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The Ignorance Of The Right — Here's Victor Davis Hanson: … Now the reason I balk at this is that I actually sat through a long Obama speech on taxes last year in Washington. I couldn't get through the details there were so many. It bored the pants off me.

The Problems with Obama — Under pressure to produce some facts and specifics, the Obama team is beginning to release a little on the economy, taxes, and new entitlements. But the problem is that Obama himself seems not familiar with the details, and still prefers talking only about hope and change.
Blue Crab Boulevard

Let's Revote in Michigan and Florida — Democrats are headed for a trainwreck in campaign '08 that threatens to produce a tainted Democratic presidential nominee and, worse, a divisive and delegitimized presidential contest. — Recall that when Michigan and Florida moved up their primaries …
The Huffington Post, The Newshoggers, Bang the Drum, Liberal Values, The Glittering Eye, Media Blog and Brendan Nyhan

Christine Pelosi: Superdelegates Should Not Overturn Majority Dem. Vote — Christine Pelosi, daughter of the Speaker and (more notably at the moment) a superdelegate, warns of a massive disillusionment of voters should Democratic Party officials back a presidential nominee that didn't win the pledged delegate vote.

Texas Democratic Presidential Primary — Texas: Clinton 54% Obama 38% — When Election 2008 began, long before the first votes were cast, Senator Hillary Clinton led in the national polls but trailed Barack Obama in the key state of Iowa. Many remarked upon the difference between those national and state numbers.
MSNBC, Hot Air, News Hounds, Comments from Left Field, TalkLeft, protein wisdom, Election Inspection, Buck Naked Politics, MyDD, The Ruckus, The Seminal and TIME

Experts Scoff at Sat Shoot-Down Rationale (Updated) — The Pentagon says it has to shoot down a malfunctioning spy satellite because of the threat of a toxic gas cloud. Space security experts are calling the rationale highly unlikely. “Having the US government spend millions of dollars …

Mao offered U.S. 10 million women — WASHINGTON (AP) — Amid a discussion of trade in 1973, Chinese leader Mao Zedong made what U.S. Secretary of State Henry Kissinger called a novel proposition: sending tens of thousands, even 10 million, Chinese women to the United States.

McCain scolds Obama on campaign funds — Admonishes Obama for hedging on whether he'd accept public funding — OSHKOSH, Wis. - Republican John McCain admonished Democrat Barack Obama for hedging on whether he would accept public funding as promised if he wins his party's nomination or use his prolific fundraising operation.

Bill Clinton: Obama ‘Literally Not Part of Any of the Good Things’ From the 1990s — ABC News' Sarah Amos reports that former President Bill Clinton — despite myriad promises he would stop assailing his wife's opponent given how it has backfired on her — upped his harsh attacks today in Tyler, Texas.
Blue Crab Boulevard

Waxman Regrets Hearing Was Held — WASHINGTON — A day after a dramatic, nationally televised hearing that pitted Roger Clemens against his former personal trainer and Democrats against Republicans, the chairman of the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform said Thursday …

Matthews Calls Clinton Press Shop “Lousy”, “Kneecappers” — Chris Matthews fired a salvo at the Clinton campaign this morning after both he and his MSNBC colleague were privately and publicly rebuked for recent comments deemed misogynistic or inappropriate.
Captain's Quarters, The RBC, Hullabaloo, The Carpetbagger Report, Horses Mouth, Taylor Marsh, AMERICAblog, The Raw Story, The Ruckus and TalkLeft

Why Did Clinton Not Fight For Florida And Michigan In 2007? — While I think it is pretty clear that the DNC did not follow its rules regarding Florida and Michigan, I think Obama supporters make a compelling argument: why didn't Clinton fight for Florida in 2007? It does require a response.
The Ruckus

The Clintons' Beef With the Media — Are the news media being beastly to Hillary Clinton? Are political reporters and commentators — as Bill Clinton suggested but didn't quite come out and say in a radio interview Tuesday — basically in the tank for Barack Obama?
The Huffington Post, Attytood, Norwegianity, Liberal Values, American Street and Media Blog

An education gap among white voters — Today, Behind the Numbers shows the sizable “education gap” in Democratic voting patterns. — In Post-ABC national polling, Clinton consistently scored better among voters without college degrees than among those with more education …

No Recession — A number of economists on and off Wall Street are ringing the recession bell, as they have so many times in recent years. But the Goldilocks economy has proven to be more durable and resilient than her critics appreciate. — Goldilocks dodged two potentially recessionary bullets this week.
Middle Earth Journal

Citation Count Rankings and the Presidential Campaign — In a comment on David Bernstein's post on Barack Obama's tenure as President of the Harvard Law Review for Volume 104, LawStatMan reports that the volume “has been cited [by law reviews] at the lowest rate of any volume published …