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Bill Clinton says Barack Obama must ‘kiss my ass’ for his support — By Tim Shipman in Washington and Philip Sherwell in New York — Bill Clinton is so bitter about Barack Obama's victory over his wife Hillary that he has told friends the Democratic nominee will have to beg for his wholehearted support.
Hot Air,, Althouse, CANNONFIRE, The Other McCain, Gateway Pundit, Buck Naked Politics and The Corner

It's My Party, I'll Cry If I Want To — “What does Bill Clinton want?” — Barack Obama quickly determined what Hillary Clinton wants in the aftermath of defeat: a major role in the general election campaign, a star turn at the convention, help with her debt, and Obama's support for elected officials who backed her.

An Attack That Came Out of the Ether — Scholar Looks for First Link in E-Mail Chain About Obama — PRINCETON, N.J. — The e-mail landed in Danielle Allen's queue one winter morning as she was studying in her office at the Institute for Advanced Study, the renowned haven for some of the nation's most brilliant minds.

Oppo Research in the Tradition of Einstein — The Washington Post has published an unintentionally amusing article this morning about one Danielle Allen, a “razor-sharp, 36-year-old political theorist” at the Institute for Advanced Study in Princeton, N.J. Allen, with doctorates from Cambridge and Harvard …

The Corroded Corruption at the Heart of Moving to the Center — There are several articles today on Obama moving to the center. In the LA Times, Obama is shifting toward the center, several pundits discussed Obama's recent political triangulating. Will Marshall of the DLC …

Hagel, Republican for Now, Says He Has No Plans to Back McCain — Senator Chuck Hagel declined to endorse his party's likely presidential nominee, John McCain, and said he would consider serving as secretary of defense in a Barack Obama administration. — Hagel, who last year considered …

Hagel floats possibility of a new third party, says GOP has ‘come loose of its moorings.’ — On Bloomberg TV this weekend, host Al Hunt asked Sen. Chuck Hagel (R-NE) whether he is considering changing parties. “I don't know forever, but right now I'm not considering changing my registration …

Americans Oppose Income Redistribution to Fix Economy — Half say the government is doing too much, 43% too little to solve country's problems — PRINCETON, NJ — When given a choice about how government should address the numerous economic difficulties facing today's consumer …

Dobson vs. Obama — Earlier this week, Focus on the Family's James Dobson criticized Sen. Barack Obama, accusing him of “deliberately distorting the traditional understanding of the Bible to fit ... his own confused theology,” of having a “fruitcake interpretation of the Constitution” …
The Moderate Voice, The Carpetbagger Report, RADAMISTO,, Swampland and The Current

The Return of Dr. No — “They didn't live up to what they promised to do. Power corrupted them. They spent lots of money and tried to buy votes. Republicans concluded that they could make voters love them by governing the way Democrats did.” — So says former Texas senator and current John McCain economics adviser Phil Gramm.

Fox News Finds Its Rivals Closing In — When prime-time cable news ratings for the second quarter of 2008 are officially released next week, they will show that Fox News reclaimed the top spot among viewers in their mid-20s through mid-50s, those of greatest interest to news advertisers …
The Moderate Voice

NRA sues San Francisco on public-housing gun ban — The NRA has decided not to waste time in the wake of the Heller decision, but to begin pushing on a wide front to dismantle gun bans around the nation. In San Francisco, that means testing a ban on gun ownership in public housing …

Delahunt's disgrace
The Hill's Blog Briefing Room, The Strata-Sphere, and The Sundries Shack

Can you hear me now? — Bedeviled by a bad cellphone connection, John McCain gives a conference call speech to dead air. But he gets a do-over. — Although John McCain was stumping in Ohio on Friday, his campaign arranged for him to talk by phone to leaders of B'nai B'rith International …

Obama zigzags on Iraq — Recent reports and rumors have indicated that Senator Obama plans to aggressively move to the middle on Iraq in the coming months. This is a good political move for Obama, if only because he's finally starting to recognize reality.

Amnesty International Hits Bottom with Phony Gitmo Display — Amnesty International used to be on the side of the good guys, drawing attention to the horrors inflicted by America's authoritarian enemies. Now, it is a shill for those same enemies, and its farcical tactics are worthy of the most juvenile left-wing extremists.
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