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Welcome to the final stages of the coup... UPDATES AT BOTTOM … In 2000, the long fought for and long admired democracy of the United States of America began a slow and steady decline toward fascism - a Bush family tradition - with the installment of a president - a man the citizens overwhelmingly rejected …
The Sideshow, The Strata-Sphere, Right Wing News, Macsmind, Bang the Drum, At-Largely, American Street, NPR Blogs and Real Time Economics

No deal — I hate to say this, but looking at the plan as leaked, I have to say no deal. Not unless Treasury explains, very clearly, why this is supposed to work, other than through having taxpayers pay premium prices for lousy assets. — As I posted earlier today, it seems all too likely that a …
The Moderate Voice, naked capitalism, Prometheus 6, Economists for Obama, Unqualified Offerings, The Mahablog, Buck Naked Politics, The Agonist, The Anonymous Liberal, Mish's Global Economic …, The RBC, Open Left, TalkLeft, The Sideshow, Whiskey Fire, Alas, a blog, TPMCafe, Calculated Risk,, JustOneMinute and Economist's View

Campaigns Beef Up Economic Teams in Face of Crisis — On Tuesday night, as the federal government was seizing control of insurance giant AIG, Sen. Barack Obama was speeding toward a Hollywood fundraiser. The Democratic presidential nominee had 20 minutes before he arrived …

A Bad Bank Rescue — With truly extraordinary speed, opinion has swung behind the radical idea that the government should commit hundreds of billions in taxpayer money to purchasing dud loans from banks that aren't actually insolvent. As recently as a week ago, no public official had even mentioned this option.

You say you want a revolution, well, you know... A couple years back I talked about a kind of bloodless civil war happening in the US, the idea being that a logistical reshuffling could bring back into the national discussion federalist principles and arguments.

Huff-Po Writer Declares Imminent Coup; Openly Suggests Revolution
Riehl World View

PUT ON THE BRAKES — As noted in the previous post …

But Will It Work? — As the federal government steps to the center …

Franken helps craft McCain ‘SNL’ skit — Al Franken, the former “Saturday Night Live” star now running in a high-profile Senate race in Minnesota, helped craft the opening sketch mocking John McCain that kicked off the NBC comedy show Saturday, according to two well-placed sources inside the network.

Obama's “Got A Problem” If He Tries to Take Biden's Guns — CASTLEWOOD, VA — Memo to Barack Obama: don't mess with Joe Biden's guns. — At a fish fry for mine workers in rural Southwest Virginia, the Delaware Senator commiserated on being from coal country himself …

Oh, That Joe! (No. 14 in a Series) - Biden Says Obama Won't Take His Beretta
Scared Monkeys, Political Machine, The Caucus,, TigerHawk and New York Times

Seeking a President Who Gives Goose Bumps? So's Obama. — Now that he's finally fired up on the soup-line economy, Barack Obama knows he can't fade out again. He was eager to talk privately to a Democratic ex-president who could offer more fatherly wisdom — not to mention a surreptitious smoke — and less fraternal rivalry.
The Peking Duck

The Push to ‘Otherize’ Obama — Here's a sad monument to the sleaziness of this presidential campaign: Almost one-third of voters “know” that Barack Obama is a Muslim or believe that he could be. — In short, the political campaign to transform Mr. Obama into a Muslim is succeeding.

The incredible shrinking Obama — How's Barack Obama's narrative going? — Journalists used to tell stories, now they plumb narratives. Narrative is a pretentious borrowing from the abstraction-clotted world of academic criticism, where texts are interrogated, authors are dead and high-toned fatuousness is king.

Hank Paulson To Dems: Not Allowing CEO's to Keep Multi-Million Dollar Salaries Is A “Poison Pill” — Glad to see Paulson and the Republican Party are looking after Wall Street first: … A poison pill? The executives who drove their banks into insolvency won't let the government save …

Protesting Obama by Air — JACKSONVILLE, FL - Protesters are as common to the campaign trail as supporters - from those waving McCain signs at the entrance of events, to the more subtle passersby who flash the thumbs down gesture (or worse) along the motorcade route, to the occasional group that infiltrates and interrupts an event.

Bill Moyers & Kevin Phillips on Bad Money — Bill Moyers sits down with former Nixon White House strategist and political and economic critic Kevin Phillips, whose latest book BAD MONEY: RECKLESS FINANCE, FAILED POLITICS, AND THE GLOBAL CRISIS OF AMERICAN CAPITALISM explores the role …
The Moderate Voice

When Atheists Attack — A noted provocateur rips Sarah Palin—and defends elitism. — Jack Dempsey / AP — Yes, I Can: Refusing to hesitate isn't a primordial truth of wise governance — From the magazine issue dated Sep 29, 2008 — Let me confess that I was genuinely unnerved …