Top Items:

Immigrant bill hurts Martinez in polls — The Florida Republican senator's approval ratings are at an all-time low. — WASHINGTON — A new poll shows that U.S. Sen. Mel Martinez's approval ratings with voters have plunged to an all-time low, apparently reflecting his support for a controversial immigration-reform bill.

A Victim? Hardly! — The Paris Hilton saga has become so compelling that many political bloggers who swore off mentioning her have weighed in on the topic, including myself. Hilton got hauled off screaming and crying to jail after having been released by Los Angeles Sheriff Lee Baca five days …

Dean: Democratic president would end war — WASHINGTON - The high hurdles faced by congressional Democrats in their efforts to end the Iraq war make electing a Democratic president in 2008 the best way to finish the conflict, Democratic party chairman Howard Dean said Saturday.
First Draft

What Al Wishes Abe Said — You can't really blame Al Gore for not using footnotes in his new book, "The Assault on Reason." It's a sprawling, untidy blast of indignation, and annotating it with footnotes would be like trying to slip rubber bands around a puddle of quicksilver.

A Failure of Leadership — The immigration compromise collapsed on the floor of the Senate Thursday night. Many of its hard-line foes are celebrating, but their glee is vindictive and hollow. They have blocked one avenue to an immigration overhaul while offering nothing better …

NY Times Riffs on 'Segregation Now' Speech to Slur Immigration-Law Opponents

'Hardball with Chris Matthews' for June 7 — Guests: Ben Affleck, Loretta Sanchez, Brian Bilbray, Ezra Klein, Karen Hanretty — CHRIS MATTHEWS, HOST: Hollywood stars have a big voice in politics. — Let's see if one of them, Ben Affleck, can answer some tough questions. — Let's play HARDBALL.

Mary Winkler Sentenced to Jail — There have been 10 comments posted — Selmer, Tennessee (WVLT) Knoxville native Mary Winkler will go to jail in connection with the killing of her minister husband. — A judge sentenced Winkler to three years of split confinement in connection …

EXTREMISTS....I just heard Charles Gibson and George Stephanopoulos chatting on the ABC Evening News about the collapse of the immigration bill. Their conclusion? It was killed by extremists on both sides: liberal Democrats and conservative Republicans overwhelmed the centrists.

Uncured Bork — Reading Emptywheel's post about that horrible old man, Robert Bork, (and his equally horrible buddies) made me wonder if they have reason to believe they can get Libby's conviction reversed on a technicality. — After all, this isn't the first time we've been to this rodeo.

President Bush Participates in Joint Press Availability with Prime Minister Prodi of Italy — PRIME MINISTER PRODI: (As translated.) Good afternoon, everyone. I am delighted to have received President Bush today, and I thank President Bush for having chosen to spend a couple of days …
Liberal Values

Talk of Resurrecting Immigration Bill Begins as Autopsy Goes On — Supporters of immigration reform launched new talks to save their tattered bill yesterday, with the chief architects of the bipartisan compromise confident that they could resurrect it — even as recriminations flew over its stunning collapse.

For One Visit, Bush Will Feel Pro-U.S. Glow — The highlight of President Bush's European tour may well be his visit on Sunday to this tiny country, one of the few places left where he can bask in unabashed pro-American sentiment without a protester in sight.
DownWithTyranny!, Gateway Pundit,, All Spin Zone, National Review and Booman Tribune

Romney Brothers Dish on Dad — Blog by Presidential Candidate's Five Sons Reveals G-Rated Details of Former Governor's Family Life — BOSTON — Tagg Romney, 37, loves the Sox and has a thing for Billy Joel. Matt Romney, 35, always tunes in to "Saturday Night Live," and Josh Romney, 31, likes to surf and water-ski.

Gingrich: McCain Can't Win GOP Nod — McCain Tells ABC Gingrich 'May Be Right' on Immigration's Peril to '08 Bid — Newt Gingrich predicts John McCain will never be the Republican nominee for president. And McCain concedes he might be right. — The former House Speaker argued Friday …

Condi insists troop buildup is 'effective' in News sitdown — DAILY NEWS WASHINGTON BUREAU CHIEF — The U.S. troop surge in Iraq has been "effective" cleaning up parts of Baghdad, but the dramatic uptick in spectacular terror bombings is "unnerving," Secretary of State Rice told the Daily News yesterday.
Talking Points Memo

Polarization Nation — America's current culture war emerged clearly into the light of day about twenty years ago, with the publication of Allan Bloom's The Closing of the American Mind. Five years later, in 1992, James Davison Hunter's book, Culture Wars, cemented the phenomenon's name.