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Clinton creates ‘whip team’ to quell anti-Obama protests — In an unusual move, Hillary Clinton's staff is creating a 40-member “whip team” at the Denver Democratic convention to ensure that her supporters don't engage in embarrassing anti-Obama demonstrations during the floor vote on her nomination …
Vindicator, The Political Carnival,, Wake up America, and Wonkette

NBC/WSJ Poll: McCain halves Obama's lead — Obama up three points; still hasn't convinced some Clinton backers — WASHINGTON - With just days before the vice-presidential announcements, the political conventions and the final sprint to Election Day, Republican Sen. John McCain has cut Democrat …

CBS/NYT Poll: McCain Cuts Obama's Lead — Democrat Edges Republican 45% To 42% In Poll Of Registered Voters — (CBS) Republican John McCain has cut Democrat Barack Obama's nationwide lead in half, according to the latest CBS News/New York Times poll. Obama now has the support of 45 percent …
New York Times, AMERICAblog News, The Moderate Voice, The Strata-Sphere, DownWithTyranny! and

WSJ/NBC News Poll: McCain Running a Negative Campaign — Susan Davis reports on the presidential race. — By a nearly six-to-one margin, voters say Republican presidential candidate John McCain is running a negative campaign against his Democratic rival, Barack Obama, according to the latest Wall Street Journal/NBC News poll.

On Those National Polls — The Obama campaign has two disadvantages …
American Spectator

Wow [Rich Lowry] From McCain campaign: — Please see comment from me on Barack Obama's new ad supposedly running in Georgia: — “Barack Obama's ad is ridiculous. Because of John McCain, corruption was exposed and people like Jack Abramoff went to jail.

“Wow”, Indeed - McCain Team Shoves Ayers Cover-Up Into The Spotlight — Rich Lowry reprints this press release from the McCain campaign: … That will make it harder for the media to ignore this. Pete Yost of the AP reported on this (sort of) yesterday; today the Chicago Tribune local …

Obama campaign set to release TV ad linking McCain, Reed — A newly aggressive Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama is set to release a new TV ad in Georgia tomorrow, drawing a connection between Republican John McCain's decision not to call Ralph Reed before a Senate panel …
TPMMuckraker, Boston Globe, Political Machine, The New Republic, Gateway Pundit and

Stephanie Tubbs Jones has died, sources say — U.S. Rep. Stephanie Tubbs Jones, the first African-American woman to represent Ohio in Congress, has died after suffering a brain aneurysm, said sources familiar with the situation. — She was removed from life support at 12:19 p.m. at Huron Road Hospital, the sources said.
Washington Post, CNN, CBS News, Associated Press, Swampland, TalkLeft and Sister Toldjah

Does McCain Favor a Draft? Nope. — Liberals are having a conniption over Sen. John McCain's purported endorsement of a draft today. — In Las Crucas, New Mexico, a woman asked McCain about the “horrible conditions” that veterans often see when return from combat. Here's the last few sentences:
The Jawa Report

Rare Video: Barack Obama Circa 1995 — Curious to see what Barack Obama was like before he got into politics? — This rare TV interview from 1995 will give you some insight. One thing is clear - the guy is consistent. He's been talking about post-racial, non-polarized politics for over a decade now.
The Daily Dish, The Other McCain, American Spectator, The Political Carnival, Donklephant and Ben Smith's Blogs

Obama's Rice, Clarke Drill McCain Over and Over — The Obama advisers light into McCain, his support for the Iraq War and his general attitude toward combat on afternoon media call. — Listen to the full call here. … McCain camp response here.

FREE ADVICE, WORTH EVERY PENNY — Don't ever demand someone stop attacking you. Doesn't work. Don't do it. Sounds weak. Sounds pathetic. And a lot else. — Look at John McCain attacking my patriotism. It's sad what he's become. He'll do anything to get elected. Attack my patriotism.

More Free Advice — Josh Marshall has some free advice for Obama …
Booman Tribune

Giuliani To Be Keynote Speaker At Republican National Convention — Former New York City mayor and presidential candidate Rudy Giuliani will be the keynote speaker at the Republican National Convention, which begins Monday, September 1st. His Tuesday night address will follow primetime speeches …
Hot Air

Obama team to hold ‘major’ event Saturday in Bayh's Indiana — Campaign team gathering for possible veep announcement — has learned that senior campaign officials from the Barack Obama Presidential campaign are being dispatched from various locations around the country …

Tea Leaf Reading on the Way to the Vice Presidency

Limbaugh: Obama's nomination “goes back to the fact that nobody had the guts to stand up and say no to a black guy” … On the August 19 broadcast of his nationally syndicated radio show, Rush Limbaugh said that “it is striking how unqualified [Sen. Barack] Obama is and …
Think Progress

Key U.S. Iraq strategy in danger of collapse — BAGHDAD — A key pillar of the U.S. strategy to pacify Iraq is in danger of collapsing because the Iraqi government is failing to absorb tens of thousands of former Sunni Muslim insurgents who'd joined U.S.-allied militia groups into the country's security forces.

American Health Care System More Broken Than You Imagined — Today comes word from the Commonwealth Fund that the effect of the American health care system on the finances of Americans is more dire than you might have thought: … This is the number Democrats need to talk about when the topic …
Liberty Street

IS IT TRUE? — Will the McCain as trigger-happy hothead work? I suggest a different calculus. Is it true? I would suggest that it definitely is, both in personal temperament and policy prescriptions. And I believe that is the better metric, both practically speaking and morally.

Report from Tbilisi — Russia's invasion of Georgia has unleashed a refugee crisis all over the country and especially in its capital. Every school here in Tbilisi is jammed with civilians who fled aerial bombardment and shootings by the Russian military—or massacres, looting …