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Internal Battles Divided McCain and Palin Camps — PHOENIX — As a top adviser in Senator John McCain's now-imploded campaign tells the story, it was bad enough that Gov. Sarah Palin of Alaska unwittingly scheduled, and then took, a prank telephone call from a Canadian comedian posing as the president of France.
Commentary, Time, Washington Monthly, MSNBC, Right Wing Nut House, Slate, Daily Kos, Gawker, Eunomia, Bark Bark Woof Woof, Jesus' General, War and Piece, CNN and DownWithTyranny!

Sources: McCain aide fired for ‘trashing’ staff — (CNN) — Randy Scheunemann, a senior foreign policy adviser to John McCain, was fired from the Arizona senator's campaign last week for what one aide called “trashing” the campaign staff, three senior McCain advisers tell CNN.

The McCain campaign's classless cowards; Update: Palin reacts — Scroll down for updates...1:29am Eastern Palin holds press conference in Anchorage after arriving late on her flight from Arizona...refuses to comment on gossip spread by unnamed sources and “small, bitter” people saying …

Operation Leper — RedState is pleased to announce it is engaging in a special project: Operation Leper. — We're tracking down all the people from the McCain campaign now whispering smears against Governor Palin to Carl Cameron and others. Michelle Malkin has the details.

Palin Didn't Know Africa Is A Continent, Says Fox News Reporter (VIDEO) — Read More: 2008 Election, Fox News Reporter On Sarah Palin Video, Palin Africa Video, Palin Fox News Reporter Africa Video, Sarah Palin, Sarah Palin Africa Continent Video, Sarah Palin Didn't Know Africa Continent, Video, Politics News

TRYING TO BURY HER — Part of me thinks I shouldn't be watching …

Dems lower expectations — Democratic leaders are tamping down on expectations for rapid change and trying to signal they will place a calm hand on the nation's tiller. — “The country must be governed from the middle,” House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) said Wednesday.
The Politico, QandO, Jules Crittenden, Hot Air, Hullabaloo, Flopping Aces, Riehl World View and Connecting.the.Dots

GOP in dire straits — Thumped convincingly in consecutive election cycles, the Republican Party now finds itself in its worst straits since the rise of the conservative coalition — a minority party without the White House, fewer seats in the House and Senate, only 21 governors and full control of just 14 state legislatures.

Democrats Win 18 More House Seats — Party Hoped for Gain of 30 but Will Be Close to 259 Seats It Held in 1994 — House Democrats promised an agenda of improving the economy, ending the war in Iraq and expanding access to health care after gaining at least 18 additional seats in Tuesday's elections …
Below The Beltway

Obama Team Shifts to Transition Mode — Bush Extends Invitation, Calls Historic Election ‘Uplifting’ — A day after winning a historic victory that will make him the first black president in the nation's history, Barack Obama remained largely out of public view yesterday while his aides announced …

How the President-Elect Did It — The new voters changed the game. — Intense and gripping, the 2008 election was also historic. The son of a Kenyan immigrant and an American mother has risen to the presidency of history's most powerful nation. Who was not moved by the sight …

‘Impeach Obama’ groups pop up on Facebook … Barack Obama has not even been sworn in yet as the 44th president of the United States but groups are springing up online calling for his impeachment. — On Facebook, an “Impeach Barack Obama” group has attracted more than 700 members …

Obama campaign workers angry over unpaid wages — Updated: — Indianapolis - Lines were long and tempers flared Wednesday not to vote but to get paid for canvassing for Barack Obama. Several hundred people are still waiting to get their pay for last-minute campaigning.
Don Surber

Exclusive: Gibbs will be WH press secretary — Robert Gibbs, a top aide to Sen. Barack Obama (D-Ill.) on his campaign and in his Senate office, will be named the White House press secretary, a top Democratic official said. — Gibbs was usually the senior official on Air Obama, the campaign plane.
The E&P Pub

Exit poll: Black voters back Calif. marriage ban — California's black and Latino voters, who turned out in droves for Barack Obama, provided key support for a state ban on same-sex marriage. Christian, married and older voters also helped give the measure the winning edge, according to exit polls for The Associated Press.

Putin may return to Kremlin in '09: report — MOSCOW (Reuters) - Russian President Dmitry Medvedev could resign from his post in 2009 to pave the way for Vladimir Putin to return to the Kremlin, Vedomosti newspaper reported on Thursday, citing an unidentified source close to the Kremlin.

The Straight-Ticket Youth Vote — As a sidenote to Obama's 66-32 blowout among 18-29 voters, check out how these same voters voted for the House. Not much different: 63-34. — So, in casting an identity politics vote for Barack Obama, a hip young (by political standards) African American …

We Need Sustainable Capitalism — Nature does not do bailouts. — When greeting old friends after a period of absence, Ralph Waldo Emerson used to ask: “What has become clear to you since we last met?” — What is clear to us and many others is that market capitalism has arrived at a critical juncture.

Guy Fawkes Day — Revellers celebrate Guy Fawkes Day. In 1605 Fawkes unsuccessfully attempted to commit the infamous act of terror of blowing up King James I and the Houses of Parliament. — The English, among other talents, are adept at nurturing their grudges.

McCain aide disputes sources, denies firing — (CNN) — In another sign of drama and disarray inside camp McCain, former campaign senior adviser Randy Scheunemann responded late Wednesday to CNN and insisted he was “not fired and never [have] been fired.” — In addition, Michael Goldfarb …
TPM Election Central

For GOP, Boehner and chaos remain — As House Republicans assessed the wreckage after a second consecutive electoral bloodbath, this much was clear: — Members are willing to spare their leader, Ohio Rep. John A. Boehner. His No. 2, Minority Whip Roy Blunt, might not be that lucky …