a short-term victory. — The House is expected to send to the Senate late Thursday …

GOP slams Pelosi in new ad campaign
Capitol Briefing, Whiskey Fire, Bob McCarty Writes, Michael P.F. van der Galiën and Wizbang

House Democrats bracing for unpalatable Iraq vote
Discussion:, The Huffington Post, Happy Furry Puppy Story …, Booman Tribune, All Spin Zone and Crooks and Liars

Senate Sets Mid-June Vote on Gonzales — WASHINGTON — President Bush said Thursday he would address any wrongdoing uncovered by congressional or other investigations related to the firings of eight federal prosecutors, but added that new allegations have not swayed his support for Attorney General Alberto Gonzales.

Sen. Whitehouse: Gonzales May Be Guilty Of Obstruction Of Justice
The Carpetbagger Report, Capitol Briefing, The Blue State, Salon and Faithful Progressive

Palast Exclusive: The Goods on Goodling and the Keys to the Kingdom
Election Law

Press Conference by the President — THE PRESIDENT: Please be seated. Thank you, all. Good morning. — Today, Congress will vote on legislation that provides our troops with the funds they need. It makes clear that our Iraqi partners must demonstrate progress on security and reconciliation.

QUESTIONS FOR OUR LIBERAL FRIENDS — Bruce is a big boy, and certainly doesn't need me to help him out, but let's talk about Iraq for a moment. Because I have questions for people like Oliver Willis to which I'm curious to hear the answers. And I'm not asking in a snarky way. I'm honestly interested.

AN ANSWER TO OUR CONSERVATIVE FRIENDS — I'm going to answer these questions posted by conservative Dale Franks here and not in their comments because I know quite a few of the cons who read my site regularly ask the same questions (and by "ask" I mean regurgitate existing talking points) …

Torture, Al-Qaeda Style — Drawings, tools seized from Iraq safe house in U.S. military raid — In a recent raid on an al-Qaeda safe house in Iraq, U.S. military officials recovered an assortment of crude drawings depicting torture methods like "blowtorch to the skin" and "eye removal."

Cheney Attempting to Constrain Bush's Choices on Iran Conflict: Staff Engaged in Insubordination Against President Bush — There is a race currently underway between different flanks of the administration to determine the future course of US-Iran policy. — On one flank are the diplomats …
Guardian, Reuters, The Newshoggers, Confederate Yankee, The Next Hurrah and Booman Tribune

White House Kool-aid Patrol — Peter Wehner, the White House's intellectual-in-residence, is selling his usual brand of kool-aid regarding John Edwards' foreign policy speech yesterday. Some thoughts: — 1. Edwards is precisely right. The "Global War on Terror" is a bumper sticker and a disastrous one at that.

A Bill That Earned Its Doubters — Compromise is incessantly praised, and it has produced the proposed immigration legislation. But compromise is the mother of complexity, which, regarding immigration, virtually guarantees — as the public understands — weak enforcement and noncompliance.

Raid on spy's home 'reveals details of Chirac's secret £30m bank account' — LONG-STANDING rumours that the former French president Jacques Chirac holds a secret multi-million-euro bank account in Japan appear to have been confirmed by files seized from the home of a senior spy.

Despite Campaign, Familiarity With Candidates Has Not Changed Substantially — Giuliani remains most positively evaluated; Clinton and Romney least so — PRINCETON, NJ — Despite the remarkably early start on this year's presidential campaign and the high-visibility presence of the major candidates …
Outside The Beltway

Morgue Data Show Increase In Sectarian Killings in Iraq — More than three months into a U.S.-Iraqi security offensive designed to curtail sectarian violence in Baghdad and other parts of Iraq, Health Ministry statistics show that such killings are rising again.
Informed Comment, Atlantic Free Press, Michael P.F. van der Galiën, Balloon Juice and Truthdig

Fineman: McCain and the upside of anger — McCain's outbursts are the understandable byproduct of a candidate whose courage is constantly tested by bad luck. — The nasty words are flying between the camps. By now, political junkies know how it escalated.