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Keith Olbermann's Idea For Beating Hillary: Literally Beating Hillary — There are two kinds of people in the world: People who think there's an ugly strain of misogyny running through Hillary Clinton's media coverage, and people who think she's just not very likable and deserves it for running …

Keith Olbermann Apologizes For Crack About Hillary — As I've noted here before, MSNBC's Keith Olbermann has a bizarre tendency to listen to the substance of criticism against him. Even more strange, considering that he's a top-shelf media star, is the fact that he apologizes for his conduct when he's wrong.

Olbermann Comments on Hillary Causing Stir
Delilah Boyd, Classical Values, Redstate, Anglachel's Journal, The Confluence and Shakesville

DNC Official: “You Know What You Call Someone Who Digs Up Dirt on John McCain? An Archeologist” — Call it the perils of Twitter. — Or a new Maginot Line in what Slate's John Dickerson has called “the Umbrage War.” — On his Facebook page, the Democratic National Committee's director of research …

Fort Bragg Barracks: Shades of Walter Reed? — A Fort Bragg soldier's father uploaded a YouTube video of photos he took of his son's barracks earlier this month. The video shows the deplorable living conditions to which his son and the other soldiers of his unit in the 82nd Airborne Division returned …

Only In Return We Get A Stabbing In The Back — These are the conditions at Fort Bragg. Just absolutely disgraceful. The following video, shot by the father of a sergeant who just returned from Afghanistan — via Brandon Friedman of VetVoice — shows a barracks that “should be condemned. ...

Matthews: Whites are ‘willing’ to support Obama in the same way they ‘root for black athletes.’ — Last night on Hardball, host Chris Matthews sought to give Sen. Barack Obama (D-IL) some “advice” on how to get white Americans to vote for him for president: … Watch it:

Q&A: David Plouffe — Obama's Manager Discusses Clinton's Negatives & The Delegate Race — Fri. — National Journal's Linda Douglass sat down with David Plouffe, Barack Obama's campaign manager, for the April 25 edition of “National Journal On Air.” This is a transcript of their conversation.
Hot Air, CANNONFIRE, Washington Post, AMERICAblog, Don Surber, Gateway Pundit, The Page, Commentary and Political Punch

Cheer Up, Democrats!
The Daily Dish, MyDD, Democratic Strategist, Prairie Weather, protein wisdom, Marc Ambinder and New York Times

Plouffe: McCain has the racist vote anyway
Patterico's Pontifications

Gallup Daily: Obama and Clinton Tied at 48% to 47% — Clinton's increased support has mainly come from undecided voters — PRINCETON, NJ — The Democratic nomination race is now tied, with Barack Obama favored by 48% of national Democratic voters and Hillary Clinton by 47%.

Who'll Cover the Checks? — THE DEMOCRATIC presidential candidates have some big plans — with big price tags attached. By our calculations, using figures supplied by the campaigns, Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton (N.Y.) has proposed new spending and tax breaks that would amount to almost $265 billion …

BIG HRC FUNDRAISER DEFECTS TO OBAMA — From NBC's Chuck Todd — One of the things that both Dem campaigns are always nervous about is defectors. In particular, Clinton is more vulnerable to this problem since she's the candidate that is trailing. Well, NBC News has learned …

SYRIA FOLLOWUP....Here's more on the Syrian/North Korean nuclear reactor thing. One of the big questions floating around is: Why now? The intelligence community has kept quiet about it for a full seven months since Al Kibar was bombed, so why did they finally decide to brief Congress (and the press) this week?

The Trouble With Not Being Earnest — Senator John McCain sells himself for the presidency as a champion of campaign finance reform, a sworn enemy of Congressional handouts and a maverick who is immune to the corrupting influence of big money. In two campaigns, he has vowed not to dispense favors to contributors.

McCain Takes Shot at Obama for Hamas Support — John McCain taunted Barack Obama Friday for his recent “endorsement” from a Hamas adviser, wearing his own apparent rejection by the terrorist group as a badge of honor and saying that if elected he would be “Hamas' worst nightmare.”

McCain: “Clear Who Hamas Wants to be the Next President”
MSNBC, Boston Globe, The Carpetbagger Report, Matthew Yglesias, Commentary, DownWithTyranny!, Spin Cycle, TPM Election Central, MyDD and Angry Bear

Acquittals in groom's shooting spark outrage — NEW YORK (CNN) — Nicole Paultre Bell bolted from the courtroom Friday as a judge acquitted three New York City detectives of all charges in the shooting death of her fiance. — “I've got to get out of here,” Paultre Bell said.

Election 2008: Pennsylvania Presidential Election — Pennsylvania: McCain 44% Obama 43% — What a difference two weeks of intense campaigning can make. The final two weeks of campaigning in the Pennsylvania Primary may not have changed the outcome of the Democratic race, but it helped John McCain in the Keystone State.

The Sad End of Jimmy Carter — The problem is not that he is, or is not, talking to the Syrians - everyone does it to some degree. — It isn't that he went to Damascus to meet with the exiled head of Hamas - everyone, including the Israelis, will one day have to do that too …

Esteem for US rises in Asia, thanks to Iraq war — THE US war in Iraq has strengthened its strategic position, especially in terms of key alliances, and the only way this could be reversed would be if it lost the will to continue the struggle and abandoned Iraq in defeat and disarray.