Top Items:

Tom Kean endorsing McCain in new push — Thomas H. Kean, who chaired the 9/11 Commission, will endorse Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) for president on Monday as part of a high-stakes new push by the campaign to focus voters on national security, campaign sources tell Politico.
Comments from Left Field

My Uterus. A UPS Box. What's the difference? — Well, to the forced pregnancy brigade, there is no difference: my uterus is nothing but a glorified storage container, holding something until it reaches its destination (birth). Now there's proof: — Here's a transcript, via Trailer Park Feminist:

You are a box. — Wow. If you ever doubted that the pro-life movement thinks of women not so much as people with individual personalities, feelings and responsibilities in life, but more as mindless, thoughtless containers for babies, this little video from ought make it pretty clear.

OPEC Interested in Non-Dollar Currency — Ahmadinejad: OPEC Members Interested in Converting Cash Reserves Into Non-Dollar Currency — RIYADH, Saudi Arabia (AP) — Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said Sunday that OPEC's members have expressed interest in converting their cash reserves …

The Swiss Option — Has an opening appeared for a diplomatic …

Name that party: Buckwheat — I doubt AP would have downplayed a Republican losing over a racist remark. — As a member of the MSM for most of my adult life, I should resent charges of a pro-Democrat bias in the media. Really, I should. — But then Melinda Deslatte of the Associated Press …

A world dying, but can we unite to save it? — Pollution in the seas is now speeding global warming, says a devastating new climate report. 'IoS' Environment Editor Geoffrey Lean reports from Valencia — Humanity is rapidly turning the seas acid through the same pollution that causes global warming …

Created Equal — Liberal creationism — We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights ... Last month, James Watson, the legendary biologist, was condemned and forced into retirement …
Lawyers, Guns and Money, ParaPundit, Say Anything, Grasping Reality … and

Hezbollah rebuilds south Beirut — BEIRUT, Lebanon - The Shiite Muslim militant group Hezbollah has launched a massive project to rebuild south Beirut, devastated in last year's war with Israel — and it's paying for much of the construction with international donor funds that were meant …

Democrats Say They Won't Back Down on War — Democrats in Congress failed once again Friday to shift President Bush's war strategy in Iraq, but insisted that they would not let up. Their explanation for their latest foiled effort seemed to boil down to a simple question: "What else are we supposed to do?"
Flopping Aces

Make the Bush Record the Issue — Absent amnesia—which only happens on soaps—Democrats will be fine. — Times are tough for the Republican Party and its candidates. Earlier this month, according to Gallup, more people strongly disapproved of George W. Bush than any previous president since the advent? …

McCain on Secret Service: Why Do I Need It? — Sen. John McCain in the snows of New Hampshire. (AP). — John McCain often says on the campaign trail that he wants to take on the system in Washington. Usually, he's talking about congressional spending and pork-barrel projects.

"Tough" Tim Russert Refuses To Challenge Rudy's Dissembling — We keep hearing that Tim Russert is very, very "tough." We keep hearing that he doesn't let any craven or dissembling politician slip any malarky past him, dammit. — Except, of course, that he does — when it's Rudy.

Born Yesterday — Robert Novak has thrown a bomb (a twofer) into the Democratic primary and is getting the predictable result. — I think this is probably a good juncture to take an important little trip down memory lane. It's 1972, and Richard Nixon has surveyed the field and wants …

PATRIOTISM: NOT QUITE DEAD IN THE PUBLIC SCHOOLS — Conservatives tend to be skeptical of the public schools, which too often put more stock in political correctness than either academic achievement or traditional values. So when the public schools do something well, it's good to take notice.