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CLINTON INTERNALS SHOW 11-POINT LEAD IN PA — Controlled excitement is building inside of Clinton's inner circle as closely guarded internal polling shows the former first lady with an 11-point lead in Pennsylvania! — Clinton is polling near to nearly 2 to 1 over Obama in many regions of the state …

DRUDGE? — There's a very odd splash headline that Drudge is running claiming that Sen. Clinton's internals show her with an 11 point lead in the state. Now, Sen. Clinton's campaign has taken some heat during the campaign for opening lines of communications with Drudge and even giving him some exclusives.

Clinton Leads Obama By 7 Points In Pennsylvania, Quinnipiac University Poll Finds — New York Sen. Hillary Clinton leads Illinois Sen. Barack Obama 51 - 44 percent among Pennsylvania likely Democratic primary voters, compared to 50 - 44 percent last week, according to a Quinnipiac University poll released today.
Washington Wire, Public Policy Polling, Buck Naked Politics, TalkLeft,, MyDD, Indecision 2008, TPM Election Central and Donklephant

Dem voter surge could cut Clinton margin — An historic spike in Democratic voter registrations in Pennsylvania could help Barack Obama cut into Hillary Clinton's vote in Tuesday's primary, robbing her of the big victory margin she needs to justify continuing the primary fight.

Gallup Daily: Obama Regains Lead Over Clinton, 49% to 42% — A sharp reversal of the tightening of the race seen late last week — PRINCETON, NJ — Support for Barack Obama's nomination bid has rebounded among national Democratic voters, who now favor him over Hillary Clinton by a seven percentage point margin, 49% to 42%.
Prairie Weather

SUSA PA Poll: Obama Closing Fast, Down 6, Plus Q (Clinton +7) And Suffolk (Clinton +10) — The new World's Greatest Pollster now has Obama closing fast in PA, cutting a 14 point deficit to 6. The SUSA poll shows a 50-44 result (previously it was 54-40.) — Details to follow when available …

Obama's Touch of Class — Allow me to introduce myself. According to the general clucking of the national punditry, my 2004 book - “What's the Matter With Kansas?” - is supposed to have persuaded Barack Obama to describe the yeomanry of Pennsylvania as “bitter” people who …

Palestinians' backing for terror rises — The number of Palestinians who support attacks against Israelis continues to rise and more than half of them favor suicide bombings, according to a poll published this weekend. — The survey also showed that Hamas Prime Minister Ismail Haniyeh …

A Tale of Clintonian Spin: Trying to Blow Past the Weathermen Question — All campaigns spin. All candidates spin. But there is something about Clintonian spin that is...well, spinnier than conventional spin. — Here's an example. Last Thursday, following the mis-moderated Clinton-Obama debate …

My Vote's for Obama (if I could vote) Michael Moore — I don't get to vote for President this primary season. I live in Michigan. The party leaders (both here and in D.C.) couldn't get their act together, and thus our votes will not be counted. — So, if you live in Pennsylvania, can you do me a favor?
Perfunction, Reason Magazine, Fox News, Tim Blair, American Spectator, DownWithTyranny! and Right Voices

DCCC Head Urges Superdelegates to Decide by July 1 — Susan Davis reports on the presidential race. — The head of House Democrats' campaign operation told reporters Monday that he wants undecided superdelegates to get off the fence by July 1 to decide the party's nominee.

White Men — Here's another thing I don't like about this primary: now that there are only two Democratic candidates, it's suddenly horribly absolutely crystal-clear that this is an election about gender and race. This may have always been true, but weeks ago it wasn't so obvious …
protein wisdom, Hot Air, New York Magazine, Achenblog, Cheat Seeking Missiles,, Rachel Lucas and Neptunus Lex

The Media's Man — Journalists flay ABC for failing to coddle Obama. — George Stephanopoulos and Charlie Gibson of ABC News weren't just criticized for their tough questioning of Barack Obama during last week's Democratic debate. They were flayed. — Hendrik Hertzberg of The New Yorker called …

Democrats must choose Obama — Barack Obama goes into Tuesday's Pennsylvania primary as strong favourite, whatever happens, to secure the Democratic presidential nomination. Yet the vote could still go either way. — This is a sign of how close this race has been and how deeply it has divided the party.

Clinton Needs Record Margins, Turnout to Catch Obama — To overtake Barack Obama in the nationwide popular vote, Hillary Clinton needs a bigger win in tomorrow's Pennsylvania primary than she has had in any major contest so far. And that's just for starters.
TPM Election Central, TalkLeft, Salon, NY Daily News, The Daily Dish, Buck Naked Politics, Political Machine and AMERICAblog

The Elephant in the Room: Why conservatives should support McCain — Anyone who knows me knows that I don't shy away from offering my two-cents on the issues of the day, particularly in presidential races. And anyone who has heard me talk about the presidential race over the last few months knows …

Little Increase in Americans' Global Warming Worries — Public just can't seem to get worked up about it — PRINCETON, NJ — While 61% of Americans say the effects of global warming have already begun, just a little more than a third say they worry about it a great deal …