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Huckabee not aware of NIE report on Iran — My colleague David Paul Kuhn attended an on-the-record dinner with Mike Huckabee and a group of reporters tonight in Des Moines. — The transcript speaks for itself:
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Intercepting Iran's Take on America — There are two intelligence analyses that are relevant to the balance of power between the U.S. and Iran — one is the latest U.S. assessment of Iran, which certainly gave a much more complex view of what is happening there.

Time to Talk to Iran — Regardless of what one thinks about the National Intelligence Estimate's conclusion that Iran stopped its nuclear weapons program in 2003 — and there is much to question in the report — its practical effects are indisputable. The Bush administration cannot …

Israel challenges report on nukes
Hot Air, New York Times, Los Angeles Times, PoliGazette, Cheat Seeking Missiles, Macsmind and Washington Monthly

'High Confidence' Games
Captain's Quarters, The Strata-Sphere,, New York Times and Los Angeles Times

Documents Expose Huckabee's Role In Serial Rapist's Release — Little Rock, Ark — As governor of Arkansas, Mike Huckabee aggressively pushed for the early release of a convicted rapist despite being warned by numerous women that the convict had sexually assaulted them or their family members, and would likely strike again.
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The Story Mike Huckabee Dreads — In August, I interviewed former Arkansas governor Mike Huckabee about the case of Wayne Dumond, the convicted rapist who was freed under Huckabee's administration, only to rape and kill a woman in neighboring Missouri. The crime attracted enormous attention in Arkansas …

Which Democrat's Health Plan Really, Truly Covers More People? — While the leading Democratic presidential candidates agree on most policy issues, a sharp dispute has emerged: Who would do more to provide health coverage for the uninsured? — Sens. Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama …

Nonpartisan AEI — I have a lot of problems with this Kit Seelye piece. It's kind of weird that the usual "both sides may have a point" reporting gave way to a clear declaration that one side is right — precisely on an issue where many, many health experts believe that Obama is wrong …

A new course on Iraq (for Democrats, that is) — The party that forced a new direction in the war needs to embrace the positive developments rather than remaining stuck in a pre-surge funk. — Rarely in U.S. history has a political party diagnosed a major failure in the country's approach …

Zogby Latest:Zogby Latest: Iowa: Dead Heats; New Hampshire: Clinton suffers shrinkage; Romney recovers strong lead after autumnal fade; The Angry Electorate: Four of five Democrats and two-thirds of Republicans say they are angry at the U.S. political system — Utica, New York …

THE PARTY'S OVER — 215-854-5985 Staff writer Gloria Campisi contributed to this report — JOCELYN SARAH Kirsch had planned to throw a 25th birthday party tonight at an upscale Rittenhouse Square eatery for her live-in love, Edward Kyle Anderton.

More than 10,000 jet into Bali for global warming conference — U.N. official rejects notion attendees adding to problem — BALI, Indonesia — Never before have so many people converged to try to save the planet from global warming, with more than 10,000 jetting into this Indonesian resort island …
The Sundries Shack, A Blog For All, Maggie's Farm, Outside The Beltway and

Setting the Record Straight on FISA — In recent weeks, there has been lot of conflicting information floating around about efforts by House Democrats to protect the country by adopting rules for intelligence gathering that are both flexible and constitutional.

NH NEA to endorse Clinton, Huckabee — From NBC/NJ's Tricia Miller — The 16,000-member New Hampshire affiliate of the National Education Association has chosen to recommend to its members Hillary Clinton in the Democratic primary and Mike Huckabee in the Republican primary …

BBC 'took terrorist trainers paintballing' — The BBC funded a paintballing trip for men later accused of Islamic terrorism and failed to pass on information about the 21/7 bombers to police, a court was told yesterday. — Mohammed Hamid, who is charged with overseeing a two-year radicalisation programme …

I Haven't Liked James Spader Since Pretty in Pink — Last night on Boston Legal, Mitt Romney got hit on gay marriage: — UPDATE: "don't get your news from Boston Legal."
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