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McCain Meltdown — John McCain said this today in Rochester, New Hampshire: … This is the ninth presidential campaign I've covered. I can't remember a more scurrilous statement by a major party candidate. It smacks of desperation. It renews questions about whether McCain has the right temperament for the presidency.
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Mr. Obama in Iraq — THE INITIAL MEDIA coverage of Barack Obama's visit to Iraq suggested that the Democratic candidate found agreement with his plan to withdraw all U.S. combat forces on a 16-month timetable. So it seems worthwhile to point out that, by Mr. Obama's own account …
Discussion:, JustOneMinute, MSNBC,, Hot Air, The Strata-Sphere, Commentary, Firedoglake and Rising Hegemon

Obama: Surge Doesn't Meet Long-Term Goals — In An Exclusive Interview With Katie Couric, Illinois Senator Defends Position On Troop Buildup … Katie Couric: Sen. Obama, first of all, you have not been to Iraq since 2006. What did you learn on your recent visit that surprised you? Or what was new?

History Rears Up To Spit In Your Face — diggs — digg it — Dear press corps, — Please recognize that this is completely f**king wrong. … The colonel in question is now a one-star general, and his name is Sean MacFarland. He was commander of the 1st Brigade Combat Team …

Not a Gaffe: A Fundamental Misunderstanding of Iraq — John McCain made a mistake this evening, which as far as I'm concerned disqualifies him from being President. It is so appalling and so factually wrong that I'm actually sitting here wondering who McCain's advisers are.

Obama tour staged for political pop — JERUSALEM - Democrat Barack Obama doesn't travel light. — Halfway around the world, the Obama campaign machine appears as sprawling and seamless as it is on its home turf. As the presumptive Democratic nominee tours five countries in five days …

With the Mideast a Priority for Both Campaigns, McCain Intensifies His Attack — ROCHESTER, N.H. — Senator John McCain and his campaign sharply stepped up criticism of Senator Barack Obama on Tuesday as a craven and naïve traveler to the Middle East who, as Mr. McCain put …

Obama Overseas! In Presidential Mode! Back Home, It's McCain in a Golf Cart.

What did Bush say at Olson Fundraiser? — The President's folks didn't let the press in, but we got some exclusive video of POTUS talking up a storm at Pete Olson's fundraiser on July 18th. Click and take a look. transcript below the video. — What President Bush said:

Bush: Economy was “drunk,” now “hungover”
Talking Points Memo

Obama Campaign Prints German-language Flyers for Berlin Rally — This is pretty extraordinary. A candidate for the American Presidency is using flyers printed in German to turn people out for his campaign rally in Berlin on Thursday. This flyer can be found on a bilingual page on advertising the event:
Hot Air,, Stop The ACLU, JammieWearingFool, Dr. Melissa Clouthier, Daimnation! and The Huffington Post

All Hail ‘McBama’ — John McCain needs to wake up and smell the Arabic coffee. — I know this is not an easy time for him. When you have been beaten up for four years because of your support for the Iraq war, and then you get something big right — your support for the surge — you want to be able to savor that for a while.

SEN. JOHN EDWARDS CAUGHT WITH MISTRESS AND LOVE CHILD! — Vice Presidential candidate Sen. John Edwards was caught visiting his mistress and secret love child at 2:40 this morning in a Los Angeles hotel by the NATIONAL ENQUIRER. — The married ex-senator from North Carolina …

HALPERIN'S TAKE: What John McCain Needs to Win — What McCain needs to win: — Stuff he can't control: —For Obama to make a substantive mistake on his overseas trip that changes the vector direction of the coverage — especially while he is in Israel.
Blue Girl, Red State

The Fannie Mae Gang — Angelo Mozilo was in one of his Napoleonic moods. It was October 2003, and the CEO of Countrywide Financial was berating me for The Wall Street Journal's editorials raising doubts about the accounting of Fannie Mae. I had just been introduced to him by Franklin Raines …

VIDEO BUMBLING OBAMA: “RECOGNIZING THE DIFFICULTIES OF THE PALESTINIAN PEOPLE” — Difficulties??? — like securing enough sweets to welcome home a child brain basher? Difficulties getting past checkpoints to blow up and murder Jews? — I have loaded the speech in three parts.

Five Dems at risk of losing in November — Week after week, the news just seems to get worse for House Republicans: There isn't enough money in GOP campaign coffers; lackluster candidates fail to gain traction; once-safe incumbents suddenly find themselves endangered by ethical entanglements …
Don Surber

Hip-hop star Nas protests FOX News ‘Obama smears’ — New York rapper Nas has joined a protest against FOX News. — Citing what he calls “race baiting” and “Obama smears” by FOX, Nas will join and to deliver more than 620,000 petition signatures demanding …

Is McCain inching towards Pawlenty? — ROCHESTER, New Hampshire (CNN) - It's VP tea leaf reading season, and a Republican source who attended a small private meeting with John McCain Tuesday in New Hampshire tells CNN that the GOP candidate dropped a serious hint about Minnesota Governor Tim Pawlenty.
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