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Media stars will accompany Obama overseas — WASHINGTON: Senator John McCain's trip to Iraq last spring was a low-key affair: With his ordinary retinue of reporters following him abroad, the NBC News anchor Brian Williams reported on his arrival in Baghdad from New York …

INTERESTING — McCain camps unveils new strategy of aggressive whining about coverage of Obama's foreign trip. From the NYT ... First McCain wanted Obama to go to Iraq; now he's complaining that people care more about Obama's trip than his dog-and-pony show last spring.

Take Your Paws off the Presidency! — DOES THE BUSH ADMINISTRATION HAVE A SECRET SUCCESSION ORDER THAT BYPASSES CONGRESS? — Suppose the worst happens, and the next terrorist attack hits Washington hard, taking out the president and the vice president. What happens next?
Blue Girl, Red State, The Moderate Voice, Pajamas Media, The Raw Story and Outside The Beltway

McCain On Afghanistan — Yesterday, Josh Marshall wrote: … He's right. A bit of documentation: — December 2006: … July 6, 2008: … December 2007 (in Foreign Affairs): … February 2008: … July 9, 2008: … “Just one week ago”: … Until yesterday, McCain has only advocated sending NATO troops.

US plans to station first diplomats in Iran since 1979 — Washington move signals thaw in relations — The US plans to establish a diplomatic presence in Tehran for the first time in 30 years as part of a remarkable turnaround in policy by President George Bush.

Hunter: This conservative activist is backing Obama — I'm a lifelong Republican - a supply-side conservative. I worked in the Reagan White House. I was the chief economist at the U.S. Chamber of Commerce for five years. In 1994, I helped write the Republican Contract with America.

Romney not getting his $45m back — Says he won't seek gifts to repay campaign loans — Some analysts said Senator John McCain, shown with Mitt Romney in Denver in March, might undermine his reform message if he picks Romney, someone who bankrolled so much of his own campaign in the primary.

In Iraq, Mixed Feelings About Obama and His Troop Proposal — BAGHDAD — A tough Iraqi general, a former special operations officer with a baritone voice and a barrel chest, melted into smiles when asked about Senator Barack Obama. — “Everyone in Iraq likes him,” said the general, Nassir al-Hiti.

Barack Obama's $52-million June — Sen. Barack Obama's campaign raised $52 million in June, his campaign manager said this morning - not quite a record for the high-flying campaign, but close to it. The campaign had raised $55 million in February, during the Democratic primaries.

Reporters Spar With McCain Press Aides Nicolle Wallace, Brooke Buchanan (VIDEO) — Clearly not all reporters are enamored with John McCain's press operation. — Early Wednesday, the Fox affiliate in St. Louis posted video of an awkward, testy exchange between several reporters …
The Other McCain, No More Mister Nice Blog, The Washington Independent and The Raw Story

Insurance industry forming activist army — Ahead of the approaching health care reform storm, the insurance industry is building an ark: a nationwide education campaign aimed at raising an activist army at least 100,000 strong. — The unprecedented effort by America's Health Insurance Plans …

Why the Race is Tied — After almost six weeks of a constant Obama lead, generally in the five- to seven-point range, Scott Rasmussen's daily tracking poll records two consecutive days of a tie race (July 12-13) and a one-point Obama lead on July 14. What happened to the Democrat's lead?

The Morris Touch — Dick Morris says the race is tied:

Artist's Video Game Challenges Players To Kill President — CHICAGO — An artist's video game that is being exhibited at a free-speech exhibit in Chicago challenges players to kill the president. — The video game is part of a “confrontational art” exhibit by Chicago-based artist Wafaa Bilal.

Michelle O's stimulus package: $600 earrings — Actually, Michelle Obama has a point here: the $600 stimulus package tax rebate is kind of a gimmick. But she chose a typically Obamesque way of expressing the thought, complete with an implication that taxpayers are wastrels who will just blow their money on luxuries:

Dem leaders pressure CEOs to buck GOP — The Senate Democratic leadership summoned the chiefs of 17 major trade associations to the Capitol on Wednesday to send a subtle but unmistakable message: If you want our help on your issues, stop helping the Republicans block our bills.
Washington Monthly