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Rove tried to kill Lieberman VP pick — Republican strategist Karl Rove called Sen. Joseph I. Lieberman (I-Conn.) late last week and urged him to contact Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) to withdraw his name from vice presidential consideration, according to three sources familiar with the conversation.

McCain Has Made His Pick and Is Set to Tell on Friday — WASHINGTON — Senator John McCain has decided on his running mate, two Republican strategists in contact with Mr. McCain's campaign said Wednesday. He is expected to reveal his choice at a rally at a basketball arena in Dayton, Ohio, at 11 a.m. Friday.

McCain selects his VP — Sen. McCain has chosen his running mate and the person will be notified on Thursday, a senior campaign official said. — A friend said McCain had pretty much settled on his selection early this week, and it crystallized in the past few days.

Live from DNC: Bill Get His Digs In — Biden's speech? Surprisingly good. Bill Clinton's? Read between the lines and you see what he thinks of Obama... I've never been called a man of few words, but let me say this as short as I can — yes, yes, yes I accept the nomination.

A Clinton Masterpiece — Readers know my personal disdain for Bill Clinton. But longtime readers will also know I have always defended his solid centrist, smart record in office and defended him against his most over-reaching enemies. Tonight, I think, was one of the best speeches he has ever given.
The Hill's Blog Briefing Room, Guardian, Achenblog, Outside The Beltway, marbury, Donklephant and Washington Post

Obama Wins Nomination; Biden and Bill Clinton Rally Party
The Huffington Post, TownHall Blog, The Swamp, Washington Post, Simply Left Behind, The Seminal, Telegraph, Boston Globe, FP Passport, Political Byline, DownWithTyranny!, On Deadline, Wonkette, BlueOregon, CNN, Althouse, The Democratic Daily, PrestoPundit,, The Reaction and American Prospect

Biden Fumbles Military Terms — Democratic vice presidential nominee Joe Biden might be the chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, but for at least a split second Wednesday, he got confused about some very simple military terminology. — Speaking at the Democratic National Convention …

JOHN KERRY — WOW! — Most of the nets aren't showing it. But John Kerry's giving a really good speech on the foreign policy front. Knocking McCain for standing on an aircraft three months after 9/11 and calling out ‘next stop Baghdad.’ He's going through the list of McCain's foreign policy goofs …

Remarks of John F. Kerry to the Democratic National Convention
National Review

Obama camp blasts National Review writer as “slimy character assassin” — Barack Obama's campaign hasn't advertised this a great deal this week, but the campaign's “Action Wire” has been waging large-scale campaigns against critics. That includes tens of thousands of e-mails …

OBAMA CAMPAIGN DENOUNCES KURTZ TO A MUCH GREATER EXTENT THAN AYERS. — As some of you may remember, I previously explained why I didn't put too much stock in the stories about Barack Obama's ties to Bill Ayers, a position for which I was praised at Huffington Post and elsewhere. I concluded:

Dems nervous over Invesco risks — DENVER - Senior Democratic officials are expressing serious concerns about the political risks posed by Barack Obama's acceptance speech at Invesco Field at Mile High Stadium Thursday evening. — From the elaborate stagecraft to the teeming crowd …
The Swamp,, Associated Press, Hot Air, Commentary, State of the Day, Patterico's Pontifications and

Democrats Work to Minimize Stadium Setting's Political Risks — DENVER — When Senator Barack Obama announced in early July that he would give his nomination address in an outdoor stadium in front of 75,000 people, he wowed members of both parties who saw it as an inspired stroke of campaign image making.

MSNBC prez defends convention team — DENVER — Amid a spate of awkward on-air conflicts among MNSBC anchors at this week's Democratic convention, some staff members say there are sharp internal disputes at the cable network over whether its opinion and personality-driven political coverage has crossed the line.

'Let's Wrap Him Up': Olbermann Tries To Get Rid of Republican Murphy

The Master Has Arrived — In the time-honored tradition of the notebook dump, some thoughts and observations on the Democratic convention so far: — As for Bill Clinton's speech, halfway through I thought: The Master has arrived. Crazy Bill, the red-faced Rageaholic, was somewhere else.

Hanging chads in Alaska primary? Don Young waits... We know this: one embattled lawmaker from Alaska has made it past the primary. He would be the longest serving Republican Senator in the history of our country, Ted Stevens. — His friend, Representative Don Young is …

GROSS DOMESTIC PRODUCT AND CORPORATE PROFITS: Second Quarter 2008 (Preliminary) — Real gross domestic product — the output of goods and services produced by labor and property located in the United States — increased at an annual rate of 3.3 percent in the second quarter of 2008, (that is …

The Devils in His Details — DENVER — When Barack Obama feeds rhetorical fishes and loaves to the multitudes in the football stadium Thursday night, he should deliver a message of sufficient particularity that it seems particularly suited to Americans. One more inspirational oration …
Reason Magazine