Top Items:

Cuomo Said to Eye Return of $4 Billion in Early Merrill Bonuses — Jan. 29 (Bloomberg) — New York Attorney General Andrew Cuomo may demand the return of $4 billion in bonuses paid by Merrill Lynch & Co. just before it was acquired by Bank of America Corp., a person familiar with the matter said.

Obama Calls Bonuses ‘Shameful’ as Dodd Vows to Reclaim Money — Jan. 29 (Bloomberg) — President Barack Obama fed a swelling populist revolt against Wall Street bonuses, calling it “shameful” that banks doled out $18.4 billion as taxpayers bail out companies and the U.S. remains mired in a recession.

Giuliani Defends Wall Street Bonuses While Slamming Tax Cuts For The Poor

CHANGE FOR THE WORSE — WASHINGTON - Buried deep inside the massive spending orgy that Democrats jammed through the House this week lie five words that could drastically undo two decades of welfare reforms. — The very heart of the widely applauded Welfare Reform Act of 1996 is a cap …

Health Care Now — The whole world is in recession. But the United States is the only wealthy country in which the economic catastrophe will also be a health care catastrophe — in which millions of people will lose their health insurance along with their jobs, and therefore lose access to essential care.

Democratic Stealth Care — With the nation preoccupied by the financial crisis, Democrats have been quietly working to nationalize health care. — Tom Daschle is still waiting to be confirmed as secretary of health and human services, not that he's in any rush.

Senate Approves Children's Health Bill
MoJoBlog, TalkLeft, Washington Post, The Washington Independent and America's Voice Blog

Obama vs Limbaugh: ‘Adult beverages’ — President Barack Obama should think twice before making too much of the criticism of radio's Rush Limbaugh, Republican Sen. John McCain suggests. — While Limbaugh slams the Obama administration for the “pork” of the president's economic stimulus plan …

Will Opposing the Stimulus Makes Voters See Blue?

Nelson ‘Undecided’ On Recovery Plan: 'I Don't Even Know How Many Democrats Will Vote For It As It Stands' — On Wednesday, when the House voted 244 - 188 to approve the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, 11 Democrats joined with the entire Republican caucus in voting against the bill.

Influential Senate Dem Questions Party Support for Stimulus Bill — Sen. Ben Nelson told FOX News he is unsure how many Democrats will support President Obama's $819 billion economic stimulus bill. — — An influential Senate Democrat said Friday that it's unclear whether …
The Moderate Voice, Think Progress, Power Line, TPMDC, Commentary, Hot Air,, TalkLeft and Don Surber

GOP fights to keep Gregg in the Senate — Republicans in Washington and New Hampshire are mounting a full-court press to keep Sen. Judd Gregg (R-N.H.) in the Senate and out of the Obama administration, aides and senators said Friday. — But if he does take the commerce secretary job …

Time to put middle class front and center — For years, we had a White House that failed to put the middle class front and center in its economic policies. — President Obama has made it clear that is going to change. And it's why he has asked me to lead a task force on the middle class.

Cleaner and Faster — Throughout 2008, Larry Summers, the Harvard economist, built the case for a big but surgical stimulus package. Summers warned that a “poorly provided fiscal stimulus can have worse side effects than the disease that is to be cured.” So his proposal had three clear guidelines.

What “Belongs” In the Stimulus? — I saw Senator Ben Nelson …
Ross Douthat

Steele's victory — Michael Steele makes history as the first black chairman of the Republican National Committee, and as a rare winner — at least in part — of an outside game in what is usually an insider's contest. He won with 91 votes, 6 more than he needed, over South Carolina GOP Chairman Katon Dawson.

U.S. Removes Kashmir From Envoy's Mandate; India Exults — Inside a chandeliered ballroom Thursday, Indian diplomats and business leaders and American officials held forth about a new “Cooperation Triangle” for the United States, China and India. But little mention was made at the Asia …

CLARITY — So we've just had a third vote in the RNC chairmanship race. It's still pretty scattered. But Michael Steele has moved into a clearer lead. But there's also been movement in the direction of South Carolina party chair Katon Dawson. In other words, we might be moving …

Obama Distorts America's Stance on Muslims — Every new president flatters himself that he, kinder and gentler, is beginning the world anew. Yet, when Barack Obama in his inaugural address reached out to Muslims by saying “to the Muslim world, we seek a new way forward …

Official: Blackwater's Iraq deal not to be renewed — Featured Topics: - Barack Obama - Presidential Transition — WASHINGTON - The State Department will not renew Blackwater Worldwide's contract to protect American diplomats in Iraq when it expires in May, a senior U.S. official said Friday.

Monument to Bush shoe-throwing shines at Iraqi orphanage — BAGHDAD, Iraq (CNN) — For the war-beaten orphans of the northern Iraqi city of Tikrit, this big old shoe fits. — A huge sculpture of the footwear hurled at President Bush in December during a trip to Iraq has been unveiled in a ceremony at the Tikrit Orphanage complex.

Former USS Cole commander slams Obama on Guantanamo — The former commander of the USS Cole, the American war ship that was struck by a suicide boat in Yemeni waters more than eight years ago, on Thursday slammed President Barack Obama's orders to close the Guantanamo detention center and reassess the prisoners being held there.

New Jungles Prompt a Debate on Rain Forests — CHILIBRE, Panama — The land where Marta Ortega de Wing raised hundreds of pigs until 10 years ago is being overtaken by galloping jungle — palms, lizards and ants. — Instead of farming, she now shops at the supermarket and her grown children …

IL-Sen: The GOP's best lag behind — Research 2000 for Daily Kos. 1/26-28. Likely voters. MoE 4%, 5% for primary samples (No trendlines) … What can you say? It's early and people aren't ready to make any calls. Given that Rep. Jan Schakowsky and State Treasurer Alexi Giannoulias …

Sticking It to Rahm — We Hate Rahm: Inside the GOP's Obama Revolt by John Batchelor — Blogs and Stories — From their shared loathing of Rahm Emanuel to the insurgency led by the minority leader ("he took us by the throat"), the inside story of why not a single House Republican supported the president's stimulus package.