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Q & A: ‘Joe the Plumber’ — Samuel Wurzelbacher was launched into the public arena after Senator John McCain used him as an example of an average American during a presidential debate last fall. “Joe the Plumber” quickly became a celebrity because he questioned then-candidate Barack Obama …

Joe The Plumber Slurs Gay People: I Would Never Let “Queers” Near My Children — Joe the Plumber, aka Samuel Wurzelbacher, sat down for an lengthy interview with Christianity Today to discuss his views on the future of the Republican party. Wurzelbacher took the opportunity to speak out against gay marriage, which he says is wrong.

CNN Poll: Generational gap on gay marriage — (CNN) - A new national poll suggests that a majority of Americans oppose legalizing same sex marriages — but there's a vast generational divide on the issue. — Fifty-four percent of people questioned in a CNN/Opinion Research Corporation poll released Monday …

Joe the Plumber: I would never let gay people ‘anywhere near my children.’ — In an interview with Christianity Today, Joe “the Plumber” Wurzelbacher said that calling gay people “queer” “is not like a slur” because homosexuality is “strange and unusual.” He also declared that he would never …

Obama official Kareem Dale confirms White House's love for MSNBC — (UPDATED: A second video has been added below.) — For some inexplicable reason having to do with who knows what, a widespread impression has grown among many politics fans that MSNBC and its crowd of talkers …
Scared Monkeys, Fausta's Blog, TBogg, Weekly Standard, Sister Toldjah and Brutally Honest

Obama Rebuffed on Funds to Close Guantanamo — WASHINGTON — Top House Democrats raised tensions with the White House on a key foreign policy goal, rebuffing a request for funding to begin closing the U.S. prison camp in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. — President Barack Obama has sought $80 million …

When Reporters Rise For The President — Some people noticed that many reporters rose from their seats last Friday when President Obama unexpectedly entered the White House briefing room, but the same courtesy was not always extended in the past when President Bush would make an appearance.
Hot Air

Obey warns Afghanistan funding may slow unless significant progress made — House Appropriations Chairman David Obey (D-Wis.) signaled he might not be so generous in funding the Afghanistan war next year unless significant progress is made — progress that could be difficult to achieve.
The Politico

Hatch: W.H. may reveal name this week — After talking to President Barack Obama on the phone today, Republican Sen. Orrin Hatch says he believes the White House will move swiftly on its Supreme Court nominee, perhaps making an announcement by the end of this week.
The Note, Bloomberg, DownWithTyranny!, New York Times, Washington Post, Associated Press, The Speakers Lobby, The Page, MyDD,, Donklephant, The Swamp, Capitol Briefing and D-Day

For GOP, it's Coleman or bust — Pennsylvania Sen. Arlen Specter's shocking decision last week to become a Democrat has upped the ante in the never-ending Minnesota Senate race, providing a strong incentive for Republicans to hold out until every last appeal is exhausted.

We Can't Subsidize the Banks Forever — Government has to show it can handle major insolvencies. — Printer — Friendly — The results of the government's stress tests on banks, to be released in a few days, will not mark the beginning of the end of the financial crisis.

More Banks Will Need Capital — Stress Tests Identify About Ten; Wells, BofA, Citigroup Face Order to Refill Coffers — WASHINGTON — The U.S. is expected to direct about 10 of the 19 banks undergoing government stress tests to boost their capital, according to several people familiar with the matter …

Obama celebrates Cinco de Mayo a day early — WASHINGTON - President Barack Obama is celebrating Cinco de Mayo a little early. — On the eve of the Mexican holiday, Obama on Monday had an event in the East Room of the White House with Mexico's Ambassador Arturo Sarukhan (sahr-oo-KHAN').

U.S. denies letting troops convert Afghans — KABUL (Reuters) - The U.S. military denied Monday it has allowed soldiers to try to convert Afghans to Christianity, after a television network showed pictures of soldiers with bibles translated into local languages.

Emanuel: Thwarting Iran hinges on Israeli-Palestinian talks — Article's topics: Rahm Emanuel, Iran, AIPAC — Thwarting Iran's nuclear program is conditional on progress in peace negotiations between Israel and the Palestinians, according to White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel.
Pajamas Media, The Hill's Blog Briefing Room, Israel Matzav, Taylor Marsh, Gateway Pundit and The Rhetorican

Murtha's Nephew Got Defense Contracts — Millions in Work Came Without Competition — The headquarters of Murtech, in a low-slung, bland building in a Glen Burnie business park, has its blinds drawn tight and few signs of life. On several days of visits, a handful of cars sit in the parking lot …
Betsy's Page

Is Sarah Palin Snubbing GOP's New Relaunch Effort? — The GOP has launched a major new effort to remake the party and cast it as forward-looking and constructive, but one person may not be all that interested in participating: Alaska Governor Sarah Palin. — Sources in the office of GOP …

Records show appointees gave Perry $5 million — But governor's office says donations are not considered in job assignments — AUSTIN — Gov. Rick Perry has accepted nearly $5 million in political campaign donations from people he appointed to state boards and commissions …

I Like Gloats! — The MSM is sick. John Edwards runs an entire presidential campaign based in large part on his character as shown by his loyalty to his brave, ill wife, etc.—when in reality he's cheating on her, practically setting up a second family—and the press doesn't care (or …

New PA Poll: Specter 42% Toomey 36%, Ridge 39% Specter 38%... 116 Pine Street, Suite 201, Harrisburg, PA 17101 — RIDGE SPECTER A STATISTICAL DEAD HEAT; TOOMEY TRAILS — (Harrisburg) Former Governor Tom Ridge and US Senator Arlen Specter are neck-and-neck across Pennsylvania …

Libertarian Democraphobia — If you're a new-school classical liberal (neoclassical liberal?) like me, you like democracy just fine. This puts you somewhere between (a) modern liberals in the post-Rawlsian vein who tend toward not-actually-very-liberal Rousseuvian romanticism about democracy and …

A VERY WEIRD FORM OF CONSISTENCY. — Not to fill the blog with Arlen Specter related content this morning, but this bit from Meet the Press deserves to be quoted. … The thing about the Wyden-Bennett plan — the aspect that actually makes it different from virtually every other plan on offer …

More Americans Losing Health Insurance Every Day
Associated Press, AFL-CIO NOW BLOG, Matthew Yglesias, Wonk Room and The Democratic Daily