Top Items:

New poll shows Obama losing support among young, women — Barack Obama has lost ground among some of his strongest bases of support, including young people, women, Democrats and independents, according to a new ATV/Zogby poll. — The Illinois Democrat has also lost some support among African-Americans …
The Moderate Voice, The Opinionator, Commentary, Shakesville, Political Machine, American Power, TownHall Blog and Wake up America

Where's the Landslide? — Why isn't Barack Obama doing better? Why, after all that has happened, does he have only a slim two- or three-point lead over John McCain, according to an average of the recent polls? Why is he basically tied with his opponent when his party is so far ahead?

The Molten Core of Barack: Why Obama Can't Win — In which science-fiction movie do aliens visit the people of earth and insist, “Take me to your leader”? If they landed today, America's news media would direct them to Barack Obama, the first American to run a global campaign for President.

Gallup Daily: Obama Holds 4-Point Advantage — Registered voters prefer Obama to McCain by 47% to 43% — PRINCETON, NJ — The latest Gallup Poll Daily tracking update on registered voters' presidential preferences shows Barack Obama with a modest four percentage point advantage over John McCain, 47% to 43%.
Associated Press

Obama Pushes Back on GOP Tire Pressure Attack: “It's Like These Guys Take Pride in Being Ignorant” — At a town hall meeting in Berea , Ohio, today, Sen. Barack Obama, D-Illinois, pushed back against the GOP attack on his advice to a voter last week that having a tuned up car and fully inflated tires would help save energy.
The New Republic, TPM Election Central,, Pajamas Media, and

Obama responds: 'It's like these guys take pride in being ignorant" — Also in Berea, Obama (defended his remark about inflating tires, a first response to the favorite Republican attack of the moment, which he'd ignored for a few days as the GOP mailed gas gauges to reporters.
The Swamp

The Tire-Gauge Solution: No Joke — How out of touch is Barack Obama? He's so out of touch that he suggested that if all Americans inflated their tires properly and took their cars for regular tune-ups, they could save as much oil as new offshore drilling would produce.

Fact Check: GOP mocks Obama suggestion to inflate tires …
Don Surber

McCain makes the rounds at biker rally — STURGIS, South Dakota (CNN) - Standing on the main stage at a world famous motorcycle rally in rural South Dakota on Monday, John McCain looked out on a sea of denim-wearing bikers and told them he enjoyed their company much more than that of the 200,000 Germans …
Wonkette, TalkLeft, The Huffington Post, MoJoBlog, The Carpetbagger Report, Taylor Marsh, Political Machine and Commentary

TAKE MY WIFE, PLEASE! — We're trying to find out a bit more about the Bikini Beauty Pageant at the Buffalo Chip, where John McCain showed up and offered up wife Cindy as a contestant. ESPN says the event is topless and “occasionally bottomless”. Actually their description is worth quoting in full ...

Pelosi: At-risk Dems back drilling — California Democrat Nancy Pelosi may be trying to save the planet — but the rank and file in her party increasingly are just trying to save their political hides when it comes to gas prices as Republicans apply more and more rhetorical muscle.
Washington Post, Weekly Standard Blog, The Next Right, MoJoBlog, Washington Monthly, Swampland, Hot Air, and Time

Did White House fake link between Saddam and Al Qaeda? — First, former CIA Director George Tenet told the president it was a “slam dunk” that Iraq had weapons of mass destruction. Then came efforts by the Bush White House to discredit critics, like ambassador Joe Wilson, who questioned the wisdom of going to war in Iraq.

Bayh: Obama hasn't asked me to join ticket — Sen. Evan Bayh, D-Ind., told The Indianapolis Star today that Sen. Barack Obama has not asked him to be his running mate and that he's not expecting Obama to announce his vice presidential pick when Obama is in Indiana Wednesday.

CAN TAKE THE BLOG FROM THE BOY... The blogless life was going okay for Matt Yglesias until he ran across the Pollack, O'Hanlon, and Biddle op-ed from Foreign Affairs and got on Gchat: … That guy should get a blog. Possibly at the Center for American Progress.
Foreign Affairs,,, The Washington Independent and American Power

Campaign 08: Accused of Acting White to Win — Last week, I reported for the Huffington Post that country singer Toby Keith had performed a pro-lynching anthem on the Colbert Report, and would be playing the same song soon on the Tonight Show with Jay Leno and a slew of nationally televised talk shows.

The FBI's emerging, leaking case against Ivins — (updated below - Update II - Update III - Update IV) — It's certainly possible that once the FBI closes its investigation and then formally unveils its evidence — which apparently will happen tomorrow — a very convincing case …

McCain's Problem Isn't Bush — When John McCain stands before the Republican National Convention in Minneapolis one month from now, the American people will see more than a United States senator. They will see a man who served his nation as a young officer and suffered for it as a prisoner of war.

U.S. ARMY HOPES TO KEEP NATIVE ARABIC SPEAKERS — Incentives likely to include large payments to soldiers now working as translators. … The Army may begin paying a retention bonus of as much as $150,000 to Arabic speaking soldiers in reflection of how critical it has become for the US military …
The Huffington Post, Commentary, Think Progress, Outside The Beltway and The Carpetbagger Report

Going for Gold? McCain Makes $6 Million Olympic Buy — Tops Obama Buy by $1 Million — WASHINGTON ( — Sen. John McCain's presidential campaign is buying into NBC Universal's Olympics coverage. — The McCain campaign made a last-minute $6 million ad buy …

Dana Milbank And Unhappy Endings — Since I was a little less than proactive about this issue last week on television (for reasons which I think will become readily apparent), I thought I'd offer a little preview of an item on tonight's Countdown. — The headline: Dana Milbank won't be on the news hour any more.

Alexander Solzhenitsyn: His final interview — Last summer, as his health began to fail, he looked back on his extraordinary life with Christian Neef and Matthias Schepp — Q: Alexander Isayevich, when we came in we found you at work. It seems that even at the age of 88 you still feel this need to work …