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GEORGE WILL EMBRACES PALIN-ISM. — There needs to be some sort of Godwin's Law variant for conservatives who try to argue against global warming because they remember that Newsweek dipped into pop-science in the mid-70s and touted “global cooling.” Call it Will's Law, after George Will …

BAD WILL HUNTING.... George Will, who has always presented himself …

THE PARTY THAT LOST ITS MIND — Have you heard about the marsh mouse? The little swamp critter that got $30 million of stimulus bill spending thanks to Nancy Pelosi? Of course you have! The mouse was highlighted on Drudge and chortled over by Glenn Beck. One Republican congressman actually dandled a toy mouse in debate.

“The House GOP Is Back”: Republicans Promote Stimulus Opposition With Aerosmith — Usually, in war and politics, the victor writes the history. In the case of the soon-to-be-signed stimulus package, however, neither side is admitting defeat. — Republicans in the House of Representatives …
Alan Colmes' Liberaland, The Huffington Post, Think Progress, Balloon Juice and Washington Monthly

Is The GOP Hopeless? — David Frum, pulling no punches: … I spent a lot of time during the election just past issuing complaints roughly like this one about the McCain campaign, and the GOP more generally. I've issued fewer over the last few weeks - partially out of exhaustion with the topic …
The Moderate Voice, MyDD, The Huffington Post, US Liberal Politics, Riehl World View and The Corner

STUDY HARDER — I'm not sure what other ways he's going to follow …
Eunomia, Wizbang, Blog, The Washington Independent, TalkLeft and The Plum Line

Justice Dept. to Critique Interrogation Methods Backed by Bush Team — The Justice Department's ethics office is in the final stages of a report that sharply criticizes Bush administration lawyers who wrote legal opinions justifying waterboarding and other harsh interrogation methods …

Exclusive: Lawyer says Rove won't take Fifth — Representatives of the Bush White House are no longer advising former White House Deputy Chief of Staff Karl Rove that he is protected by executive privilege as regards testimony about the alleged political prosecution of an Alabama governor.

Democrats May Be Headed to Showdown With Obama Over Bush Probes

California Struggles to Close a Projected $41 Billion Deficit — LOS ANGELES — The state of California — its deficits ballooning, its lawmakers intransigent and its governor apparently free of allies or influence — appears headed off the fiscal rails. — Since the fall …

Historians rate Lincoln best president, Bush 36th — (CNN) — It's been 145 years since Abraham Lincoln appeared on a ballot, but admiration for the man who saved the union and sparked the end of slavery is as strong as ever, according to a new survey. — Lincoln finished first in a ranking …

Bush: Lincoln's heir? Such is the surprising albeit unintended message …
Moe Lane

Pope Benedict to meet Pelosi — In a move likely to stoke more controversy about whether Catholic politicians who support abortion rights are in line with the church, Pope Benedict XVI has granted an audience to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi. — The Catholic News Agency confirmed Monday that Pelosi …

Right & wrong is not about religion — At least according to most Americans. The full report of the Pew Religious Landscape Survey has some data not available on the website. There is a question of the form: When it comes to questions of right and wrong, which of the following do you look to most for guidance?

Legislature adjourns with no budget; governor prepares to lay off 10,000 — In addition to shutting down public-works projects, Schwarzenegger administration moves toward massive state layoffs as legislators again fail to garner the one GOP vote needed to pass a budget.

Roberts Sets Off Debate on Judicial Experience — For the first time in its history, every member of the United States Supreme Court is a former federal appeals court judge. Chief Justice John G. Roberts Jr., in a lively and surprising talk a couple of weeks ago, said that development may be a good thing.

Hotshot greens caught wasting home heat — A survey of the homes of top environmentalists has found they leak energy — THEY may shout their green credentials from the rooftops, but some of Britain's most prominent environmental champions are living in homes that produce up to half a ton of excess carbon dioxide a year.

From the Boston Tea Party to your neighborhood pork protest — In Schmucky Schumer's world, these American taxpayers don't exist. A big crowd of them gathered in Seattle this afternoon to raise their voices in opposition to the trillion-dollar, pork-filled Generational Theft Act of 2009 …

38% Say Stimulus Plan Will Help Economy — Thirty-eight percent (38%) of voters nationwide believe the $787-billion stimulus plan passed by Congress will help the economy. The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey found that 29% believe the plan will hurt and 24% believe it will have little impact.

Did blabbermouth Feinstein spill secrets? — When reporters asked President Franklin Roosevelt where Lt. Col. Jimmy Doolittle's raiders launched their daring 1942 raid on the Japanese mainland, he puckishly answered, “from our new secret base at Shangri-La.”

Revelations by Senator Are Raising Concerns — CHICAGO — Several Democratic lawmakers from Illinois said Monday that they were troubled by revelations about Roland W. Burris, the state's newest senator and a fellow Democrat. And at least one called for Mr. Burris to come before the state legislature and explain himself.

The economy writ Short, Tall, Grande — To forecast the U.S. economy, look to the rises and falls of Starbucks. Why? If you think about what the coffee chain sells, it starts to make sense. — In the middle of 2006, Starbucks' stock price peaked at $39.63 a share.

Gillibrand removes guns from under bed — Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand (D-N.Y.) has moved the two rifles that she kept under the bed to protect her upstate New York home, her spokesman said Monday. — “Given that the location of the guns has been disclosed, they have been moved for security reasons …
Spin Cycle

Israel launches covert war against Iran — Israel has launched a covert war against Iran as an alternative to direct military strikes against Tehran's nuclear programme, US intelligence sources have revealed. — It is using hitmen, sabotage, front companies and double agents to disrupt …
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