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Gains for McCain in latest USA TODAY/Gallup Poll — Republican presidential candidate John McCain moved from being behind by 6 points among “likely” voters a month ago to a 4-point lead over Democrat Barack Obama among that group in the latest USA TODAY/Gallup Poll.

Gallup Daily: Obama 48%, McCain 40% — No further gains for Obama in latest update — PRINCETON, NJ — Barack Obama's lead over John McCain has settled back slightly to a 48% to 40% margin among registered voters in Gallup Poll Daily tracking conducted July 25-27.

Where's the Bounce? — WASHINGTON — It is a question that has hovered over Senator Barack Obama even as he has passed milestone after milestone in his race for the White House: Why is he not doing better? — It shadowed him as he struggled against Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton …

Gallup/USA Today Poll: McCain +4 — This one should set the tongues wagging: … This is the first poll showing McCain with a lead over Obama since a May 1-3 Gallup/USA Today survey showed him with a slim 1 point lead. A Fox News poll at the end of April had McCain up 3.

Bill O'Reilly, Michael Savage, Sean Hannity on accused shooter's reading list — 4-page letter outlines frustration, hatred of ‘liberal movement’ — Please download the latest version of Adobe Flash Player, or enable JavaScript for your browser to view the video player.

Small Miracles — There was a shooting at the Tennessee Valley Unitarian Universalist Church in Knoxville, TN yesterday during a children's play. Two people have died, and seven more are recovering from injuries that resulted when an unemployed man with a long history of verbal hostility …

Neighbors: Accused shooter everyone's friend, questioned Christianity
Associated Press, CBS News,, Clayton Cramer's BLOG and JONATHAN TURLEY

Sun-Times columnist Robert Novak says he has brain tumor — Biopsy set for later today — Chicago Sun-Times columnist Robert Novak said today he has been diagnosed with a brain tumor but says that, “God willing,” he plans to be back at work soon. — Novak said he was diagnosed Sunday …

Robert Novak Hospitalized — Robert Novak was admitted yesterday to a Boston hospital where he was diagnosed with a brain tumor. In a written statement given to his publisher, Novak said: — “On Sunday, July 27, I was diagnosed with a brain tumor. I have been admitted to Brigham …

Columnist Robert Novak has brain tumor — BOSTON - Syndicated columnist and former “Crossfire” host Robert Novak has been diagnosed with a brain tumor and is suspending his journalistic work. — Novak issued a statement Monday saying the tumor was found Sunday after he had been rushed …

Kaine ‘very, very high’ on VP shortlist — As Senator Barack Obama turns to the choice of his running mate, Virginia Gov. Tim Kaine has emerged as one of the campaign's potential finalists, sources familiar with conversations in Richmond and in Chicago said.

The Streisand interview — “She sometimes answers questions by e-mail …

Justice Officials Repeatedly Broke Law on Hiring, Report Says — Former Justice Department counselor Monica M. Goodling and former chief of staff D. Kyle Sampson routinely broke the law by conducting political litmus tests on candidates for jobs as immigration judges and line prosecutors …

Goodling Passed Over Experienced Counterterrorism Prosecutor Because Wife Was A Democrat — In today's Justice Department report on Monica Goodling's and other DOJ officials' politicization of the department, the investigators reveal that Goodling's political considerations were …

Conyers, Sánchez Consider Criminal Referral Concerning DoJ …

Report finds Justice aides illegally discriminated against career …

Attorney: Probe Israeli paper for printing Obama note — Attorney Shahar Alon petitioned Attorney-General Menahem Mazuz on Sunday to order police to open a criminal investigation against the editor of Ma'ariv and other correspondents from the newspaper following its publication …

Double Entendre Kisses Off MoveOn's Youth Moblization Effort — MoveOn.Org claims this is the first political ad to air on Comedy Central: — “I've been living with it for a while now.” — No, not the syph. — It's “hope.” The guy on the right is Rider Strong from “Boy Meets World.”
protein wisdom

U.S. Deficit to Reach Record $490 Billion in 2009 — The U.S. budget deficit will widen to a record of about $490 billion next year, an administration official said, leaving a deep budget hole that will constrain the next president's tax and spending plans.

How Important Was the Surge? — Ten Iraq experts weigh in on the effectiveness of the surge. — The past few weeks have been momentous for the national conversation about Iraq. Nouri al-Maliki's explicitly stated insistence on a timetable for American withdrawal was transformative.

A NOTE ABOUT THE OBAMA STAFFING TODAY — From NBC/NJ's Mike Memoli — Obama departed Reagan-National Airport in DC 10 minutes ago en route to his economic event. — It's worth noting that campaign manager David Plouffe is traveling with the candidate today (which I understand has happened …

Go take a hike, injured vets tell nervy Cheney — WASHINGTON - Vice President Cheney's invitation to address wounded combat veterans next month has been yanked because the group felt his security demands were Draconian and unreasonable. — The veep had planned to speak to the Disabled American Veterans …

Be Afraid. Please. — Life is full of disappointments. — Early Friday, I went to the Real Clear Politics Web site, as I do every morning, for my fix of political news and commentary. I perked up when I saw the third entry on the list of that day's notable articles — “No. 44 Has Spoken.”

Change Obama can't believe in; he's on a ticket with Larry Craig — Here's how Republican Idaho is: — In 1992, Bill Clinton came within 1 percentage point of finishing third there in the general election behind President George H.W. Bush and Ross Perot.