Top Items:

What McCain Should Do Next — Notwithstanding the hype about Barack Obama, here is where the presidential race stands: John McCain was within an average of 1.9% of his Democratic opponent in last week's daily Gallup tracking poll. — It shouldn't be this close. Sen. Obama should be way ahead.

Obama adviser blames McCain ad for poll dip — By Stephanie Kirchgaessner in Washington and Edward Luce in Elkhart, Indiana — A senior adviser to Barack Obama has blamed recent attack advertisements comparing the Democratic presidential hopeful to celebrities Britney Spears and Paris Hilton …
Discussion:, Real Clear Politics, MyDD, Don Surber,, The New Republic and Dealbreaker

Independents Remain Split Between Obama and McCain — Overall, the race expanded slightly, then contracted in recent weeks — PRINCETON, NJ — Barack Obama's lead over John McCain in Gallup Poll Daily tracking of national registered voters fell from an average of 6 percentage points …

CBS Poll: Obama Holding Off McCain — New CBS News Poll Shows Obama Overseas Trip, McCain Ads Failed To Alter Still-Fluid Race — (CBS) Barack Obama leads John McCain 45 percent to 39 percent in the latest CBS News poll. Despite Obama's highly-publicized foreign trip …

Have the Clintons Gotten Over It? — The July 31 cocktail reception outside Palo Alto, Calif., had been billed as an evening for letting bygones be bygones, a coming together of Hillary Clinton's Silicon Valley backers with Barack Obama's to help the New York Senator retire her campaign debt.
Right Wing Nut House, Commentary, Wizbang, marbury,, TPM Election Central, Hot Air and Patterico's Pontifications

Sen. Hillary Clinton Seeks Democratic Convention Voice — Sen. Hillary Clinton Not Ruling Out Having Name Put Up for Vote in Denver — Sen. Hillary Clinton told a gathering of supporters last week that she's looking for a “strategy” for her delegates to have their voices heard and …

Clinton Leaves Convention Nomination Open
Top of the Ticket, The Swamp, The Democratic Daily, Boston Globe and The Hill's Blog Briefing Room

Inside The Anthrax Probe — Records detail circumstantial case against scientist Bruce Ivins — Though many key details of the federal investigation of bioweapons researcher Bruce Ivins have already leaked, today's unsealing of 436 pages of documents provides some new information …

Beyond a Reasonable Doubt?
The Opinionator, D-Day, NPR, Los Angeles Times, Emptywheel, The BRAD BLOG, New York Post, New York Times, At-Largely, skippy the bush kangaroo, Salon and The RBC

Tabloid's claims threaten Edwards' role at party's convention — RALEIGH, N.C. — Former Sen. John Edwards has a deadline to save his spot on the national stage. — With two weeks to go before their national convention, a number of Democrats are saying that Edwards needs …
The Moderate Voice, Gawker, DBKP,, National Review, Flopping Aces, The Corner,, Hot Air and New York Post

A Way Back to the High Road? — The first question I asked John McCain and then Barack Obama was: How do you feel about the tone and direction of the campaign so far? — No surprise. Both men pronounced themselves thoroughly frustrated by the personal bitterness and negativism they have seen …

500: Deadly U.S. Milestone in Afghan War — Not long after Staff Sgt. Matthew D. Blaskowski was killed by a sniper's bullet last Sept. 23 in eastern Afghanistan, his mother received an e-mail message with a link to a video on the Internet. A television reporter happened to have been filming …
The Hill's Blog Briefing Room, Firedoglake, JammieWearingFool, AMERICAblog News and Outside The Beltway

Obama's View on Abortion May Divide Catholics — WASHINGTON — Sixteen years ago, the Democratic Party refused to allow Robert P. Casey Sr., then the governor of Pennsylvania, to speak at its national convention because his anti-abortion views, stemming from his Roman Catholic faith …

Race Takes Central Role in a Memphis Primary — In the culmination of a racially fraught Congressional campaign in Memphis, a black candidate is linking her liberal-leaning white primary opponent in Thursday's contest, Representative Steve Cohen, to the Ku Klux Klan in a television advertisement.

Nasty Attack Ad Hits Jewish Dem Congressman For Visiting “Our Churches”
The Carpetbagger Report, Gateway Pundit, Talking Points Memo, Hot Air, The New Republic and D-Day

Re-tiresome — Oh, so now McCain says it's a good idea to inflate your tires. This is something new: He has taken to attacking Obama on positions where he agrees with Obama. Another example: he flayed Obama for his proposal to withdraw from Iraq, then said it was a “pretty good” timetable.

Iraqi parliament adjourns without setting elections — BAGHDAD — After weeks of late-night negotiations and under intense U.S. pressure, Iraqi lawmakers failed to pass a much-debated provincial elections law Wednesday before adjourning for the month. — The failure to pass the law …

Obama Hits Back, Too Softly For Some — Barack Obama released a television advertisement yesterday that questions John McCain's claims to be a “maverick,” and he charged in a campaign appearance that the Republican displays independence only when it suits him politically.

Potential McCain VP pick slams Obama's ‘life oratory’ — (CNN) - Minnesota Gov. Tim Pawlenty, who is widely rumored to be on Sen. John McCain's short list of potential vice presidential picks, displayed his skills as a political attack dog Wednesday. — “Senator McCain's life experiences are epic …

Family's Donations to McCain Raise Questions — RIVERSIDE, Calif. — The Jordanian business partner of a prominent Florida businessman, who has raised more than $500,000 for Senator John McCain, appears to be at the center of a cluster of questionable donations to his presidential campaign.

Bundler Collects From Unlikely Donors
Discussion:, Naked Politics, The Hill's Blog Briefing Room, Media Blog, Facing South and D-Day