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Biden says avoid planes, subways; puts out clarifying statement — Vice President Joe Biden said Thursday that he would not recommend taking any commercial flight or riding in a subway car “at this point” because swine flu virus can spread “in confined places.”
Glenn Thrush's Blog, Radio Iowa, protein wisdom, Michelle Malkin, Right Wing News, The Huffington Post, JustOneMinute, Washington Monthly, The Sundries Shack, Ben Smith's Blog, The Other McCain, The Swamp, Guardian, Jules Crittenden, TigerHawk, Balloon Juice, Wake up America and Political Punch

Biden: Stay Off Subways During Swine Flu Panic — World Health body raises alert to level 5, one notch short of full pandemic — Vice president Joe Biden said today he would tell his family members not to use subways in the U.S. and implied schools should be shuttered as the swine flu outbreak spread …
Commentary, The New Ledger, Hot Air, The Campaign Spot, Moe_Lane's blog, Moe Lane, Democracy in America, Clusterstock, Redhot and NO QUARTER

Scientists see this flu strain as relatively mild — Genetic data indicate this outbreak won't be as deadly as that of 1918, or even the average winter. — As the World Health Organization raised its infectious disease alert level Wednesday and health officials confirmed the first death linked …

Chrysler to file for bankruptcy — Some lenders refuse offer to reduce debt, leading to likely bankruptcy filing. But Chrysler expected to remain in business and complete deal with Fiat. — NEW YORK ( — Chrysler LLC is going to file for bankruptcy, an administration official confirmed to CNN Thursday.

A Primer on a Chrysler Bankruptcy — Chrysler is the first major automaker to file for bankruptcy and attempt to reorganize since Studebaker in 1933. The process can be complicated. Here is a quick look at how it is likely to play out. — Q. Will Chrysler cease to operate?

Administration Official Says Chrysler to Enter Chapter 11; Obama to Speak at Noon

Top Dems rebel on Specter — Senior Senate Democrats are objecting to the deal Majority Leader Harry Reid made with Sen. Arlen Specter, saying they will vote against letting the former Republican shoot to the top of powerful committees after he switches parties.

GOP's Big Names Try to Forge New Agenda
The Fix, Washington Monthly, MyDD, Associated Press, The Hill's Blog Briefing Room, D-Day, No More Mister Nice Blog, CNN and Think Progress

G.O.P. Debate: A Broader Party or a Purer One?
DownWithTyranny!, New York Times, PERRspectives, Sadly, No!, First Draft, The Politico, The Mahablog, AmSpecBlog, DISSENTING JUSTICE, American Power and Time

Condi Rice Pulls A Nixon: When the President Does It, That Means It is Not Illegal — Condoleezza Rice was recently speaking at Stanford when students asked her an excellent question on waterboarding and torture. They have her answer on tape and it isn't pretty. Condi Rice absolutely pulls a Nixon.

Rice Channels Nixon: Since The President Authorized Torture, That Makes It Legal — Recently, former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice spoke with some students at Stanford University, where she is a Senior Fellow at the Hoover Institute. When a student asked whether Rice had authorized torture …

Obama and Churchill — Obama followed Bush last night in using Winston Churchill as his example of a war president: — “I was struck by an article that I was reading the other day talking about the fact that the British during World War II, when London was being bombed to smithereens …

Sarah Palin to Appear on American Chopper — Turns out the hockey mom is also a motorcycle maven. — Alaska Governor Sarah Palin recently welcomed the crew from Orange County Choppers - whose custom motorcycle business is featured on TLC's American Chopper - to Anchorage …
Z on TV,, Michelle Malkin, Moe Lane, The Mudflats, Don Surber and KIKO'S HOUSE

Palin and the bear — Coming soon to a cable TV station near you: TLC just released a YouTube video of a recent interview with Sarah Palin that has an unfortunate image of the Governor relaxing on a bear rug in her office. Seriously: — I've defended Sarah Palin after recent media criticism.

Elizabeth Edwards write about husband's affair in book … Campaign cad John Edwards' cheating ways made his wife, Elizabeth, sick to her stomach - literally. — After the former presidential hopeful confessed his betrayal, Elizabeth Edwards writes in her new book, “I cried and screamed, I went to the bathroom and threw up.”
Fox News, The Note, Alan Colmes' Liberaland, CBS News, Politics Daily, The Swamp, Democracy in America and Raw Story

No Race Gap Seen in '08 Vote Turnout — The historic gap between blacks and whites in voter participation evaporated in last year's presidential race, according to an analysis released today, with black, Hispanic and Asian voters comprising nearly a quarter of the electorate, setting a record.

Gays In The Military Should Be Allowed To Come Out, U.S. Voters Tell Quinnipiac University National Poll; Key Is Belief That Being Gay Is By Choice Or By Birth — The ban on openly gay men and women in the military should be repealed, American voters say 56 - 37 percent, including 50 …

Steele: GOP ‘disingenuous’ criticizing bailouts — RNC chairman Michael Steele says the GOP is being “disingenuous” in blaming Democrats for poor economic performance, since Republicans started the bailout process in the first place. — “Look, we can't go back out and start pointing fingers …
Washington Monthly

Grassley eyes top Republican post on Judiciary Committee — Sen. Chuck Grassley (Iowa) is considering leaving his powerful post as senior Republican on the Finance Committee so that he can become the highest-ranking Republican on the Judiciary panel. — To avoid a dramatic shake-up …
Washington Wire

GOP poll shows Dems have advantage on key issues — WASHINGTON (AP) — Republicans are widely viewed by the public as less competent than Democrats to handle issue ranging from health care to education and energy, according to internal polling presented to top GOP officials in Congress.