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Clinton Slams Democratic Activists At Private Fundraiser — At a small closed-door fundraiser after Super Tuesday, Sen. Hillary Clinton blamed what she called the “activist base” of the Democratic Party — and in particular — for many of her electoral defeats, saying activists had …

A new Newsweek poll shows Obama pulling away. — Despite her campaign's relentless attacks on Barack Obama's qualifications and electability, Hillary Clinton has lost a lot of ground with Democratic voters nationwide going into Tuesday's critical primary in Pennsylvania, a new NEWSWEEK poll shows.
Fox News, Marc Ambinder, MyDD,, DownWithTyranny!, Wonkette, Daily Kos, TPM Election Central, Exurban League and QandO

Gallup Daily: Clinton Moves Within 3 Points of Obama — Thursday night interviewing suggests Obama may have been hurt by debate — PRINCETON, NJ — Gallup Poll Daily tracking shows a tightening of the national Democratic race, with Barack Obama now holding just a 3-percentage point advantage over Hillary Clinton, 47% to 44%.
The Moderate Voice, The Swamp, Marc Ambinder, Wizbang Blue, Taylor Marsh, Don Surber, TPM Election Central, MyDD, Donklephant, Hot Air and Zogby

Clinton scorns the base — In a weird mirror image of last Friday's “cling” revelation — though perhaps without the same general election implications — this Friday afternoon brings a Huffington Post tape reportedly from a closed-door Hillary fundraiser in which Clinton scorns her opponent's supporters …
Pat Dollard

Hillary Clinton Attacks MoveOn — The Huffington Post has Hillary Clinton on tape disparaging Barack Obama and his support from MoveOn, saying that the organization “didn't even want us to go into Afghanistan. — I've tried to stay out of the pie fights of late, but as a long-term defender …

Obama's secret weapon: the media — My, oh my, but weren't those fellows from ABC News rude to Barack Obama at this week's presidential debate. — Nothing but petty, process-oriented questions, asked in a prosecutorial tone, about the Democratic front-runner's personal associations and his electablity.

Journalists Slam ABC Debate Tactics — In an open letter to ABC, journalists and media commentator condemn the network's poor handling of the April 16 Democratic presidential debate. — We the undersigned deplore the conduct of ABC's George Stephanopoulos and Charles Gibson at the Democratic Presidential debate on April 16.

The Wounded-Courier (EXCLUSIVE): Transcript of Untelevised Portion of ABC Debate — The Wounded-Courier (EXCLUSIVE): — Transcript of Untelevised Portion of ABC Debate — ABC News' handling of the Democratic debate on Wednesday generated thousands of negative comments from viewers …

The Backlash Against ABC
Power Line, Hot Air, Commentary, AMERICAblog, Liberty Street, baldilocks, The Huffington Post and

And Al Gore Helps John McCain into the White House — So John McCain is moving towards a more moderate position so he can build himself up for the general election. And the way he is doing it is quite fascinating if not surprising. … And why would John McCain be trusted on climate change?

KARL ROVE RESPONDS — We wrote here about 60 Minutes' disgraceful hit-job on Karl Rove, in which the program accused Rove of masterminding the criminal prosecution of an Alabama politician. The program was based entirely on wild and uncorroborated claims of a widespread conspiracy …
Gateway Pundit

Leftosphere recycles distorted antiwar propaganda from McClatchy — A McClatchy story about a study of the Iraq conflict by former senior Pentagon official Joseph Collins is blasted by Collins at the Small Wars Journal blog: … Of course, the usual suspects in the Leftosphere ran with the distorted McClatchy story.

Obama for President — The formal act of endorsing a candidate is generally (and properly)limited to editorial pages and elected officials whose constituents might be influenced by their choice. The rest of us shouldn't assume anyone cares. My avoidance of offering a formal endorsement until …

Killer Video of the Moment: O'Reilly's Fox ‘News’ Reporter Gets Pwned by Pro-Wright Priest — and I'm sorry I don't know his name — is my new hero. Can't really set up the following must-watch killer video any better than “Rat” of RatTube, from whence it was found, did: … Yes. Very good.
Blue Girl, Red State

Philly Ignites For Obama — PHILADELPHIA — It wasn't so much that Barack Obama had real fight in him tonight, or that more people attended his rally in front of Independence Hall than any other event since he announced his candidacy. It was the spontaneous demonstration of support that happened when it ended.

Why Democrats Rule the Web — You know the drill. As election day approaches, glossy pamphlets clog your mailbox. Annoying prerecorded calls jam your answering machine. Nasty attack ads disturb your prime-time TV viewing. You are bombarded at every turn, and you take it all in …