Top Items:

Shame, Cubed — The Drudge Report this morning led off with a link to audio of Barack Obama on WBEZ, a Chicago public radio station. And this time, Barack Obama was not eight years old when the bomb went off. — Speaking on a call-in radio show in 2001, you can hear Senator Obama say things …
Betsy's Page, The Huffington Post, The Corner, Power Line, Outside The Beltway, Fox News,,, Pajamas Media, Ben Smith's Blogs, The Volokh Conspiracy, Prometheus 6, FOX Forum, BizzyBlog, Runnin' Scared, PrairiePundit, TigerHawk, Fausta's Blog, The Campaign Spot, American Power, Atlas Shrugs, Doug Ross and The Radio Equalizer

Obama in 2001: How to bring about “redistributive change;” Update: Biden decries “mean,” “ugly” questions — Scroll down for updates...Biden whines... The blogosphere is buzzing about this video posted on YouTube Sunday night. It's Barack Obama musing about how best to redistribute wealth …

Justice and Vote Fraud — Lawyers who supervise voting rights are Obama donors. — We've all read a lot about the “politicization” of the Justice Department in recent years, and that political pounding is having an ironic effect. The prosecutors who are supposed to guard against voter fraud …

Smells Like Socialist Spirit; Update: Team O responds — If people thought Joe the Plumber was some kind of stumble for Barack Obama, a rediscovered interview from 2001 should dispel any doubts about Barack Obama's redistributionism. Seven years ago, Obama told Chicago Public Radio …
Don Surber,, Stop The ACLU, Wizbang, protein wisdom, The Other McCain, Verum Serum, Betsy's Page and 24Ahead

Halloween Palin Prop Sparks Controversy In WeHo — WEST HOLLYWOOD (CBS News) ― Sarah Palin is not considered to be a friend of the gay community, but the Republican vice presidential candidate seems to be looming over the West Hollywood Halloween Carnival.
The Moderate Voice, Michelle Malkin, Sweetness & Light, Moonbattery,, Power Line, Sister Toldjah and American Power

McCain Sends Out Team Blather To Change The Subject...Again
Bob Cesca's Goddamn …

'60s leftist William Ayers: Time for GOP to get over it — The man the GOP loves to hate tiptoed out of hiding Sunday - if only to blast Fox News and the rest of the media for his predicament. — William Ayers, the '60s radical who is one of John McCain's talking points in his criticism of Barack Obama …

White people shouldn't be allowed to vote — It's for the good of the country and for those who're bitter for a reason and armed because they're scared. — is editor in chief of the blog — As a lifelong Caucasian, I am beginning to think the time has finally come …

Post-Defeat Planners — ERIC THE READY — House Republican Deputy Whip Eric Cantor has spent the last week making calls to fellow Republican House members he believes will survive next week's election, according to several members who received the call. “He is already lining up support …

Remember the Marne — “My center is giving way. My right is in retreat. Situation excellent. I attack!” — That's the message supposedly sent by General Ferdinand Foch of France to his commanding general, Joseph Joffre, during the crucial First Battle of the Marne in September 1914.

Reuters/Zogby Battleground Surveys: Obama Leads in 6 of 8 States, Most By Very Small Margins — Obama Ahead in FL, MO, NV, NC, OH & VA — UTICA, New York - Reuters/Zogby telephone surveys of eight battleground states show Democrat Barack Obama ahead in six.

The Age of Prosperity Is Over — This administration and Congress will be remembered like Herbert Hoover. — About a year ago Stephen Moore, Peter Tanous and I set about writing a book about our vision for the future entitled “The End of Prosperity.” Little did we know then how appropriate its release would be earlier this month.

Best of the '08 Campaign III: Best National Columnist — In a sense, a presidential campaign provides the ultimate test of the mettle of the political punditry. Does the pundit simply disintegrate into political hackery by reciting the talking points of the campaign to which he is beholden?

McCain Gives Economy Speech in Ohio, Warning Against ‘Dangerous Threesome’ of Democratic Leaders — CLEVELAND, Ohio — Sen. John McCain gave a surprise economic speech this morning, delivering a forceful restatement of his economic proposals and hammering Sen. Barack Obama as a tax-raising liberal.
Early Returns

Gun Sales Thriving In Uncertain Times — Americans have cut back on buying cars, furniture and clothes in a tough economy, but there's one consumer item that's still enjoying healthy sales: guns. Purchases of firearms and ammunition have risen 8 to 10 percent this year, according to state and federal data.

The Widening Gyre — Economic data rarely inspire poetic thoughts. But as I was contemplating the latest set of numbers, I realized that I had William Butler Yeats running through my head: “Turning and turning in the widening gyre / The falcon cannot hear the falconer; / Things fall apart; the center cannot hold.”

The Future Has Arrived: Barack Obama Targets Kids — I saw the future and it was as dark as I was afraid it would be. And with a single click you can see too. — After I wrote about the danger that Sen. Obama's association with people like Bill Ayers poses to the U.S. education …

Stunning results in early voting in California. Smile redstaters — California has begun early voting already as well as mail-in balloting. The number of people who have gone in to vote in person has been extensive. The results so far prove what we had always suspected.
Los Angeles Times, The Strata-Sphere, Marc Ambinder, Outside The Beltway, The Opinionator, QandO, PoliGazette, and TBogg

Europe on the brink of currency crisis meltdown — The crisis in Hungary recalls the heady days of the UK's expulsion from the ERM. — The financial crisis spreading like wildfire across the former Soviet bloc threatens to set off a second and more dangerous banking crisis in Western Europe …

Where Does the Vice President Belong? — THE presidential campaign has taken a detour into a dispute over the constitutional status of the vice presidency. It all started when Sarah Palin asserted in her debate with Joe Biden that the vice president should play an important role in the legislative branch.

Late Upsets Are Rare, but Have Happened — Late front-runners lost the popular vote in 1980 and 2000 — PRINCETON, NJ — There have been only 2 instances in the past 14 elections, from 1952 to 2004, when the presidential candidate ahead in Gallup polling a week or so before the election …
The Swamp