Top Items:

Ex-CIA chief: Obama risks national security — WASHINGTON (CNN) — A former head of the CIA slammed President Obama on Sunday for releasing four Bush-era memos, saying the new president has compromised national security. — Michael Hayden, who served as former President Bush's last CIA director …
Making Light

Obama Advisers Challenge G.O.P. to Offer Alternatives — WASHINGTON — Top White House advisers on Sunday challenged Republicans to offer alternatives and not simply criticize administration approaches, as Congress prepared to return from a two-week recess and take up a charged agenda centered on core Obama objectives.
The New Ledger

Transcript: Rahm Emanuel and Rep. John Boehner — White House Chief of Staff and House Republican Minority Leader on “This Week with George Stephanopoulos” Sunday — STEPHANOPOULOS: Good morning and welcome to “This Week.” — More change from Obama. On Cuba.
Crooks and Liars

Axelrod suggests ‘Tea Party’ movement is ‘unhealthy’ — WASHINGTON (CNN) - Senior White House adviser David Axelrod on Sunday suggested the “Tea Party” movement is an “unhealthy” reaction to the tough economic climate facing the country. — Axelrod was asked on CBS's “Face the Nation” …

One protester's handwritten notes from behind the tea party lines — If there's one thing that the folks who work and spend so hard to get to Washington don't like, regardless of their profession or political persuasion, it's thinking that they don't run or know all things in this country …
The Natural Truth

Senator says Obama's appearance with Chavez ‘irresponsible’ — (CNN) - Sen. John Ensign, R-Nevada, told CNN Sunday it was “irresponsible” for President Obama to been seen “laughing and joking” with Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez at the Summit of the Americas on Friday.
Hot Air, Gateway Pundit, MyDD, The Reaction, The Politico, The Swamp and Washington Monthly

Janeane Garofalo on Dissent - Then And Now — Here is a compilation video from 2 different occasions when Janeane Garofalo was on Countdown with Keith Olbercrackhead. Also, for other responses to Garofalo recent comments, go to — Enjoy. — Update: I listened …

Father tries to cash in on daughter's fame — THE poverty-stricken father of Slumdog Millionaire child star Rubina Ali plans to become a millionaire himself-by SELLING his nine-year-old daughter. — In a bid to escape India's real-life slums, Rafiq Qureshi put angel-faced darling …

Why We Should Get Rid of West Point — Want to trim the federal budget and improve the military at the same time? Shut down West Point, Annapolis and the Air Force Academy, and use some of the savings to expand ROTC scholarships. — After covering the U.S. military for nearly two decades …

Bailout overseer draws fire from right — Elizabeth Warren, the Harvard law professor charged by Congress with overseeing trillions in financial rescue funds, has a surprising secret weapon: Dr. Phil. — The outspoken consumer advocate has appeared on Phil McGraw's show twice to talk …
Bookworm Room

U.S.: Palestinians need not recognize Israel as Jewish state before talks — Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's demand that the Palestinians recognize Israel as the state of the Jewish people as a condition for renewing peace talks is unacceptable to the United States …
PoliGazette, Liberty Street, rubber hose, Commentary, Israel Matzav, Atlas Shrugs, Mondoweiss and “friday-lunch-club”

Spitzer in Exile — When your résumé says ‘disgraced ex-governor,’ what do you do next? — Charles Ommanney / Getty Images for Newsweek — 'You're That Guy': Spitzer — From the magazine issue dated Apr 27, 2009 — There is no success so exquisite as the kind you find …

Report: Antarctic Ice Growing, Not Shrinking — Ice is expanding in much of Antarctica, contrary to the widespread public belief that global warming is melting the continental ice cap. — The results of ice-core drilling and sea ice monitoring indicate there is no large-scale melting …

More on Tea Parties and Higher Taxes — I was traveling and away from the Internet for most of last week, and will be traveling and away from the Internet for most of this week. But I did want to note a couple of columns from Bruce Bartlett that I thought had nice raw data on a question …
Jay Bookman