Top Items:

CHENEY: — “One of the things that I find a little bit disturbing about this recent disclosure is they put out the legal memos, the memos that the CIA got from the Office of Legal Counsel, but they didn't put out the memos that showed the success of the effort.

Cheney hits Obama on handshake — Former Vice President Dick Cheney told Fox News Channel's Sean Hannity that President Obama's handshake with Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez “was not helpful” and could lead “foes” of the U.S. to “think they're dealing with a weak president.”

Cheney v. Obama on torture — Former Vice President Cheney last month formally asked the Central Intelligence Agency to de-classify top secret documents he believes show harsh interrogation techniques such as waterboarding helped prevent terrorist attacks against U.S. targets, according to a source familiar with the effort.

History Professor Gingrich Falsely Claims U.S. Presidents Don't ‘Smile And Greet’ Russian Leaders — Yesterday, President Obama shook hands and briefly chatted with Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez, explaining in a press conference afterwards that he was trying to move towards a “more constructive” …

Obama Begins Mocking GOP's National Security Attacks — An interesting, if subtle, shift in Obama's tone: He's taken to openly mocking GOP criticism of his willingness to diplomatically engage hostile foreign leaders. — You saw the new tone on display over the weekend …

THE HANDSHAKE.... It's early Monday, and you know what that means …

Gingrich slams Obama over Chavez
Political Punch, Washington Monthly, The Note, PERRspectives, Taylor Marsh and Hullabaloo

Second Amendment extended — The Constitution's protection of an individual right to have guns for personal use restricts the powers of state and local government as much as it does those of the federal government, the Ninth Circuit Court ruled Monday. The opinion by the three-judge panel can be found here.

Yes, California, There Is an Individual Right to Keep and Bear Arms — Last June, the Supreme Court ruled in District of Columbia v. Heller that the Second Amendment protects an individual's right to keep and bear arms, at least in the home for self-defense.

Miss California: My Sister Is A Gay Rights Activist — Pageants,LGBT,Billy Bush,Celebrities — Her opinions on same-sex marriage may have cost Miss California the Miss USA crown on Sunday night - but in an interview with Billy Bush for “The Billy Bush Show” and Access Hollywood on Monday morning …

Miss California Sparks Furor With Gay Marriage Comments on Miss USA Telecast — Miss North Carolina Kristen Dalton was crowned Miss USA on Sunday, but the big story to come out of the normally politics-free telecast was Miss California's comments regarding gay marriage.
Power Line, Michelle Malkin, The Western Experience, American Power, Gateway Pundit and JammieWearingFool

Delegates walk out on Ahmadinejad at Geneva — Article's topics: Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, Durban 2 — As Iran's President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad called for the eradication of Israel in his address to the United Nations anti-racism conference which — opened its week long event in Geneva on Monday …

PRESS SECRETARY ROBERT GIBBS — MR. GIBBS: We did not do a week ahead last week. I have an exceedingly abbreviated one that I will — I'll narrow it down to the next few days ahead, so as not to fail to meet expectations. — Tomorrow the President will sign national service legislation passed by Congress a few weeks ago.
Washington Monthly

Fiscal Responsibility — The Washington Post reports:
Hot Air, The Palmetto Scoop, The Natural Truth, GayPatriot, Washington Post,, Weekly Standard and Right Wing Nut House

Karl Rove, Twitter Creep — Blogs and Stories — Meghan McCain says we need to take back Twitter from the creepy people—like Karl Rove, “America's Toughest Sheriff,” and the other undesirables who now follow her every Tweet. — Karl Rove follows me on Twitter. That's creepy.

Sources: Chrysler Financial Refused Government Loan Over Limits on Executive Pay — Top officials at Chrysler Financial turned away a $750 million government loan because executives didn't want to abide by new federal limits on pay, sources familiar with the matter say.
Megan McArdle, Portfolio, Emptywheel, AMERICAblog News, The Page, Consumerist and The Washington Independent

SPIN METER: Saving federal money the easy way — SPIN METER: Obama's latest budget-tightening effort hardly makes a dime's worth of difference — WASHINGTON (AP) — Cut a latte or two out of your annual budget and you've just done as much belt-tightening as President Barack Obama asked of his Cabinet on Monday.
RealClearPolitics Video Log, Reuters, Wizbang, Yahoo! News, The Moderate Voice and The Strata-Sphere

Gibbs confirms that torture memo authors are ‘not being held accountable.’ — Yesterday, White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel said that when it came to the Bush administration's illegal torture program, “those who devised the policies...should not be prosecuted.”

Nadler: Impeach Torture Memo Author
Think Progress, The Huffington Post, Calitics, Daily Kos, D-Day, Blog and The Washington Independent

51% View Tea Parties Favorably, Political Class Strongly Disagrees — Fifty-one percent (51%) of Americans have a favorable view of the “tea parties” held nationwide last week, including 32% who say their view of the events is Very favorable. — Thirty-three percent (33%) …
Power Line, Blue Crab Boulevard,, PoliGazette and The Political Inquirer

Big Gov't. Still Viewed as Greater Threat Than Big Business — Democrats' views have changed, now view big business as greater threat — PRINCETON, NJ — Gallup's recent update of its long-standing trend question on whether big business, big labor, or big government will be the biggest threat …

Preference for Hill over Zinni remains a mystery — WASHINGTON (CNN) — Chris Hill is slowly overcoming GOP opposition that has delayed his nomination as U.S. ambassador to Iraq, but it's still unclear why the Obama administration revoked the offer they gave to someone else first — General Anthony Zinni.
Weekly Standard

Treasury Says ‘No Basis’ to Report on Bank Testing — A U.S. Treasury spokesman said there's no basis to a blog posting that buffeted financial stocks by saying that most of the nation's largest banks are insolvent. — Andrew Williams, a Treasury spokesman, dismissed the report from Hal Turner …

Angels & Demons: It's A Thriller, Not A Crusade — William Donohue of the Catholic League is on a mission. Whether it is a “mission from God,” as the Blues Brothers would say, only God knows, but the goal of his mission is clear: to paint me and the movie I directed, Angels & Demons, as anti-Catholic.

The Wail of the 1% — As the privileged class loses its privileges, a collective moan rises from the canyons of Wall Street. — Shortly after 1:30 on the afternoon of March 18, two dozen traders in AIG's financial-products division stepped away from their Bloomberg terminals …
Matthew Yglesias, Washington Monthly, TalkLeft, The Johnsville News, MoJo Blog Posts, DownWithTyranny! and The Impolitic

Coleman appeals to state high court — Norm Coleman has kept his word and filed a notice of petition to appeal his election-contest loss today to the Minnesota Supreme Court (pdfs available here). The former U.S. senator's petition will ask the state's high court to find fault …

The Times Wins 5 Pulitzer Prizes — The New York Times won five Pulitzer Prizes in journalism on Monday, the second-most in its history, for work on subjects as varied as America's wars in Asia, the sudden downfall of a political titan, art from ancient to modern, and a history-making presidential campaign.