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Tea Party U.S.A.: The movement grows — Seattle on Monday. Denver on Tuesday. Mesa AZ on Wednesday. Overland Park, Kansas today. What a week, huh? We got the anti-stimulus, anti-entitlement protest ball rolling — and now the movement, spurred further by CNBC host Rick Santelli's call for a …

How to Organize Your Own “Tea Party” Protest — The internet is abuzz with chatter about organizing protests around the country to put an end to this madness on Wall Street and Pennsylvania Avenue. But I've talked to many people out there who have never organized a protest, and so they don't have a clue where to begin.
Riehl World View

Obama's hope: ‘Because of what we did’ — “Because of what we did,” President Barack Obama says today, things will get better. He says so, repeatedly. — So this is as good a time as any to ask if the president's good speechwriting is getting in the way of good policy.
The Politico

Obama Pledges to Seek Deficit Cuts — WASHINGTON — President Obama pledged Saturday to look for ways to “cut the trillion-dollar deficit we inherited,” and said he is turning his attention toward restoring discipline to the nation's budget now that he put forth his housing plan and has signed …

Report Finds Guantanamo Prison Meets Standards of Geneva Convention — A Pentagon review of conditions in the Guantanamo Bay military prison has concluded that the treatment of detainees meets the requirements of the Geneva Convention but that prisoners in the highest-security camps …
Political Punch, Pirate's Cove, Stop The ACLU, Jules Crittenden, Power Line and Don Surber

Obama Widens Missile Strikes Inside Pakistan — WASHINGTON — With two missile strikes over the past week, the Obama administration has expanded the covert war run by the Central Intelligence Agency inside Pakistan, attacking a militant network seeking to topple the Pakistani government.

BREITBART.TV TRACKS DOWN TV REPORTER WHO DOCTORED JOHN GIBSON ‘SCROTUM’ AUDIO — John Sanders is the technology reporter for WBAL-TV in Baltimore. He says he made the video on his own for fun. In this interview Sanders says he used an annotation on the video to indicate the Gibson audio had been altered.

Jindal Rejects $90 Million In Recovery Funding That Would Have Benefited 25,000 Louisiana Residents — When President Obama signed the Economic Recovery and Reinvestment Act last week, it included three different provisions to benefit unemployed workers. The first provided funding to states …

The Market Is Shorting Obama's ‘Stimulus’ — President Barack Obama's “stimulus” plan invokes the 1930s fiscal strategy put forward by British economist John Maynard Keynes, who saw capitalism as pretty much spent. Having exhausted their store of innovative ideas, investors curled up.
Cafe Hayek

Activists ‘shocked’ at Clinton stance on China rights — Featured Topics: - Barack Obama - Presidential Transition — WASHINGTON (AFP) - Amnesty International and a pro-Tibet group voiced shock Friday after US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton vowed not to let human rights concerns hinder cooperation with China.

The White House encourages Santelli, on purpose — This is very simple. White House press secretary Robert Gibbs went out of his way today to blast CNBC's Rick Santelli for his “rant” yesterday against Obama's mortgage assistance plan. The early press reaction asks why the White House …
Commentary, Fausta's Blog, Wake up America, Jules Crittenden, Instapundit, Riehl World View and The Politico

British Muslims ‘providing Taliban with electronic devices for roadside bombs’ — British Muslims are providing the Taliban with electronic devices to make roadside bombs for use in attacks against British forces serving in southern Afghanistan, The Telegraph can disclose.

Afghan National Arrested in CA for Ties to al Qaeda [UPDATED & BUMPED: Brother-in-law of bin Laden Security Chief] — *** BUMPED *** Updates at end of post *** — Actually, he wasn't arrested for his ties to al Qaeda. He is being indicted for lying to immigration officers. The lie?
Outside The Beltway

Bill Moyers: The Power of Outing — If it weren't for his Power of Myth series where he introduced Joseph Campbell to a broader audience, Bill Moyers would have contributed little to our national discourse. He has otherwise dedicated his career almost exclusively to destroying Republicans.

Obama nixes plan to tax motorists on mileage — Featured Topics: - Barack Obama - Presidential Transition — WASHINGTON - President Barack Obama on Friday rejected his transportation secretary's suggestion that the administration consider taxing motorists based on how many miles they drive instead of how much gasoline they buy.