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Why Obama's Support For FISA Cave-In Is Such A Downer — Here's what's so dispiriting about it. One of the riveting things about Barack Obama's candidacy is that since the outset of the campaign he's seemed absolutely dead serious about changing the way foreign policy is discussed and argued about in this country.

Obama Backing FISA “Compromise” — Obama's statement on the FISA “compromise” is in, and suffice it to say that it won't make opponents of the Dem cave-in very happy. He's supporting it. — Here's the key part: … Full statement after the jump. — Late Update: My take on his decision is here.
Hullabaloo, Obsidian Wings, Donklephant, The Moderate Voice, Unqualified Offerings, Slog and Needlenose

Why Obama Kinda Likes the FISA Bill (But He Won't Come Out and Say It) — Emily Bazelon wonders, entirely correctly, why Barack Obama has been missing in action on the FISA compromise bill passed by the House today. Finally, the Obama campaign sent a lukewarm endorsement of the measure …

Obama Supports FISA Legislation, Angering Left
Blue Girl, Red State

The Great Seal of Obamaland? — At a discussion with a dozen Democratic governors in Chicago on Friday morning, each of the governors was identified with a small name plate but Senator Barack Obama sat behind a low rostrum to which was attached an official-looking seal no one had seen before.
The Jed Report,, Media Blog, Macsmind, Donklephant, Weekly Standard Blog, Spin Cycle, John McCain Report blog and The Next Right

When the Obama logo and presidential seal collide — CHICAGO, Illinois (CNN) - Presumptive Democratic nominee Barack Obama sat down in Chicago Friday morning to discuss the economy with visiting Democratic governors, but all eyes were on the Illinois senator's podium bearing …

Is Obama's Great Seal Illegal? — Did Obama break the law? … Bummer. The Great Seal of Barack would have made for a, like, totally fierce and rad lapel pin.

Barack's Bounce — The latest NEWSWEEK Poll shows the Democrat with a 15-point lead over McCain. — Barack finally has his bounce. For weeks many political experts and pollsters have been wondering why the race between Democrat Barack Obama and Republican John McCain had stayed so tight …

Obama's Lame Claim About McCain's Money — Obama says McCain is “fueled” by money from lobbyists and PACs, but those sources account for less than 1.7 percent of McCain's money. — Obama announced he would become the first presidential candidate since 1972 to rely totally on private donations …

Exclusive: MoveOn To Close Its 527 In Response To Obama's Candidacy
Salon, The Swamp, Slog, MoJoBlog, MyDD, The Democratic Daily, Jonathan Martin's Blogs, Donklephant, Ben Smith's Blogs, Hot Air and

Confidence in Congress: Lowest Ever for Any U.S. Institution — Just 12% of Americans express confidence in Congress — PRINCETON, NJ — Gallup's annual update on confidence in institutions finds just 12% of Americans expressing confidence in Congress, the lowest of the 16 institutions tested this year …

Obama Turns FDR Upside Down — Sen. Barack Obama has a bad idea for “extending the life of Social Security.” He has proposed applying the Social Security tax to incomes above $250,000, in addition to the current tax on incomes up to $102,000. It's unfair, he explained …

Thompson to Vet Judges for McCain — In a McCain administration, former Tennessee Sen. Fred Thompson would play a dominant role in selecting Supreme Court nominees and other judicial appointments, sources close to the McCain campaign and to Thompson tell us. — And why is Fred suddenly everywhere?

The Small-Donor Fallacy — Not long ago, Sen. Barack Obama criticized special-interest lobbies that “use their money and influence to stop us from reforming health care or investing in renewable energy for yet another four years.” He has said that his army of small donors constitutes …
The Huffington Post, The Campaign Spot, Winds of Change.NET, Wall Street Journal and Capitol Briefing

REPORT RULES OUT SUBATOMIC DOOMSDAY — Europe's CERN particle-physics lab has issued its long-awaited report on safety issues surrounding the Large Hadron Collider, the world's biggest and most expensive atom-smasher. Some have feared that when the collider reaches full power, sometime next year …

Science teacher dissed evolution — He taught creationism, report says — A Mount Vernon teacher undermined science instruction in the public school district by discrediting evolution in his classroom and focusing on creationism and intelligent design, an investigation has found.

In Ottawa, McCain eschews overt mention of politics — Seeming to abide by the “water's edge” rule of American politics, McCain pointedly avoided going after his rival today in Ottawa. The words “Barack Obama” did not appear in his speech and, at a press conference afterward …