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Let's Get Something Straight — I liked Tim Russert, even though I thought his BS gotcha nonsense was thorough idiocy and not helping the debate at all. He was a likable guy- friendly, always smiling. I understand it is a loss for the beltway folks, and he had a lot of really good friends …

Tim Russert: The Smile That Lit Up Journalism — But he couldn't have died. It seems impossible. Tim Russert can't be gone because he was having too good a time. — He was an expert at journalism, politics and the ways of the world, yes, but he also seemed to have mastered happiness.

NYT: McCains owed $225,000 in credit card debt — Senate disclosure statements give look at candidates' personal finances — Senators John McCain and Barack Obama released their Senate financial disclosure statements on Friday, revealing that Mr. McCain and his wife had at least $225,000 …

Fox forced to apologise to Obama for third time in two weeks — Rupert Murdoch's Fox News television station has been forced to apologise to Barack Obama for the third time in a fortnight after screening a racially tinged caption referring to his wife Michelle as his “baby mama”.

Giuliani Plans to Aid Hopefuls, for His Share — WASHINGTON — With the Republican Party in need of money for the November elections, former Mayor Rudolph W. Giuliani has offered to appear at fund-raisers around the country for G.O.P. candidates. But there is a catch: He wants some cash out of the deal.
The Moderate Voice, Spin Cycle, The Carpetbagger Report, Talking Points Memo, and Daily Kos

McCain Cancels Fundraiser with Oilman Who Joked About Rape — Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) Friday suddenly cancelled an upcoming fundraiser at the home of a Texas Republican after media outlets began asking the campaign about comments the host made while running for governor in 1990.

McCain Cancels Event with Controversial Fundraiser
The Carpetbagger Report, Firedoglake, The Back Forty, RADAMISTO, Oliver Willis, The Moderate Voice and The Jed Report

APNewsBreak: Companies get OK to annoy polar bears — WASHINGTON - Less than a month after declaring polar bears a threatened species because of global warming, the Bush administration is giving oil companies permission to annoy and potentially harm them in the pursuit of oil and natural gas.
Sweetness & Light

A Moment of Clarity in Baghdad — The disconnect between Washington's stay-the-course Republicans — President Bush and Senator John McCain, in particular — and the Iraqi government has grown too wide to ignore. As the administration pushes for a legal agreement to extend …

Delegate's reversal stuns party — Wisconsin Democrat now publicly supports McCain — Washington - As an avid supporter of Hillary Rodham Clinton in the Democratic primaries, Debra Bartoshevich is not alone in her frustration over Clinton's defeat. — She's not alone in refusing to support Barack Obama.

Prager H1: Big Victory for Terrorists and Liberals — Prager H1: The Supreme Court has granted the right of habeas corpus to captured terrorists. This is a new right created out of whole cloth by the liberal members of the court... Dennis reflects on the tragedy of the death …
protein wisdom

Justices Come Under Election-Year Spotlight — WASHINGTON — Thanks in no small part to Justice Antonin Scalia's dire warning that granting Guantánamo detainees access to habeas corpus “will almost certainly cause more Americans to be killed,” the Supreme Court finds itself on the verge …
New York Times

It's Not Race, It's Arugula — Obama's real electoral challenge. — On the way to his rendezvous with destiny, Barack Obama consistently lost white voters, especially of the middle and working classes, to Hillary Clinton—voters variously known as Appalachians or Reagan Democrats …

NRA's political clout is waning — With 2nd Amendment rights expanded and Democrats reluctant to tackle the issue, gun control isn't the GOP weapon it used to be. The rifle group, in essence, is a victim of its own success. — » Discuss Article WASHINGTON — Eight years …