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Obama order worries speech groups — Free speech advocates from across the political spectrum are accusing President Barack Obama of impinging on First Amendment rights and are gearing up to take their case public. — At issue is an unprecedented directive that Obama …

White House Debate Led to Plan to Widen Afghan Effort — WASHINGTON — President Obama's plan to widen United States involvement in Afghanistan came after an internal debate in which Vice President Joseph R. Biden Jr. warned against getting into a political and military quagmire …
Liberty Street, ATTACKERMAN, Associated Press, MyDD, Prairie Weather and Outside The Beltway

Text: Obama's Plan For Afghanistan And Pakistan
The Atlanticist, normblog, Washington Post, New York Times, PostPartisan and New York Times

Do New Bulbs Save Energy if They Don't Work? — SAN FRANCISCO — It sounds like such a simple thing to do: buy some new light bulbs, screw them in, save the planet. — But a lot of people these days are finding the new compact fluorescent bulbs anything but simple.
The League of Ordinary …, Bark Bark Woof Woof, Roger Ailes, Room for Debate, Gawker and The Corner

We Did It! — The good guys win! Ayers is out! Because you spoke out, got on the phones and sent the emails, Boston College did the right thing and told unrepentant domestic terrorist Bill Ayers to take a hike. — Here's how the Boston Herald reports it today:
Little Green Footballs

Obama Town Hall Questioners Were Campaign Backers — President Obama has promised to change the way the government does business, but in at least one respect he is taking a page from the Bush playbook, stocking his town hall Thursday with supporters whose soft — though far from planted …

Weeks of Obama's budget sales pitch and support still slips — Now, we know why the White House laid on the immense trans-continental public relations offensive over its immense budget these past two-to-three weeks. — The Gallup Poll did another one this week on President Obama's $3,550,000,000,000 budget …

Weekly Address: Crisis and Service — This week the President dedicates his address to the people of North Dakota, South Dakota, and Minnesota as they face down disastrous flooding. He speaks of what the government is doing, but also stresses that times of crisis like this are reminders …

Police identify 200 children as potential terrorists — Drastic new tactics to prevent school pupils as young as 13 falling into extremism — Two hundred schoolchildren in Britain, some as young as 13, have been identified as potential terrorists by a police scheme that aims to spot youngsters who are …

Bush Torture Lawyers Targeted in Criminal Probe — One of America's NATO allies—which supported the Bush Administration's war on terror by committing its troops to the struggle-has now opened formal criminal inquiries looking into the Bush team's legacy of torture.

Goldman Bailed Out 2 Executives — The financial giant Goldman Sachs spent tens of millions of dollars to bail out two senior executives last fall who were short on cash, according to the bank's proxy statement filed on Friday. — In an unusual move, Goldman bought back stakes …

Cape “tea party” canceled; City fears too many attendees — CAPE CORAL, Fla. - A tea party to protest government spending and taxing is canceled. Canceled by the government. — Why? They feel too many people could show-up. — Lynn Rosko planned to hold a tax payer tea party at Jaycee Park in Cape Coral on April 1st.
Sweetness & Light

CNN in third place in prime time for first time — NEW YORK - CNN is poised to finish March third in the prime-time weeknight ratings behind Fox News Channel and MSNBC, the first time this has ever happened for the channel that pioneered the cable news genre nearly three decades ago.

Building Good Roads — One problem in our transportation policy is that funding is unduly weighted to spending money on roads rather than spending money on mass transit. Another problem in our transportation policy is that funding is unduly weighted to building new roads rather than to doing …

Not Like We Didn't See this Coming — The Economist, which endorsed Barack Obama for president, is not pleased. Empathizing with Hillary Clinton's warning that “the Oval Office is no place for on-the-job-training,” they conclude that his “performance has been weaker than those who endorsed his candidacy …