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Digging out more CNN/YouTube plants: Abortion questioner is declared Edwards supporter (and a slobbering Anderson Cooper fan); Log Cabin Republican questioner is declared Obama supporter; lead toy questioner is a prominent union activist for the Edwards-endorsing United Steelworkers
The Politico, protein wisdom, CNN, Blog P.I., Outside The Beltway, Washington Wire, Weekly Standard, The Radio Equalizer, Hot Air, Vote for Hillary, The Trail, Ankle Biting Pundits, New York Times,, skippy the bush kangaroo, The Corner, Sadly, No!, Fox News, Balloon Juice, No More Mister Nice Blog, CNN Political Ticker,,, Redstate, BitsBlog, The Stump, The Newshoggers, Anti-Idiotarian Rottweiler, National Review, blogs, TownHall Blog, In From the Cold, Dean's World, Captain's Quarters, Jeff Gannon, Right Wing News, JunkYardBlog, Left in the West, Cheat Seeking Missiles and Jules Crittenden

WORST PRETENSE TO AN IMPARTIAL NEWS ORGANIZATION: CNN, PART 2 — Jim Vicevich alerts us to a few more Democratic plants at the CNN YouTube Republican candidates forum last night. Adam Florzak asked a question on Social Security. It turns out that Florzak quit his job with Caterpillar …

CNN's Performance Was Unacceptable. There Should Be A Do Over of This Debate. — Our own Dan Spencer made USA Today today in an article by Jill Thompson. — Only if you check our front page, we don't have a contributor named Dan Spencer; well, we do, but he does not write under his name.

Giuliani's Mistress Used N.Y. Police as Taxi Service — Richard Esposito Reports: — Well before it was publicly known he was seeing her, then-married New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani provided a police driver and city car for his mistress Judith Nathan, former senior city officials tell the Blotter on

Giuliani: Web site report a 'hit job' — WASHINGTON (CNN) — Republican presidential hopeful Rudy Giuliani has called a story raising questions about the accounting of his security expenses while he was mayor of New York a "hit job." — Late Wednesday, reported city records …

Giuliani's response — A former City Hall aide to former Mayor Rudy Giuliani, Joseph Lhota, today offered the campaign's fullest attempt to address the details of Giuliani's unusual practice of billing the travel of his security detail to obscure City Hall agencies, which I reported yesterday:

Oh My — Judi! … I'm sure Joe will give us his take as soon …
Group News Blog

The Chicago Tribune vs. Time magazine — (updated below: Klein's GOP source outs himself — As I noted yesterday, The Chicago Tribune reprinted factually false excerpts from Joe Klein's Time column. But unlike Time — which disgracefully continues to stand behind Klein's falsehoods …
National Review Online, The Atlantic Online, The RBC, TalkLeft, Eschaton, Threat Level, The Next Hurrah, Daily Kos and Prairie Weather

2008: The Year of the Upset? — I see my good friend, the distinguished neo-Jacobin Monsieur Kristol, has broken into his ample wine supply again and insulted the monarchy. A weekend chained to the cheap seats at an Alabama tractor pull would seem fitting punishment for my rabble loving friend's imprudence …

Republicans are asked: 'What would Jesus do?'
Think Progress

Bin Laden: Europeans should end US help — CAIRO, Egypt - Al-Qaida chief Osama bin Laden called on the Europeans to stop helping the United States in the war in Afghanistan, according to excerpts of a new audiotape broadcast Thursday on Al-Jazeera television.

Bin Laden Tape Airs On al-Jazeera UPDATE: bin Laden Claims 9/11
No Runny Eggs

Foes Use Obama's Muslim Ties to Fuel Rumors About Him — In his speeches and often on the Internet, the part of Sen. Barack Obama's biography that gets the most attention is not his race but his connections to the Muslim world. — Since declaring his candidacy for president in February …

Leahy: Bush Not Involved in Firings — WASHINGTON (AP) — A Senate chairman acknowledged explicitly on Thursday that President Bush was not involved in the firings of U.S. attorneys last winter and therefore ruled illegal the president's executive privilege claims protecting his chief of staff …

Sudan Sentences Teacher to 15 Days — Sudan Sentences Teacher to 15 Days in Prison for Allowing Students to Name Teddy Bear Muhammad — British teacher Gillian Gibbons has been convicted of inciting religious hatred for letting her pupils name a teddy bear Muhammad and sentenced to 15 days …

Why Lott Cashed It In — Well-connected Republicans in Mississippi were shocked by more than the unexpected nature of Trent Lott's resignation announcement Monday. They were stunned that Lott, in good health at age 66 and at the top of his game, was leaving the Senate just one year into his fourth term in order to make more money.
Shakespeare's Sister, New York Times, Heading Right, Macsmind, Captain's Quarters and Outside The Beltway

Hamas demands UN rescind '47 partition — Hamas on Thursday called on the UN to rescind the 1947 decision to partition Palestine into two states, one for Jews and one for Arabs. — The group said in a statement, released on the 60th anniversary of the UN vote, that "Palestine is Arab Islamic land …

Impeachment Is So Yesterday for Clinton, Rogan — Maybe there's hope for the Middle East, after all. If Bill Clinton and one of the men who helped impeach him can make peace, why not the Israelis and the Palestinians? — In one of the more startling cases of odd bedfellows …