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Hillary advisers fear N.H. loss — MANCHESTER, N.H. — Sen. Hillary Clinton's strategists, desperate for a win in New Hampshire, have decided against unleashing attack ads against Sen. Barack Obama before Tuesday's primary, Democratic sources said. — The senator's aides concluded …

MY TAKE ON THE DEM DEBATE — So, a few observations about the Democratic debate. — First, a few months ago, I said that I didn't get what Barack Obama thought he was doing in one of the debates, that he was doing a very good job debating as the frontrunner, when in fact he was falling further and further behind Hillary Clinton.

Polls: Obama, McCain hold edge in New Hampshire
Democratic Strategist

Hillary's Debate Moment
RealClearPolitics, Matt Zeitlin, Ross Douthat, BitsBlog, Don Surber and The Huffington Post

Why I Believe Bush Must Go — Nixon Was Bad. These Guys Are Worse. — As we enter the eighth year of the Bush-Cheney administration, I have belatedly and painfully concluded that the only honorable course for me is to urge the impeachment of the president and the vice president.
The Corner, Don Surber, Crooks and Liars, Macsmind,, Seeing the Forest, Say Anything, BitsBlog, The Sideshow, The Newshoggers, Sweetness & Light, Scoop, Multi Medium, Open Left, Norwegianity, Brave New Films blog, Prairie Weather, Right Wing News, Jules Crittenden, QandO and DownWithTyranny!

THE PACK....Ezra Klein watches pack journalism at work, 2008 style, and it's not pretty. Nickel version: If some other reporter says Hillary Clinton melted down because she displayed a flash of emotion in last night's debate, then she melted down. After all, who are you going to believe, the spin room or your own lyin' eyes?

THE PRESS CORPS. — Read Chris Hayes on the psychology of the press corps here. I'd add that it's a bit astonishing to watch the real-time narrative construction that went on at last night's debate. I must have heard the term “meltdown” in reference to Hillary 65 times.

He Came, and He Saw, but Did He Moderate? — The first debates after the Iowa caucuses were a crucible for the candidates, but they were also a test of the Gibson Doctrine. ABC's anchor, Charles Gibson, began the evening with a policy statement: “The less of a moderator, the better.”
Discussion:, You Decide 08!, Lonewacko,, TVNewser and Blog

Romney's Weekend — Mitt Romney had an excellent exchange with Chris Wallace this morning on the network conservatives watch, the sort of confident showing that brings voters over, even as John McCain was deep in the immigration swamp on Meet The Press and the Manchester Union Leader led …

LAST NIGHT'S DEBATE: A POST-MORTEM — I wasn't able to watch the Republican debate last night, so I viewed it this morning here. I haven't read any newspaper coverage of the debate yet, but have briefly scanned 30 or 40 emails from the campaigns, from which it appears that, as usual, all of the candidates are claiming victory.

Bishop warns of no-go zones for non-Muslims — Islamic extremists have created “no-go” areas across Britain where it is too dangerous for non-Muslims to enter, one of the Church of England's most senior bishops warns today. — The Rt Rev Michael Nazir-Ali, the Bishop of Rochester …
The Newshoggers, Atlas Shrugs, THE ASTUTE BLOGGERS, Lionheart, Jules Crittenden and Media Blog

Fred to MSM: ‘I Owe You Nothing’ — Fred Thompson today blasted the media for propagating a false rumor about his impending withdrawal, while reinforcing the role he has created for himself as the candidate in this race who does not suffer unwelcome questions gladly.
Hot Air, JammieWearingFool, GINA COBB, PoliGazette, Stop The ACLU, The Corner, Flopping Aces and

For sale: West's deadly nuclear secrets — A WHISTLEBLOWER has made a series of extraordinary claims about how corrupt government officials allowed Pakistan and other states to steal nuclear weapons secrets. — Sibel Edmonds, a 37-year-old former Turkish language translator for the FBI …
The Huffington Post, JunkYardBlog, CANNONFIRE, NO QUARTER, The Reaction, THE ASTUTE BLOGGERS and Unqualified Offerings

American Al Qaeda Leader To Bush: ‘We Will Be Waiting For You’ — Native Californian Al Qaeda Leader Makes Threats Against Bush Middle East Visit — American Al Qaeda leader Adam Gadahn told his followers to welcome Bush “with bombs and traps” upon his upcoming visit to the Middle East this week.

R.I.P., THE CLINTON ERA, 9:34 P.M. EST. — Wow. — Get your kids out and put them in front of the TV: The Clinton Era officially ended at 9:34 p.m. EST when Edwards paired with Obama to bury Hillary as a non-agent of change. — Wow, again.
Brilliant at Breakfast

Scratch Bloomberg's Surface, Find a Democrat — Hundreds of miles from the hustings of New Hampshire lurks a possible presidential candidate who supports gay marriage, abortion rights and stricter regulation of handguns. Who doesn't mind taxing the rich on their income or big companies on their carbon emissions.
Betsy's Page, Matthew Yglesias, Horses Mouth, Liberal Values, Blue Crab Boulevard and Prairie Weather