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Justices Rule Terror Suspects Can Appeal in Civilian Courts — WASHINGTON — Foreign terrorism suspects held at the Guantánamo Bay naval base in Cuba have constitutional rights to challenge their detention there in United States courts, the Supreme Court ruled, 5 to 4 …

Court says detainees have rights, bucking Bush — WASHINGTON - In a stinging rebuke to President Bush's anti-terror policies, a deeply divided Supreme Court ruled Thursday that foreign detainees held for years at Guantanamo Bay in Cuba have the right to appeal to U.S. civilian courts …
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Court gives detainees habeas rights — UPDATE, 1:03 p.m.?? The District Court judges in Washington who will hear the detainees' habeas challenges mandated by the Supreme Court will meet soon to decide how to proceed, that Court announced shortly after the Supreme Court ruled.??
Center for Constitutional …, The Volokh Conspiracy, JustOneMinute, Law Blog,, Daily Kos, Balkinization, Redstate,, DownWithTyranny!, Guardian, THE ASTUTE BLOGGERS, The Moderate Voice, Democracy Project, Firedoglake, Lean Left, the talking dog, Threat Level and Stop The ACLU

Supreme Court restores habeas corpus, strikes down key part of Military Commissions Act — (updated below) — In a major rebuke to the Bush administration's theories of presidential power — and in an equally stinging rebuke to the bipartisan political class which has supported …

Obama, McCain Respond to Guantanamo Bay Ruling — The presidential candidates reacted to the U.S. Supreme Court's decision today to grant terrorism suspects at Guantanamo Bay access to the federal courts. — Republican John McCain told reporters in Boston that he had not yet read the opinion …

GOP blast Gitmo decision, Graham says he is willing to push …
Daily Kos

The Gitmo Defeat — While I am still reviewing the 5-4 decision …
Hot Air

Kos Tries To Pass Off Obama's Birth Certification As Birth Certificate — ... without any attribution or mention of how it came into his possession, it should be noted. He divulges only that it is a scanned image, the edges of which he trimmed. — Unfortunately, he's more careful with document grooming than with authentication.

Obama's birth certificate — The National Review's Jim Geraghty, who (ironically) helped debunk the “Michelle Obama railing against ‘whitey’” video rumors, recently wrote about a new set of rumors: … Those rumors include the claim that Obama was born in Kenya, that his middle name isn't …

Ron Paul to End Campaign, Launches New Effort — Supporters Plot Shadow Convention, More Revolution — Rep. Ron Paul's presidential campaign, a pugnacious, ideological crusade against big government and interventionist leanings in the Republican party, will officially end Thursday …

The Smear Page Smears the Smearmaster — Obama's campaign has launched a website meant to push back against the viral campaign against him called “Fight the Smears.” The fact hub, replete with a Truth Bird, includes this: … But Stone, while absolutely spreading rumor of the tape, didn't say he had evidence.
Power Line, New York Times, The Moderate Voice, The Fix, Time, TownHall Blog and Redstate

Fox addresses baby mama drama: Producer used ‘poor judgment’ — Since Salon's Alex Koppelman caught Fox News characterizing Michelle Obama as “Obama's Baby Mama,” there's been an uproar over use of such an offensive term. — “A producer on the program exercised poor judgment in using …

A Preliminary Analysis of the 2008 Presidential Candidates' Tax Plans — The nonpartisan Urban Institute publishes studies, reports, and books on timely topics worthy of public consideration. The views expressed are those of the authors and should not be attributed to the Urban Institute, its trustees, or its funders.

Obama moves DNC operations to Chicago — In a major shakeup at the Democratic National Committee — and a departure from tradition — large parts of the committee's operations are relocating to Chicago to be fully integrated with the Obama campaign. — The DNC's political department …
TPM Election Central, Open Left, The Confluence, Redstate, THE ASTUTE BLOGGERS, Matthew Yglesias and

House Republicans vow push on oil drilling — WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Congressional Republicans vowed on Thursday to make a major push for more U.S. oil and gas drilling and in the process force Democrats to cast difficult votes at a time of skyrocketing gasoline prices.

PUTTING OBAMA'S LEAD INTO PERSPECTIVE — From NBC's Mark Murray — In the latest NBC/WSJ poll, Obama leads McCain by six points (47%-41%) among registered voters. While polls can't accurately gauge an election five months out — after all, so much can still happen …
Quinnipiac University, The Moderate Voice, Spin Cycle, No More Mister Nice Blog and Salon

Do Not Feed the Troll: Tell The National Press Club Not To Host Larry Sinclair — Larry Sinclair is one of the most outrageous anti-Obama smear merchants. So why is the National Press Club hosting him this coming Wednesday? Apparently Jeff Gannon wasn't available.
Larry Sinclair …

A Quick Remedial Course In Racist Iconography — Okay, once again for those in the cheap seats. — Monkey: — Cute, entertaining, educational, not racist. — Depicting black people as monkeys: — Ridiculously racist. — Simian depiction and derision of black people is nothing new.
Think Progress