Top Items:

Penn: Never Out, Still In — Demoted Hillary Clinton strategist Mark Penn may no longer have the coveted title of chief strategist, but he remains a key member of the campaign's senior staff. — Mr. Penn took part on the campaign's morning message call this morning, as usual.
Discussion:, The Nation, Agence France Presse, Ben Smith's Blogs, The Page, MSNBC, Buck Naked Politics, The Raw Story, and Truthdig

Mark Penn Speaks (In Private): Will Still Advise Clintons, Calms Nervous Aides — Mark Penn, who resigned over the weekend as the Clinton campaign's chief strategist, went into full damage control mode on Monday, hosting a conference call with Burson Marsteller's managing directors to persuade …

CHIEF GOOF — TPM Reader JM laments how Penn destroyed Hillary's campaign ... There's a lot of truth in this, except for Hillary's and I think Bill's unique responsibility for putting Penn in charge of the campaign (strategy, message, polling, whatever term you want to use).

HRC Colombia ties don't stop with Penn — Mark Penn isn't the only Hillary Rodham Clinton supporter on the wrong side of the Colombia trade agreement. — The Democratic-leaning advocacy firm the Glover Park Group, former home to Clinton campaign spokesman Howard Wolfson …
Spin Cycle

McCain Raises $15M In March — Sen. John McCain's fundraising is picking up, relatively speaking. — In March, officials said he raised about $15M, his best month since early 2007 and well above his $2M-per-month pace in late 2007. The final number is still being tallied.
Comments from Left Field, The American Mind, Hot Air, The Other McCain, Wonkette, Oliver Willis, MSNBC, The Page and Donklephant

The non-political elite view of McCain — A GOP fundraiser who hasn't, to put it mildly, been the biggest McCain booster in the world makes a smart point to me in explaining his success so far in raising coin for the GOP nominee from money types outside the Washington crowd.

Gallup Daily: Obama Moves to 9-point Lead Over Clinton — McCain, Obama remain tied in general election trial heat — PRINCETON, NJ — Barack Obama has gained support in the latest Gallup Poll Daily tracking report for April 4-6, and now leads Hillary Clinton by a statistically significant margin, 52% to 43%.
The Daily Dish, Comments from Left Field, Washington Wire, The Moderate Voice, TPM Election Central, iPol and Donklephant

On Tim Russert , Hitchens said to Sullivan: “Oh, well don't be such a lesbian. Get on with it” — On the April 5 edition of MSNBC's Tim Russert, Andrew Sullivan and Christopher Hitchens debated the significance for Sen. Barack Obama of comments made by his former pastor Jeremiah Wright …

Clinton Told True Tale of Woe, Says Kin — The aunt of a young pregnant woman who died after a hospital told her she needed to pay $100 up front for care said in an interview on Monday that Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton has been telling the story accurately on the campaign trail …

MILITARY CONFLICT … General Richard A. Cody graduated from West Point in 1972, flew helicopters, ascended to command the storied 101st Airborne Division, and then, toward the end of his career, settled into management; now, at fifty-seven, he wears four stars as the Army Vice-Chief of Staff.
The Daily Dish

The Worst President Ever? — An unscientific survey of 109 professional historians, conducted by the doubtless-unbiased author of Grand Theft Jesus: The Hijacking of Religion In America, reports that sixty-one percent of its sample considers George W. Bush's Presidency the “worst ever.”

Representative tries to put the fear of God in atheist — Did you hear about the state legislator who last week blasted a Lutheran minister during a committee hearing for spewing dangerous religious superstitions, and then attempted to order the minister out of the witness chair on the grounds …

2 Suburban Philadelphia Counties Flip to Democratic Party — History is being made in the suburbs of Philadelphia. — The four suburban counties have long been Republican strongholds, with more Republican voters than Democratic ones. The last time there were more Democrats than Republicans seems lost in the mist of time.

Household Betrayal — Harassment in the workplace, sexual or otherwise, is something I take very seriously. In my home and on the set, I have been surrounded for years by hardworking women (and men) whom I respect and whose rights are to be protected. But when people make false claims …

College Isn't Worth a Million Dollars — Go ahead — just try to find an instance in the last few years in which someone trying to make the case that going to college matters hasn't trotted out the statistic that the average college graduate earns a $1 million more over the course of a lifetime than a high school graduate does.
Daily Pundit