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High Level Debate Stalled Syria Air Strike — U.S. Was Concerned Over Intelligence, Stability to Region, Officials Tell ABC News — The September Israeli airstrike on a suspected nuclear site in Syria had been in the works for months, ABC News has learned, and was delayed only at the strong urging of the United States.
Captain's Quarters, Power Line, Jerusalem Post, Riehl World View,, Hot Air, Ynetnews and PrairiePundit

The Syria strike: It was nukes — ABC News has an exclusive today that says the Syria strike was a nuclear facility, and that the U.S. stopped Israel from striking earlier. … Yeah, that would be the same intelligence that didn't pick up on al Qaeda and 9/11. Good to know they're just as crappy now as they were then.

SYRIA UPDATE....ABC News reports that the United States was initially opposed to an Israeli strike against a military base in northeast Syria: … But was it really a nuclear site? Here's a hint from Aviation Week: … Obviously I'm just playing amateur sleuth here, but it doesn't seem …

Fort Hunt's Quiet Men Break Silence on WWII — For six decades, they held their silence. — The group of World War II veterans kept a military code and the decorum of their generation, telling virtually no one of their top-secret work interrogating Nazi prisoners of war at Fort Hunt.

A Look Back At Interrogation History — The Washington Post has an article which reminds us that history continues to reveal itself even after we think the story has been told in its entirety, especially in small but intriguing ways. The veterans of PO Box 1142, a highly secret operation …

AN IMMODERATE MODERATOR — So, should viewers of Tuesday's Re publican presidential debate expect an exchange of views between the candidates - or between the candidates and one of the event's moderators? — It's a fair question, given the jaw-dropping comments Thursday evening from MSNBC blowhard …
Taylor Marsh, Cliff Schecter, Comments from Left Field, Balloon Juice, Atlas Shrugs, PrairiePundit and

Scandal brewing at Oral Roberts — TULSA, Okla. - Twenty years ago, televangelist Oral Roberts said he was reading a spy novel when God appeared to him and told him to raise $8 million for Roberts' university, or else he would be "called home." — Now, his son, Oral Roberts University …

What's on a Lapel? — Senator Barack Obama's comments about the absence of an American flag pin on his lapel created dustup on the campaign trail yesterday. When asked why he wasn't wearing a flag pin in a television interview on Wednesday he said he had stopped wearing one because he felt that the pin …

The Sunni Insurgency Has Become a "Disaster": An Estranged Former Ally Lashes Out, Accusing Al-Qaida of Torture and Murder in Diyala — In a rather stunning development, the Iraqi Islamic militant faction known as Asaeb al-Iraq al-Jihadiya (a.k.a. "the Iraqi Jihad Union") …

The Erosion of a Murder Case Against Marines in the Killing of 24 Iraqi Civilians — Last year, when accounts of the killing of 24 Iraqis in Haditha by a group of marines came to light, it seemed that the Iraq war had produced its defining atrocity, just as the conflict in Vietnam had spawned the My Lai massacre a generation ago.

"Media Matters"; by Paul Waldman — Here at Media Matters, as in many other places, this was a week of Rush Limbaugh, not only because of what he said about American soldiers and veterans who oppose the Iraq war, but because of what he said about us. There has been some wild spinning coming …

With Him or Against Him — THE BLACK-AND-WHITE WORLD OF CLARENCE THOMAS HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH RACE. — Clarence Thomas' new autobiography, My Grandfather's Son, paints a stark picture of an America in which nothing but race matters. In his telling, virtually everyone who has ever wronged him has done so because of his race.
The Corner

150 million pages of fighting the good fight — To my deep regret, the Western Standard has decided to stop publishing our print edition. — It's a purely financial decision. Even though our advertising revenues were stronger than ever, with marquee brands like GM, Mazda …

I am creating artificial life, declares US gene pioneer — Craig Venter, the controversial DNA researcher involved in the race to decipher the human genetic code, has built a synthetic chromosome out of laboratory chemicals and is poised to announce the creation of the first new artificial life form on Earth.