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Iowa: Edwards surges, Huckabees bubble bursts — DES MOINES, Iowa — John Edwards has clawed his way into contention to win Iowa's caucuses on Thursday in the first vote for the Democratic presidential nomination, gaining strength even as rivals Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama have lost ground, according to a new McClatchy-MSNBC poll.
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Reuters/C-SPAN/Zogby Poll: Clinton Leads Dems; GOP Deadlocked — Race is close on both sides of the aisle, as Obama challenges Clinton and Romney challenges Huckabee — UTICA, New York - Democrat Hillary Clinton leads narrowly among likely caucus-goers in Iowa, while the race …

In final days, focus turns to key voters — The answers to two questions could determine the winners of the Iowa caucuses. — For Democrats: Which campaign will attract the most first-time caucusgoers? — For Republicans: Does Mike Huckabee have the organization to support his lead in the polls?

Clinton leads in Iowa; Huckabee, Romney even: Poll — DES MOINES, Iowa (Reuters) - Democrat Hillary Clinton holds a narrow lead in Iowa four days before the state opens the presidential nominating race, while Republicans Mike Huckabee and Mitt Romney are virtually tied, according to a Reuters/C-Span/Zogby poll released on Sunday.

The Times Adds an Op-Ed Columnist — William Kristol, one of the nation's leading conservative writers and a vigorous supporter of the Iraq war, will become an Op-Ed page columnist for The New York Times, the newspaper announced Saturday. — Mr. Kristol will write a weekly column for The Times beginning Jan. 7, the newspaper said.

Kristol Mess? It's Official —'NYT' Explains Hiring New ‘Op-Ed’ Wag — NEW YORK A day after the Huffington Post first reported it, The New York Times has announced that it has indeed hired conservative pundit, and Fox News analyst, Bill Kristol, as a new regular op-ed columnist.
The Corner, The Newshoggers, At-Largely, TBogg, American Power, State of the Day, Suburban Guerrilla, Oliver Willis and Left in the West

Times defends hiring conservative Kristol — The New York Times' hiring of Weekly Standard editor Bill Kristol to write for its op-ed page caused a frenzy in the liberal blogosphere Friday night, with threats of canceling subscriptions and claims that the Gray Lady had been hijacked by neo-cons

Captain's Quarters, Political Machine, No More Mister Nice Blog, DownWithTyranny! and The Daily Dish

Warning of Threats, Clinton Sells Clinton — Ex-President Emphasizes Wife's Experience — NASHUA, N.H. — Former president Bill Clinton yesterday delivered in stark terms a version of his wife's central campaign message: that her experience in Washington better prepares her to “deal with the unexpected.”
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Hillary Clinton is the Democrats' best choice — December 29. — Immediately after taking office, President Hillary Clinton would begin preparations to withdraw American troops from Iraq. — She would send a message to world leaders that the United States intends to rejoin the community of nations.
The Democratic Daily

Bill Clinton Won't Attend NSC Meetings in a Hillary White House

Bipartisan Group Eyes Independent Bid — First, Main Candidates Urged To Plan ‘Unity’ Government — New York Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg, a potential independent candidate for president, has scheduled a meeting next week with a dozen leading Democrats and Republicans …

Thompson: ‘Not particularly interested in running for president’ — (CNN) — Republican Fred Thompson has long faced criticism he lacks motivation to be President of the United States, but the Tennessee Republican's latest comments Saturday are likely to spawn fresh heat.

A Moderate MLA — The Modern Language Association frequently helps out its critics with provocative session titles and left-leaning political stands offered by its members. At this year's annual meeting, in Chicago, some MLA members have worried that the association was poised to take stances …

2007 DMN Texan of the Year: The Illegal Immigrant — He is at the heart of a great culture war in Texas - and the nation, credited with bringing us prosperity and blamed for abusing our resources. How should we deal with this stranger among us? — He breaks the law by his very presence.

A penalty for free riders — Obama floats a new detail — at least one I hadn't heard — of how he might deal with the “free rider” problem on his healthcare plan — healthy young people who don't get insurance until they get sick. — You could “charge a penalty if they try to sign up later,” he says on Meet the Press.

Paul: Fox News is ‘scared of me’ — PLAISTOW, N.H. — Ron Paul said the decision to exclude him from a debate on Fox News Sunday the weekend before the New Hampshire Primary is proof that the network “is scared” of him. — “They are scared of me and don't want my message to get out …

Tapes by C.I.A. Lived and Died to Save Image — WASHINGTON — If Abu Zubaydah, a senior operative of Al Qaeda, died in American hands, Central Intelligence Agency officers pursuing the terrorist group knew that much of the world would believe they had killed him.
Slate, Firedoglake, Salon, Washington Monthly, Emptywheel, TPMCafe blogs, The Carpetbagger Report and Cliff Schecter