Top Items:

Federal agency warns of radicals on right — 9-page report sent to police — The Department of Homeland Security is warning law enforcement officials about a rise in “rightwing extremist activity,” saying the economic recession, the election of America's first black president and the return …

Confirmed: The Obama DHS hit job on conservatives is real — Last night, the Liberty Papers posted an unclassified DHS Office of Intelligence and Analysis report titled: — Rightwing Extremism: Current Economic and Political Climate Fueling Resurgence in Radicalization and Recruitment.
Alan Colmes' Liberaland, Think Progress, Fox News, The Liberty Papers, Le·gal In·sur·rec· tion, This ain't Hell …, The Washington Independent, Brilliant at Breakfast, The Strata-Sphere, CBS News, The Huffington Post, The Raw Story, Salon, La Shawn Barber's Corner,, The Hill's Blog Briefing Room, PoliBlog, The Obama Legacy,, Liberal Values, NO QUARTER, The Plank, PoliGazette and

The ultimate reaping of what one sows: right-wing edition — (updated below - Update II) — Right-wing polemicists today are shrieking in self-pitying protest over a new report from the Department of Homeland Security sent to local police forces which warns of growing “right-wing extremist activity.”

Conservatives indict themselves with shrieking over DHS report on right-wing terrorism — My my my. The right, led by Michelle Malkin, is up in arms over the Department of Homeland Security's internal intelligence report on right-wing extremism and its post-Obama resurgence. — Malkin's headline wails:

About That DHS Report on Right-Wing Extremism — Here we go again. — The latest cause for hyperventilation in the right-wing blogosphere is a report from the Department of Homeland Security on the need for vigilance against extreme right-wing groups like Posse Comitatus, militias …

Thousands of dolphins block Somali pirates — Thousands of dolphins blocked the suspected Somali pirate ships when they were trying to attack Chinese merchant ships passing the Gulf of Aden, the China Radio International reported on Monday. — The Chinese merchant ships escorted …
New York Post, Associated Press, La Shawn Barber's Corner, Flopping Aces, Jules Crittenden, neo-neocon and Gawker

American Tea Party Anthem Singer Lloyd Marcus: “This whole thing is Rush Limbaugh's fault.” — From homeless to cause celebre, things are happening fast for the Central Florida singer-songwriter ever since he debuted his now famous “The American Tea Party Anthem” at Orlando's Tea Party three weeks ago.
The Foundry

Even Gillibrand's ballot challenged — This just in from Columbia County: when Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand's absentee ballot came up in the queue, the poll watchers for Jim Tedisco objected to it, saying the senator was in the county on election day and should have voted in person.

Sen. Gillibrand's absentee ballot challenged
Albany Times Union

Paterson Will Introduce Same-Sex Marriage Bill — Gov. David A. Paterson will announce on Thursday plans to introduce legislation to legalize same-sex marriage, according to people with knowledge of the governor's plans. — Mr. Paterson's move, which he first signaled last week …

Staged Military Photo Ops Suddenly Awesome — Back in 2003, the left was astonished and dismayed that George W. Bush got such a warm Thanksgiving welcome from ...

The Case of the Missing Month — I blogged the Goldman Sachs call this morning, starting at 7 a.m. The newest posts are at the top. — 7:50 a.m.| Call Over: The call ended quietly with little additional talk about December. — 7:45 a.m.| How Quickly We Forget …
The Atlantic Business Channel, The Big Picture, Paul Krugman, Hullabaloo, Newsweek Blogs, TPMMuckraker, DealBook and CANNONFIRE

Shuster: If you plan on 'tea bagging all around the country, you're going to need a Dick Armey.' — On MSNBC's Countdown yesterday, David Shuster — filling in for Keith Olbermann — took Fox News to task for so aggressively promoting the right wing's anti-Obama tea parties.

