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Clinton says she's open to being Obama's VP — WASHINGTON (AP)—Hillary Rodham Clinton will concede Tuesday night that Barack Obama has the delegates to secure the Democratic nomination, campaign officials said, effectively ending her bid to be the nation's first female president.

Republicans begin to highlight Clinton's criticism of Obama — NEW YORK (CNN) - Hours before the polls closed Tuesday in the final two Democratic presidential primaries, the Republican National Committee began circulating a video of Hillary Clinton questioning Barack Obama's qualifications …

AP tally: Obama effectively clinches nomination … WASHINGTON (AP) - Barack Obama effectively clinched the Democratic presidential nomination Tuesday, based on an Associated Press tally of convention delegates, becoming the first black candidate ever to lead his party into a fall campaign for the White House.
The Moderate Voice, Ben Smith's Blogs, The Swamp, MSNBC, The Raw Story, Gateway Pundit, culturekitchen, Comments from Left Field, The Sundries Shack, Macsmind, Blog Central, Hot Air, Lonewacko, American Street, Trailhead, New York Magazine, The Carpetbagger Report, Cliff Schecter and The Democratic Daily

Pawlenty: McCain will compete for Clinton backers — John McCain portrayed her as a trailblazing model for aspring female politicians yesterday and now one of his top surrogates and vice-presidential prospects is taking the next natural step and promising that they'll compete for Hillary Clinton's supporters.

Superdelegates surge to Obama — A tsunami of superdelegates is poised to rush to Sen. Barack Obama (D-Ill.) over the next 12 hours, giving him a mathematical lock on his party's presidential nomination. — The superdelegate surge is likely to swamp a few holdouts within the camp …

FOX News Exit Poll: Obama Doing Well in Montana, Clinton Strong in South Dakota — Barack Obama is doing well with his usual supporters in Montana and South Dakota, according to exit polls taken on Tuesday's primary day, but Hillary Clinton is still keeping a tight grip on her core groups in South Dakota.

Making History and Denying History
Comments from Left Field

Obama claims Democratic nomination
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FRIGHTENINGLY SAD — Here at TPM HQ we're watching John McCain's prebuttal to Sen. Obama's speech tonight. — And, man, I'm curious to hear what other people think, but I really feel like he would have served himself much better by just going to ground for the evening.

EXCLUSIVE: MCCAIN SPEECH TONIGHT: THE GENERAL ELECTION BEGINS — John McCain will launch his general election campaign against Barack Obama tonight at 9:00 in New Orleans, Louisiana. In a speech that will praise Senator Clinton for her “tenacity and courage,” McCain will recognize Obama as the Democratic party's presumptive nominee.
The Caucus, Trailhead, FOX Embeds, Wake up America, Comments from Left Field, Jonathan Martin's Blogs and TownHall Blog

Another Congressional Wave Election — In the latest Democracy Corps battleground survey of 1,600 likely voters conducted May 19-26, 2008, we modified our sample design to include more hard-to-reach Republican-held districts. And even in this totally Republican battleground that Bush won …

Democrats Improve Advantage in 45 Republican-Held Districts — Even as we modified our sample design to include more hard-to-reach Republican-held districts, Democrats have significantly expanded their lead in this totally Republican battleground that Bush won by 12 points in 2004 and Republican members won by the same margin in 2006.

Bush: We'll Be in Iraq for 40 Years, Hamas Election Was “Good Thing” — When NBC News correspondent Richard Engel sat down with President Bush last year for an interview, he had little idea how much Bush would reveal about his true intentions and his real sentiments about the war on terror and America's allies and enemies.
Think Progress

War Journal — My Five Years in Iraq — This Edition: Hardcover

Ogonowski's challenge to Kerry collapses; challenger misses signature mark — Ogonowski drew attention for his campaign against Niki Tsongas, but failed to collect enough signatures. — In a major embarrassment to Republican leaders in Massachusetts and in the U.S. Senate, Jim Ogonowski …

Says Nunn: It might be time to take another look at 'don't ask, don't tell' — Former Georgia senator Sam Nunn, who helped push through the 1993 “don't ask, don't tell” law that established the terms under which gays and lesbians could serve in the U.S. military, said Tuesday that it's time to review the policy.

Cardinal removes Pfleger from St. Sabina parish — The firebrand pastor of St. Sabina parish was removed from his duties there Tuesday, according to a statement released by the Archdiocese of Chicago. — In the statement, Cardinal Francis George says he asked the Rev. Michael Pfleger …
WBBM-TV, Political Machine, Wake up America, protein wisdom,, Gateway Pundit and JammieWearingFool

Johnson will support winner of South Dakota primary — FAITH BREMNER • ARGUS LEADER WASHINGTON BUREAU — WASHINGTON - South Dakota Sen. Tim Johnson said Tuesday he'll throw his superdelegate vote behind whoever wins the state's Democratic presidential primary.
Reason Magazine

South Dakota Projection: Obama by 5
Firedoglake,, Daily Kos, Trailhead, Open Left, The Raw Story, MyDD and The Field

A Leader We Can Believe In — ARLINGTON, VA — U.S. Senator John McCain delivered the following remarks as prepared for delivery tonight in New Orleans, LA: — Good evening from the great city of New Orleans. Tonight, we can say with confidence the primary season is over, and the general election campaign has begun.