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Story behind the story: The Clinton myth — One big fact has largely been lost in the recent coverage of the Democratic presidential race: Hillary Rodham Clinton has virtually no chance of winning. — Her own campaign acknowledges there is no way that she will finish ahead in pledged delegates.
TPM Election Central, The Huffington Post, Mouth of the Potomac, The Caucus, The Opinionator, The Carpetbagger Report, Matthew Yglesias, Comments from Left Field, Salon, MyDD, The Democratic Daily, The RBC, Gateway Pundit, Daily Kos, Balloon Juice, Booman Tribune, Swampland, THE LIBERAL JOURNAL, American Power, Taylor Marsh, Liberty Street, The Daily Politics, Dick Polman's American Debate, AMERICAblog, Cliff Schecter, Sweetness & Light, HorseRaceBlog and PunditGuy

PRETTY MUCH — As Jim Vandehei and Mike Allen argue in this piece …

Can Clinton win popular vote, superdelegates?
New York Times, The Swamp, TalkLeft, Washington Post, Booman Tribune and Patterico's Pontifications

Fox's Chris Wallace Takes Fox And Friends ‘To Task’ For ‘Two Hours Of Obama Bashing’ — On Fox and Friends this morning, hosts Steve Doocy, Brian Kilmeade, and Gretchen Carlson spent multiple segments sensationalizing a comment Sen. Barack Obama (D-IL) made yesterday, in which he referred …

Mayhem At Fox News: Anchor Walks Off Set, Wallace Rails Network For “Obama-Bashing” — Fox News' very own anchors are speaking out — and walking off — over what they perceive to be “Obama-bashing” on their network. — This morning on “Fox and Friends,” Brian Kilmeade walked off the set …

Obama campaign praises Wallace, says Fox has been “deeply irresponsible”

Clinton Aide Says Richardson's Endorsement Is Insignificant — Susan Davis reports on the presidential race. — New Mexico Gov. Bill Richardson finally made up his mind and endorsed Sen. Barack Obama today, but a senior adviser to Sen. Hillary Clinton's campaign — which likewise spent months courting …
The Huffington Post, Donklephant, TPM Election Central, culturekitchen, Wonkette, Balloon Juice, Hotline On Call and AMERICAblog

Stage Directions Anyone? — The Obama campaign distributed Gov. Bill Richardson's endorsement speech...note the stage direction:
Wonkette, The Current, Weekly Standard Blog, Hot Air, Political Machine and New York Times

Seeking, then downplaying, Richardson's endorsement — So Mark Penn said earlier today that Bill Richardson's endorsement was no longer “significant.” — “The time that he could have been effective has long since passed,” he said. — Long since? Actually, it must have passed awfully fast.

Passport scandal leads to Virginia contractor — Two of the government contractors who allegedly took a peek at Sen. Barack Obama's passport records worked for a Virginia-based firm called Stanley, Inc., according to U.S. government officials with knowledge of the State Department passport controversy.

Obama wants inquiry into passport files snooping
The Swamp, MSNBC, Hot Air, Daily Kos, the talking dog,, Think Progress, Ben Smith's Blogs, Attytood, MyDD, Stop The ACLU, Pajamas Media, The Gavel, Salon, The Carpetbagger Report, Hotline On Call, Oliver Willis, Ars Technica, AngryBlackBitch, Bang the Drum, THE ASTUTE BLOGGERS and Balloon Juice

The full story behind Rev. Jeremiah Wright's 9/11 sermon — As this whole sordid episode regarding the sermons of the Rev. Jeremiah Wright has played out over the last week, I wanted to understand what he ACTUALLY said in this speech. I've been saying all week on CNN that context is important …

READING BETWEEN BILL CLINTON LINES ABOUT OBAMA? — CHARLOTTE, NC — At a small VFW hall in Charlotte, NC, today, former president Bill Clinton contemplated a McCain/Clinton general election matchup, saying that it would one between “two people who loved this country” without …

CBS Poll: Good Reviews For Obama Speech — But Problems For Democratic Candidate Remain As Fewer Think He Could Unite The Country — (CBS) Sen. Barack Obama's speech on race this week, in which he discussed his relationship with Rev. Jeremiah Wright, his controversial longtime minister …

What I Got Wrong About Iraq — Slate asked me to reflect on my own failings of judgment on the fifth year of the war. Maybe the day we Christans are called to atonement is a good day for publishing it. It's cross-posted here. — I think I committed four cardinal sins. — Historical Narcissism.

Edwards unlikely to endorse — John Edwards is unlikely to endorse either Barack Obama or Hillary Clinton before the nomination is decided, according to interviews with several members of the former candidate's inner circle. — At least three individuals who have recently spoken …
Hot Air

From the Fact Check Desk: The Clinton Campaign Misrepresents Clinton NAFTA Meeting — I have now talked to three former Clinton Administration officials whom I trust who tell me that then-First Lady Hillary Clinton opposed the idea of introducing NAFTA before health care …

Bush's Alternate Reality — President Bush on Wednesday said something demonstrably false and inflammatory about Iran — asserting that the Iranian government has “declared they want to have a nuclear weapon to destroy people.” — The Iranians have never done any such thing …

STEP 8: ACCEPTANCE? — This will probably bring the emails out of the woodwork. And that's fine; we can take it. But usually when we publish something that doesn't reflect well on either of the remaining Democratic candidates (was the same when Edwards was still in) we get a flood of really not very happy emails from readers.
Cliff Schecter

Rove: A ‘Win’ After More Years In Iraq ‘Will Rally The Muslim World To Us’ — On Fox News's The O'Reilly Factor last night, former Bush adviser Karl Rove defended the invasion of Iraq five years ago, saying that “if we win,” it “will send a powerful message throughout the Islamic world.”

Spring Breakers Arrested After Dynamite Explodes On Hotel Sundeck — DAYTONA BEACH SHORES, Fla. — Three spring breakers were arrested after an explosion rocked two hotel guests from their bed and shattered the windows of their Daytona Beach Shores hotel room around 2:30am Friday.
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