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Steve Gilliard, 1966-2007 — I first started corresponding with Steve Gilliard in January of 2005 when he was embroiled in a battle with Jonah Goldberg over the Armstrong Williams kerfuffle. I don't remember what it was that triggered the conversation (I probably read this and laughed …
Discussion:, Daily Kos, State of the Day, The Carpetbagger Report, TalkLeft, August J. Pollak and Jesus' General

Steve Gilliard, 1966-2007 — It's not news to anyone …
The Sideshow

Proclaiming Liberalism, and What It Now Means — The struggle among conservatives to define their movement in the post-Bush era may be getting more attention these days, but liberal intellectuals and writers are doing some soul-searching of their own. Not only are they trying to figure out what …

What's American Liberalism... Exactly? — An interesting article at the New York Times (h/t Holly) about American Liberalism. Patricia Cohen writes: … Again, it is a fascinating article, I encourage all of you to read it. — I find these kind of debates to be the most interesting aspect of politics.
The Moderate Voice

Iraq's Curse: A Thirst for Final, Crushing Victory — PERHAPS no fact is more revealing about Iraq's history than this: The Iraqis have a word that means to utterly defeat and humiliate someone by dragging his corpse through the streets. — The word is "sahel," and it helps explain …

Gore: I'm not good at modern politics — NASHVILLE — Former vice president Al Gore said Friday that he still hasn't ruled out a presidential bid in 2008, but he doesn't expect to run and might not possess the skills necessary to be elected president now. — Gore spoke to The Tennessean today …

Zakaria: How to Restore America's Place in the World — What the world needs is an open, confident America. — Newsweek International — In the fall of 1982, I arrived in the United States as an 18-year-old student from India. The country was in rough shape.

Hitchens vs Hitchens — Am I my brother's reviewer? A word of explanation is needed here. Some of you may know that I have a brother, Christopher, who disagrees with me about almost everything. — Some of those who read his books and articles also know that I exist, though they often dislike me if so.

Thompson Generates Buzz in Richmond — Speech at Virginia GOP Gala Comes the Day After He Filed Fundraising Papers — Actor and former senator Fred D. Thompson of Tennessee rallied a crowd of several hundred Republicans here last night, offering a bluntly conservative appeal …

Al Qaeda in Lebanon — It was bound to happen sooner or later. Al Qaeda has moved into Lebanon. — Fatah al-Islam terrorists in the Palestinian Nahr al-Bared refugee camp (which is an urban ghetto in Tripoli, not a tent city) are, reportedly, mostly not Palestinian.
Times of London, The Beirut Spring …, Gateway Pundit, Fausta's blog and Secular Blasphemy

British Iraq pull-out plan — BRITISH commanders in Iraq have drawn up plans to allow Gordon Brown to withdraw almost all UK troops by the end of the year. — The British commander in southern Iraq, Major-General Jonathan Shaw, produced a "commander's tactical advice" several weeks ago, senior defence sources said last night.

Exclusive: Putin threatens to target Europe with missiles — In an interview with the Globe and Mail, Russian President Vladimir Putin has threatened to target Europe with missiles, including potentially nuclear weapons, in a dramatic escalation of his Cold War-style showdown with the United States.

Democrats hide pet projects from voters — WASHINGTON - After promising unprecedented openness regarding Congress' pork barrel practices, House Democrats are moving in the opposite direction as they draw up spending bills for the upcoming budget year. — Democrats are sidestepping rules approved …

Dick Cheney Rules — Americans are accustomed to Vice President Dick Cheney's waiting out a terrorist threat in a "secure undisclosed location." Now it seems that Mr. Cheney wears the cloak of invisibility in secure disclosed locations. — The Associated Press reported …

Attacks on U.S. Troops in Iraq Grow in Lethality, Complexity — Bigger Bombs a Key Cause of May's High Death Toll — As U.S. troops push more deeply into Baghdad and its volatile outskirts, Iraqi insurgents are using increasingly sophisticated and lethal means of attack …
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