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Losing Ground — After losing Pennsylvania and a difficult month of scandals, Barack Obama's double-digit lead over Hillary Clinton has dropped to seven points in the latest NEWSWEEK poll. — After an important primary win in Pennsylvania, Hillary Clinton has reduced Democratic rival …

Party Fears Racial Divide — The protracted and increasingly acrimonious fight for the Democratic presidential nomination is unnerving core constituencies — African Americans and wealthy liberals — who are becoming convinced that the party could suffer irreversible harm …
The Huffington Post, The Corner, Booman Tribune, Open Left, Hot Air, Pam's House Blend, AMERICAblog and The Page

Heading Toward the Danger Zone — Barack Obama is winning, so why does it look like Hillary Clinton is having all the fun? — Senator Obama has been thrown completely off his game by a combination of political attacks (some fair, some foul), a toxic eruption (the volcanic Jeremiah Wright …

Settling Scores — If Hillary Clinton finds a way to win, she'll have a long list of grudges and grievances. — I'm beginning to think Hillary Clinton might pull this off and wrestle the nomination away from Barack Obama. If she does, a lot of folks—including a huge chunk of the media …

Media Conventional Wisdom Shifting Towards Belief Clinton Could Defeat Obama? — There are signs of what could be a shift in the news media conventional wisdom: for the first time in months, some key pundits are hinting and even saying that Senator Barack Obama could lose the Democratic nomination …
Real Clear Politics

Vengeance is Hers — What happens if Hillary Clinton does somehow manage to become president? Eleanor Clift speaks for many when she says it'll be payback time: … Maybe. On the other hand, current Obama endorsers include, among others, the Senators who chair the committees on Health …

Former Obama friend stumps for Clinton — One bonus for Barack Obama (D-IL) as he campaigns in Indiana is that so many friends from his home state can just drive across the state line to help him out. — Then again, it's also a short trip for the occasional hometown pol who has been crossed by Obama …

Clinton challenges Obama to Lincoln-Douglas style debate — MARION, Ind. (AP) — Democratic rivals Barack Obama and Hillary Rodham Clinton turned up the rhetoric Saturday in their increasingly heated primary battle as she issued a new debate challenge and he complained of a race that's largely …

Bill Moyers plays Whiffleball with the Rev. Wright — Not that anyone should expect that Bill Moyers Journal will involve journalism, but the former LBJ flack's “interview” with Barack Obama's longtime spiritual adviser, Rev. Jeremiah Wright cannot be fairly called a softball game.

He's Back — Bill Clinton gives his wife's campaign new momentum as he seizes a bigger role — HILLSBOROUGH, N.C. — Bill Clinton, who called himself the “comeback kid” during his first presidential run, is pulling out all the stops for Hillary Clinton's comeback.

Soldier Sues Army, Saying His Atheism Led to Threats — FORT RILEY, Kan. — When Specialist Jeremy Hall held a meeting last July for atheists and freethinkers at Camp Speicher in Iraq, he was excited, he said, to see an officer attending. — But minutes into the talk, the officer …

3 Candidates With 3 Plans, but One Deficit — The Republican and Democratic presidential candidates differ strikingly in their approaches to taxes and spending, but their fiscal plans have at least one thing in common: each could significantly swell the budget deficit and increase the national debt …
The Page

'It's true - we're hypocrites over our huge carbon footprint,' confesses Sting's wife — Their claim to be eco-warriors has been met with cynicism in recent times. — Sting, for instance, notched up an incredible number of air miles with his band's world tour.