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Fox News calls Michelle Obama “Obama's baby mama” — An alert reader wrote in just a little while ago to let us know about something he'd spotted on Fox News Wednesday afternoon. During a segment discussing conservative attacks against Michelle Obama, the wife of presumptive Democratic nominee Barack …
The Moderate Voice, The Swamp, The Opinionator, Outside The Beltway, Talking Points Memo, Firedoglake, Ben Smith's Blogs, TownHall Blog, The Corner, Buck Naked Politics, No More Mister Nice Blog, The Room, Too Sense, The Carpetbagger Report, Sister Toldjah, Bring It On!, American Street, AMERICAblog, Donklephant, ECHIDNE OF THE SNAKES, Shakesville, The Political Carnival and News Hounds

Durbin says: We're going to hell! Update: The Obama “baby mama” drama — Breathe a bad word about Michelle Obama and you'll be cast into the fiery bowels of hell, says Reverend Dick Durbin. — Here's my hell-baiting Fox segment on Michelle earlier this afternoon.
Hot Air

Hey Fox News, Just Call Her A N***** And Be Done With It, Okay? — Fox News refers to Michelle Obama as Senator Obama's “Baby Mama”. — So here's the thing (because during this campaign I'm apparently learning that we black people have our own secret code and hand signals so this stuff …

Court gives detainees habeas rights — In a stunning blow to the Bush Administration in its war-on-terrorism policies, the Supreme Court ruled Thursday that foreign nationals held at Guantanamo Bay have a right to pursue habeas challenges to their detention.
The Corner, The Volokh Conspiracy,, Firedoglake, Balkinization, Reason Magazine, ACSBlog, Law Blog, How Appealing, On Deadline and rubber hose

High Court sides with Guantanamo detainees again — WASHINGTON - The Supreme Court ruled Thursday that foreign terrorism suspects held at Guantanamo Bay have rights under the Constitution to challenge their detention in U.S. civilian courts. — In its third rebuke of the Bush administration's treatment …
The Moderate Voice, TalkLeft, Hot Air, Right Wing News, Salon, Feministe and Shakesville

Supreme Court backs Guantanamo detainees — Foreign terrorism suspects have right to challenge detention, court rules — WASHINGTON - The Supreme Court has ruled that foreign terrorism suspects held at Guantanamo Bay have rights under the U.S. Constitution to challenge their detention in civilian courts.

Exclusive: Obama's Anti-Rumor Plan — As long as there have been rumors in politics, there has been one widely accepted way for a candidate to deal with them. Basically, it's not to. Otherwise, according to prevailing wisdom, all a candidate achieves is to elevate the rumors to a legitimate story for the media to feast on.

Robert Mugabe's militia burn opponent's wife alive — The men who pulled up in three white pickup trucks were looking for Patson Chipiro, head of the Zimbabwean opposition party in Mhondoro district. His wife, Dadirai, told them he was in Harare but would be back later in the day, and the men departed.
Hot Air

$4 Gasbags — Anyone wondering why U.S. energy policy is so dysfunctional need only review Congress's recent antics. Members have debated ideas ranging from suing OPEC to the Senate's carbon tax-and-regulation monstrosity, to a windfall profits tax on oil companies, to new punishments for …

EXCLUSIVE: Who is Mohammed Al-Churbaji?: Key Al-Qaeda Terrorist “Abu Salim's” Son is Barack Obama Fundraiser; Islamic Terrorist “Mr. Mom” — By Debbie Schlussel, Copyright 2008 — **** Must Cite Debbie Schlussel and link to; Not for Use by Aaron Klein, WorldNutDaily ****
The Jawa Report

New Gang of 14 won't back McCain — At least 14 Republican members of Congress have refused to endorse or publicly support Sen. John McCain for president, and more than a dozen others declined to answer whether they back the Arizona senator. — Many of the recalcitrant GOP members declined …
The Swamp, The Carpetbagger Report, MSNBC, Comments from Left Field, American Street and The Political Carnival

Election 2008: Iowa Presidential Election — Iowa: Obama Expands Lead in Hawkeye State — Barack Obama, enjoying a bounce in national polling since clinching the Democratic Presidential Nomination, is also expanding his lead in Iowa. — The latest Rasmussen Reports telephone survey …
RELATED: Obama bests McCain in first UW Dept. of Political Science/ General Election Poll — CONTACT: UW Political Scientist Ken Goldstein at 608-263-2390, Charles Franklin at 608 263-2022. — In the inaugural UW Dept. of Political Science/ survey taken immediately …

The Unvetted Vetter — Say this for Sen. Barack Obama: He is a lot quicker in these post-Jeremiah Wright days to walk away from controversy caused him by others. By the time he finished distancing himself from Jim Johnson, his former vice presidential vetter, Johnson must have felt like he was on Mars.

Obama Defense of Johnson Raises Questions
Commentary, Macsmind, MSNBC, National Review, New York Times, L.A. Land, The Moderate Voice, The Democratic Daily and MyDD

President Obama? Many White Supremacists are Celebrating — With the nomination of Barack Obama as the Democratic presidential candidate clinched, large sections of the white supremacist movement are adopting a surprising attitude: Electing America's first black president would be a very good thing.

Papers give peek inside al Qaeda in Iraq — BAGHDAD, Iraq (CNN) — With Christmas 2005 approaching, the princes of al Qaeda's western command were gathering. They'd been summoned for something special: to plot a three-month campaign of coordinated suicide, rocket and infantry attacks on American bases …
Weekly Standard Blog, ThreatsWatch, Unqualified Offerings, Democracy Project and American Power

Dems Use Edgy Films to Rally Youth Voters — ‘Blue Balled’ Uses Red-Blue Imagery in Alcohol, Sex-Laden Video — A stunning 20-something woman hooks up with a seemingly innocent guy at a rowdy singles bar. Hot foreplay starts on the cab ride home and progresses into the bedroom.