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White House Accidentally E-Mails to Reporters Story That Maliki Supports Obama Iraq Withdrawal Plan — The White House this afternoon accidentally sent to its extensive distribution list a Reuters story headlined “Iraqi PM backs Obama troop exit plan - magazine.”

Iraqi PM backs Obama troop exit plan: report — BERLIN (Reuters) - Iraqi Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki told a German magazine he supported prospective U.S. Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama's proposal that U.S. troops should leave Iraq within 16 months.
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McCain Campaign Responds To Al-Maliki — “His domestic politics require him to be for us getting out,” said a senior McCain campaign official, speaking on the condition of anonymity. “The military says ‘conditions based’ and Maliki said ‘conditions based’ yesterday in the joint statement with Bush.

Al-Maliki's Announcement: A Big Deal — This could be one of those unexpected events that forever changes the way the world perceives an issue. Iraq's Prime Minister agrees with Obama, and there's no wiggle room or fudge factor. This puts John McCain in an extremely precarious spot …
Matthew Yglesias, The Raw Story, The Moderate Voice, The Daily Dish, The Jed Report and rubber hose

Iraq Leader Maliki Supports Obama's Withdrawal Plans — In an interview with SPIEGEL, Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki said Barack Obama's 16 timeframe for a withdrawal from Iraq is the right one. — Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki supports US presidential candidate Barack Obama's plan …
TownHall Blog, protein wisdom, Marc Ambinder, The Caucus, Commentary, The Trail, Swampland, Eunomia, TPM Election Central, Political Punch, A Tiny Revolution, Fox News,, Spin Cycle, Talking Points Memo, Associated Press, Blue Girl, Red State, abu muqawama and

BIG DEAL? NO ... BIGGER — I've spent a couple hours now trying to process the probable impact of Prime Minister al Maliki's explicit endorsement of Barack Obama's 16 month timetable for withdrawal of American troops from Iraq. My first instinct is always to try not to overstate the impact of momentary developments.

Maliki: Obama's 16-month timetable sounds good; Update: Spiegel changes quote — Here's the exchange from Spiegel's English translation, duly hyped by Reuters as tacit evidence of Liberal Jesus's foreign-policy sagacity. … The unasked follow-up question: How about the 14-month timetable …

It's Over — Not much to say here. Other than the fact that this is a huge huge huge deal. Article speaks for itself. … And … And … Is there anything left to say?
Taylor Marsh, Donklephant, AMERICAblog News, Pirate's Cove, Hullabaloo and The Moderate Voice

Obama Opens a Foreign Tour in Afghanistan — KABUL, Afghanistan — Senator Barack Obama arrived in Afghanistan on Saturday, opening a high-stakes foreign trip in a country that is increasingly the focus of his clash with Senator John McCain in the presidential campaign over whether the war …

MALIKI BACKS BARACK OBAMA'S IRAQ PLAN. — To really understand the importance of Maliki's comments, you need to consider their opposite. Imagine if Maliki had walked in front of the cameras and said, “at this stage, a timetable for withdrawal is unrealistic, and we hope our American friends …

Bush Accepts Time Horizon for US Troop withdrawal

Gore compares offshore drilling to invasion of Iraq — In a surprise appearance at Netroots Nation — which apparently was the worst-kept secret in Austin, Texas — former Vice President Al Gore followed up a speech by Nancy Pelosi by laying out a narrative on climate change and the energy crisis …

Immigrant, Pregnant, Is Jailed Under Pact — It started when Juana Villegas, an illegal immigrant from Mexico who was nine months pregnant, was pulled over by a police officer in a Nashville suburb for a routine traffic violation. — By the time Mrs. Villegas was released …

Nancy Pelosi: “Two oil men in the White House” are responsible for high oil prices — Who knew Nancy Pelosi was such a straight-shooter? When Wolf Blitzer tries to pin part of the blame for the current energy crisis on the Democratic Congress, Pelosi shoots back by saying her House …

Our Continuing National Disgrace — Is our media. Today's evidence is this Michael Gerson op-ed, in which he opens with a story about the endangered polar bears, threatened by climate change, and informs us that their worst enemy is... environmental activists: … Got it?

Conservative Group to Air Anti-Obama Ads — An independent conservative group that worked on behalf of President Bush in 2004 is planning to begin broadcasting nationally next week a commercial that attacks Senator Barack Obama as a flip-flopper. — The non-profit advocacy group …
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