Obama Meets Privately With the Dead — Musicians Phil Lesh and Bob Weir of the band The Dead perform in NYC, March 30, 2009. (Bryan Bedder/Getty Images ) — The surviving (and formerly feuding) members of the Grateful Dead had a secret impromptu meeting Monday evening with the man they credit with reuniting them: President Obama.

ELIOT SPITZER'S WANDERING EYE ON AG — BEHIND Eliot Spitzer's flaccid attempt at re-erecting his public persona is a plan to run for state attorney general in 2010, sources told Page Six. — After launching a column on, and giving interviews to National Public Radio and the …

AND A SPECIAL PIRATE ROUND-UP. — There's an avalanche of piracy related material today. Noah Shachtman has a fabulous rundown of what's wrong with several of the major proposed solutions for fighting piracy. Dave Schuler does pretty much the same bit, and comes to the same conclusions.

“The House Upon a Rock” — The past three months have seem a storm of activity from the White House, with initiatives on housing, the markets, the auto industry, small businesses, international financial cooperation, and job creation through the Recovery Act.

Democracy and Capitalism — I've been thinking a lot lately about the political theory of an independent central bank. A lot of the libertarians I know have deep issues with the activities of the Fed, which have been largely unaccountable to elected officials. — That's a valid critique.
Matthew Yglesias

Virginia Republicans are for [Lesbian] Lovers — Wow- at the official Republican Party of Virginia Youtube channel- look at what video they loaded as a “favorite” on Youtube. — WARNING: DO NOT WATCH VIDEO UNLESS YOU WANT TO SEE SOFT CORE PORN SPONSORED BY THE REPUBLICAN PARTY OF VIRGINIA.

A Portrait of Unauthorized Immigrants in the United States — Unauthorized immigrants living in the United States are more geographically dispersed than in the past and are more likely than either U.S. born residents or legal immigrants to live in a household with a spouse and children.

Barbara Bush to Marry in Maine This Summer? — While Michelle Obama (and that dude she married) have been enjoying the spotlight during their first few months in the White House, I hear a little stardust is about to sprinkle on the previous family to live there. — Summer wedding in Maine, anyone?

National Republicans Get Behind Specter — National Republican Senatorial Committee Chairman John Cornyn released a letter today offering a full-throated endorsement of Sen. Arlen Specter in his coming primary against former congressman Pat Toomey, a decision driven by a concern …

GOP scrambles to show it has ideas — House Republican Whip Eric Cantor — the man Democrats dubbed “Dr. No” — is taking great pains these days to prove he has a raft of ideas of his own. — Stung by the Democratic barbs, the House's No. 2 Republican is unveiling a “Solutions Center” …

Palin's AG Pick Defended KKK Statue, Mocked Offended Student — Sarah Palin's choice for attorney general once wrote a column defending the statue of a KKK figure as an expression of free speech and mocked the psychology of a college student who protested the display.

Burr told family to withdraw everything from bank — Sen. Richard Burr (R-N.C.) says when the financial crisis began he encouraged his wife to withdraw all the cash she possibly could from their local bank. — During a speech on the economy last night, Burr related his immediate reaction the week the crisis began.

THE GOP'S SILENCE ON MN IS DEAFENING — From NBC's Mark Murray — While the Democratic National Committee and Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee released statements last night congratulating Al Franken and ratcheting up the pressure for Norm Coleman to bow out, we haven't heard a peep from national Republicans.
MinnPost, Minnesota Public Radio, Media Matters for America, TPMDC, City Pages, MoJo Blog Posts, mnpACT!, MyDD and The Washington Independent

Bo-bama: First dog has ‘star quality’ — “He's a star,” President Barack Obama said today of the first family's new dog, Bo. “He's got star qualities.” — The Portuguese water dog officially registered as Amigo's New Hope but known to the Obama family as “Bo” certainly drew a sizeable pack …
The Politico

Vatican vetoes Obama ambassador — Caroline Kennedy deemed unacceptable because of abortion views — The Vatican has vetoed three of Barack Obama's potential nominees as US ambassador amid a growing dispute between the White House and the Roman Catholic church over the new administration's support …