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You Guys Are Nuts — We have a disaster here — which is what you should expect when you delegate a non-conservative to make the conservative (nay, the American) case. We can parse it eight ways to Sunday, but I think the commentary is missing the big picture.

Transcript of second McCain, Obama debate — NASHVILLE, Tennessee (CNN) — Presidential candidates John McCain and Barack Obama debated in Nashville, Tennessee, on Tuesday night. NBC's Tom Brokaw moderated the debate. Here is a transcript of that debate. — Brokaw: Good evening from Belmont University in Nashville, Tennessee.
Crooks and Liars, TalkLeft, Washington Monthly, The Huffington Post, Pajamas Media,, Althouse, Guardian, New York Times, Don Surber, Wake up America,, UN Dispatch, Washington Post, The Politico, Emptywheel, Comments from Left Field, Climate Progress, The Reaction, Get Energy Smart!, Patterico's Pontifications, Buck Naked Politics and

Obama's 180 on genocide — JOHN MCCAIN'S opening words last night were: “Senator Obama, it's good to be with you at a town hall meeting!” Indeed it was. We now know why Barack Obama declined McCain's invitation earlier this year to appear together in a series of 10 town hall meetings around the country.

GOP likes ‘that one’ too — A Republican official emails, on background:
The Moderate Voice, The Huffington Post, The Impolitic, Buck Naked Politics and Daily Kos

CBS Poll: Uncommitted Voters Say Obama Won Debate — UPDATED CBS News and Knowledge Networks have, once again, conducted a nationally representative poll of uncommitted voters to get their immediate reaction to tonight's presidential debate. — And this new poll has good news for the Democratic ticket …

The Unplayed Card — Andy McCarthy isn't pleased: … You know, part of me actually wishes that John McCain had started talking about Bill Ayers, the Annenberg Challenge, Rashid Khalidi, and how the Global Poverty Act will line the pockets of Hugo Chavez. (Maybe in his answer to one of the questions about the economy - why not?)

A Showdown That Was More of a Letdown — Considering how adamantly John McCain advocated a “town hall” arrangement for this year's presidential debates, viewers might justifiably have expected him to thrive in the debate held last night in Nashville, since it followed that format.
The Corner, New York Times, Hugh Hewitt's TownHall Blog, Midwest Voices and

They Liked Him, They Really Liked Him — From TIME's Amy Sullivan: — As he did for the first presidential debate, Democratic pollster Stan Greenberg gathered a group of undecided voters in a swing state (this time Colorado) to watch the town hall, polling them before and after to gauge …
Discussion:, The Daily Dish, The New Republic, Firedoglake and Jonathan Martin's Blogs

UTK student David Kernell indicted in Palin e-mail hacking case — David C. Kernell, 20, was indicted by a federal grand jury in Knoxville, Tennessee., for intentionally accessing without authorization the e-mail account of Alaska Governor Sarah Palin. — More details as they develop online and in Thursday's News Sentinel.
Michelle Malkin, The Jawa Report, JammieWearingFool, Hot Air, Patterico's Pontifications, Spin Cycle and No Left Turns

For release at 7:00 a.m. EDT Joint Statement by Central Banks — Throughout the current financial crisis, central banks have engaged in continuous close consultation and have cooperated in unprecedented joint actions such as the provision of liquidity to reduce strains in financial markets.

Signing Off — This reader out-Andies Andy: … Steady on. This next month is going to be a long month. Lots of things will happen. But McCain has to make some of them happen. His charge that Obama doesn't know the difference between “strategy” and “tactics” could equally well be leveled at his own campaign.

Edited SNL subprime video also happens to excise Barney Frank's involvement — Not every comedy sketch on “Saturday Night Live” has to do with Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin. — It just seems that way recently, as The Ticket has reported here and here and here. — But there's an unusual twist this week over another SNL skit.
Show Tracker, Michelle Malkin, JammieWearingFool, Sweetness & Light, Betsy's Page and The Volokh Conspiracy

Campaign shifts back to economic crisis — NASHVILLE, Tenn. — Sens. John McCain and Barack Obama left here with the presidential campaign unavoidably shifted to the topic of economic crisis and onto the electoral terrain of traditionally conservative states.

FIRST THOUGHTS: NOTHING CHANGED — From Chuck Todd, Mark Murray, Domenico Montanaro, and Carrie Dann — NASHVILLE, Tenn. — Part three of the four-part debate series is now over, and the one big conclusion is that nothing changed. And nothing changing isn't a good result for McCain.

Md. Police Put Activists' Names On Terror Lists — The Maryland State Police classified 53 nonviolent activists as terrorists and entered their names and personal information into state and federal databases that track terrorism suspects, the state police chief acknowledged yesterday.
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Housing Pain Gauge: Nearly 1 in 6 Owners ‘Under Water’ — More Defaults and Foreclosures Are Likely as Borrowers With Greater Debt Than Value in Their Homes Are Put in a Tight Spot — The relentless slide in home prices has left nearly one in six U.S. homeowners owing more on a mortgage …

The McCain Resurgence Plan — On a conference call with reporters, McCain policy chief Douglas Holtz-Eakin spelled out how McCain would pay for his plan for the government to buy troubled mortgages and replace when with more favorable fixed-rate mortgages at minimal direct cost to the homeowners.

Obama is Hiding a Radical Past! — Edited and updated at 8:50 p.m. ET. — Did you know that Barack Obama was affiliated with a leading national socialist party? Barack Obama didn't include in his 2008 resume that he entered politics in the mid-1990s endorsed by Chicago's leading socialists.

Nobody's dummy — Liberals underestimate Sarah Palin's vitality and — yes — smarts at their own peril. Plus: Obama's presidential air, Biden's condescending mugging, feminism's lost sisters. — Dear Camille, — I was actually leaning towards Obama before he stated his willingness …

The Debate: Bad Feelings After the Snoozer in Nashville — I have a new story up on last night's debate in Nashville. After it ended, there was serious unhappiness in some quarters of the McCain campaign — not with Barack Obama, but with NBC's Tom Brokaw.

Palin's Kind of Patriotism — Criticizing Sarah Palin is truly shooting fish in a barrel. But given the huge attention she is getting, you can't just ignore what she has to say. And there was one thing she said in the debate with Joe Biden that really sticks in my craw.

Obama has slim 2-point lead on McCain — NASHVILLE, Tennessee (Reuters) - Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama has a slim 2-point lead on Republican rival John McCain in a tight White House race, according to a Reuters/C-SPAN/Zogby poll released on Wednesday.

Obama's Disqualifier — Andy McCarthy's right that it's imperative to attack the premise that Obama's a plausible president. Obama consorted with a terrorist who brags about planting bombs and whose organization planted hundreds of bombs. Some were meant to kill cops. Some were meant to kill soldiers.

The Early Line: Diageo/Hotline Tracking Poll — Obama and McCain are now tied 44-44% among men. Today's Diageo/Hotline poll is the first in which Obama has not led men since he trailed them 46-45% in the survey completed 9/26. — The candidates remained tied on economic issues.