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Why that McCain volunteer's “mutilation” story smells awfully weird; Update: Police to administer polygraph; conflicting evidence at scene — Scroll down for updates..."Police planned to administer a polygraph test to Ashley Todd, 20, because her statements about the attack conflict with evidence …

Woman Attacked At ATM, Assailant Carves Letter Into Her Face
Discussion:, Shakesville, Buck Naked Politics, Power Line, Don Surber, Outside The Beltway, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, Clayton Cramer's BLOG, Wonkette, Comments from Left Field, culturekitchen, Wake up America, American Power,, Spin Cycle, Solomonia, RIGHTWINGSPARKLE, The Corner, Ben Smith's Blogs, The Jawa Report, Fausta's Blog and Riehl World View

Blame game: GOP forms circular firing squad — With despair rising even among many of John McCain's own advisors, influential Republicans inside and outside his campaign are engaged in an intense round of blame-casting and rear-covering—much of it virtually conceding that an Election Day rout is likely.

In McCain's Uphill Battle, Winning Is an Option — MIAMI — Senator John McCain woke Thursday morning to what has become a fairly common greeting in these tough last weeks of his campaign. A raft of polls showing him well behind. Early post-mortems on his candidacy. Even Republicans speaking of him in the past tense.

Palin's Makeup Stylist Fetches Highest Salary in 2-Week Period — Who was the highest paid individual in Senator John McCain's presidential campaign during the first half of October as it headed down the homestretch? — Not Randy Scheunemann, Mr. McCain's chief foreign policy adviser …

Former Bush aide voting for Obama — (CNN) — Scott McClellan, the former White House press secretary who sharply criticized President Bush in his memoir last spring, told CNN Thursday he's voting for Barack Obama. — “From the very beginning I have said I am going to support the candidate …

Barack Obama for President — Hyperbole is the currency of presidential campaigns, but this year the nation's future truly hangs in the balance. — The United States is battered and drifting after eight years of President Bush's failed leadership. He is saddling his successor with two wars …
JustOneMinute, Washington Post, Wake up America, Connecting.the.Dots, PoliGazette, Truthdig and Prairie Weather

McCain for President — WASHINGTON — Contrarian that I am, I'm voting for John McCain. I'm not talking about bucking the polls or the media consensus that it's over before it's over. I'm talking about bucking the rush of wet-fingered conservatives leaping to Barack Obama before they're left …

Former Mass. Gov. William Weld to endorse Obama — SALEM, N.H.—Former Massachusetts Gov. William Weld, a Republican, is endorsing Democrat Barack Obama for president, citing the senator's steady leadership, good judgment and ability to unify Democrats, Republicans and independents.
Ben Smith's Blogs

Sarah Palin talks about wardrobe flap, double standard for women and special education — An exclusive interview: ‘If people only knew how frugal we are’ — PITTSBURGH - Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin insisted in an interview with the Tribune on Thursday that she did not accept $150,000 worth …

Today's Polls, 10/23: McCain on Life Support — This is not the time when John McCain can afford a bad polling day. And yet he's had perhaps his worst one of the year. — The national trackers were essentially a push — three moved toward Obama, two toward McCain, two were flat — but the action today is at the state level.

Group's Tally of New Voters Was Vastly Overstated — On Oct. 6, the community organizing group Acorn and an affiliated charity called Project Vote announced with jubilation that they had registered 1.3 million new voters. But it turns out the claim was a wild exaggeration …

Obama Arrives in Hawaii to Visit Ailing Grandmother — HONOLULU — On a whirlwind trip back to Hawaii, Senator Barack Obama spent more than an hour visiting his ailing grandmother late Thursday and is set to return to her bedside on Friday morning after arriving here on a nine-hour flight …
The Swamp

Runnin' with the Devil — In the first segment of the Great One's program last night, Mark highlighted this article by Thomas Lifson at the American Thinker, describing a clip, recently dug up by the Confederate Yankee site (the clip was also played by Mark), in which the FBI informant …

The Future of Conservatism — BEGIN TRANSCRIPT — RUSH: Linda from unknown parts of upstate New York, hello. — CALLER: Hi, Rush. Upstate New York, western New York. — RUSH: Upstate western New York. — CALLER: Not to be confused with western Pennsylvania. — RUSH: Right.

1995 Obama Race Baiting Video Discovered — It sounds like those first 10 years with Rev. Jeremiah Wright rubbed off on him... Barack Obama slams “white executives” living out in the suburbs who do not want to pay taxes to inner city children" in a 1995 interview:

Religious right group upset over GOP abandonment — The Family Research Council's (FRC) political arm ripped Rep. Tom Cole (R-Okla.) Thursday for withdrawing ad spending on behalf of two endangered Republican candidates. — FRC President Tony Perkins said in a letter to Cole …

THREATENING LETTERS SPARK NEW PROP 8 CONTROVERSY — Last Updated: — A threatening letter has sparked a new controversy here in San Diego surrounding the gay marriage debate. Donors who gave money to the No on Prop 8 campaign say they received blackmail letters demanding money …

Global Markets Plummet on Earnings Fears — PARIS — Stocks plummeted worldwide on Friday, with severe declines in Europe and Asia propelled by dismal corporate earnings and economic data pointing to a profound global slowdown. — Europe's major exchanges opened with falls of around 5 percent that turned quickly into a rout.

McCain surrogate tells Dominican students to prepare for war with Iran in next four years — A Republican charged with representing the views of presidential candidate Sen. John McCain told Dominican University students Thursday that war with Iran in the next four years is inevitable.

Joe McCain Calls 911 To Complain About Traffic — He called the police emergency line because he was angry he was stuck in traffic. — The 911 call came into the City of Alexandria on Oct. 21st That's creating some buzz because it appears to come from Joe McCain, John McCain's brother.
Outside The Beltway, Ben Smith's Blogs, Scholars and Rogues, Maine Politics, The Raw Story and Taylor Marsh

Clerk left letters calling Obama “black Hitler” — FRANKLIN, Ind. (AP) — A Republican county election clerk distributed copies of an apparent chain letter referring to Democratic presidential nominee Barack Obama as a “young, black Adolf Hitler” to two employees but later told police she intended it to be a joke.

Stocks head for sharp decline on recession fears — NEW YORK - Wall Street headed for another precipitous drop Friday as fears of a punishing global recession stirred panic among investors and sent world financial markets into a tailspin. The Dow Jones industrial average futures were down 550 points, the maximum allowed price change.